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Joined 1 years ago

As a millennial, I honestly have a lot of respect for Gen Z. I feel like they are slowly but surely figuring out how to stick it to the man and generate awareness of how the big corporations are slimy scum and don't see employees as "People". Go Gen Z!

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Bit of a misleading title. The voyager can still receive commands and send data to earth, the problem is that instead of useful data it just keeps sending repeating code of no use. Not a huge fan of these sensationalized and just blatantly wrong news article titles.

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The real question is why anyone cares? Move on and just enjoy Lemmy. Forget about reddit.

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My God this post is vile 🤣

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Considering how long this game is. Those are seriously impressive numbers. Congratulations Larian on the success of probably my favorite game of all time.

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I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't notice the dick cage until I read about it in the comments. I should probably get some sleep...

Grim Dawn is goated. Not a big ARPG fan but this one just hits different for me. Simple enough for anyone to get into but can get complex enough that min-max theory crafters will have a blast messing with the games systems.

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Have you seen the netflix Castlevania series? I feel like you would like it.

I've actually been attacked on several occasions by brave fan boys when I casually mentioned that I switched to Firefox and loved it. Idk what their deal is but I find it hilarious that all this stuff is coming out about brave recently 🤣

Tbh i wasn't really sure at first. But now that I've built up a pretty good collection of subscriptions to various communities id say I'm totally on board. So far I've been very impressed so I'd like to stay.

Haha I mean that's fair. Although I'm mainly just displeased with the title of the article. Its worded in a way that conveys that we've lost contact with the satellite completely, which is not the case. Just a bit too click baity for my tastes.

I've played both games and tbh I wouldn't really compare them, I like them both individually. Helldivers 2 is a lot more focused on combat and fighting overwhelming hoards of enemies. On higher difficulties sometimes stealth or just running away is the best solution because of how absurd the number of enemies are. Its honestly really fun just trying (sometimes in vain) to thin out enemy numbers while protecting an objective. That being said, everyone gets access to cool down based, very powerful orbital abilities that do everything from calling down powerful support weapons to dropping a 500kg bomb on a bunch of enemies. At the moment there are 2 different enemy factions that require pretty different playstyles to overcome as well. Honestly pretty dope game, check out SkillUp on YouTube for a good review of the game.

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Yeeaaahhh fuck that honestly, its not the responsibility of the customer to pay the employees of a company, that's your boss/HRs job. Tips should be something paid out to someone AFTER they do a service for you that you are satisfied with, not before. Why tf would I pay someone an extra $5 before they do a service for me? There's no obligation for them to do a good job, they already have the money. Case in point, I've ordered from Door Dash before and tipped like $6 bucks, I got my food like an hour and a half later and it was cold. Fuck that shit.

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Almost spit my coffee out god damn was not ready to read that 😂

So what about the stance of not supporting Israel's genocide of Palestinians while condemning Hamas actions. Ever consider that its possible to be against both sides?

Religion is a fucking plauge that only serves to divide people. When has religion ever done the world any good? Its just sad...

I've actually put several hundred hours into div OS 2. Its one of my fav games and the reason I was so excited about BG3. Larian is truly the GOAT.

Or Canada, the way the states operates seems pretty insane to us too tbh.

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Its decent for me. As others have said it's still got a long way to go but it works for what I use it for. I'll likely be sticking around here unless something better pops up or lemmy goes the way of the dinosaurs.

100% agree with this, simply giving a prompt to an artist doesn't give you any leverage as far as copyright goes so why should it for AI?

I share this sentiment and whole heartedly agree. Parents of the current generation need to take steps to make sure their kids are browsing safely and understand the consequences if they don't. Also this comment makes me feel old lol.

Haha damn I'd be in Night City. I'd probably be getting mugged by some gangoons.

Hahah I love this one. Gonna have to use this sometime.

SAME i can't wait for this game. I caved and ended up getting the collectors edition. I hope the statue ends up being good quality.

I feel ya, I'm more and more disappointed with my province every day... 😪

In other news water is wet. Never had any doubt although you can't use science to convince antivaxers because they just don't care about facts or logic.

Well as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Honestly, I think its healthy to takes breaks from the news and social media if world news is getting you down, just focus on the things that you can control in your life.

Ain't no riot like a French riot.

As someone who has played Divinity Original Sin 2 and some of their older titles. You won't be disappointed, BG3 is phenomenal. Interactions between characters has been massively improved that the added animated cut-scenes when speaking to characters gives them significantly more life. I think I still prefer the combat system in DOS2 but I don't hate BG3 combat, it's just different.

I'm honestly curious about the science behind why VR makes some people motion sick. My first time using VR I never got motion sick once and never have since then. And my sister on the other hand got motion sick instantly when she tried it.

Edit: Fixed my atrocious spelling, must've been high or something.

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Damn thats really interesting. I don't have autism myself but have never had issues with VR at any point so I guess I'm just lucky. Apreciate the write up!

k bye

+1 for Baldur's Gate 3. I don't think i have at any point in my life been as grossly invested in a games story for 110 hours straight as I have with Baldur's Gate 3. Truly a marvel of a game.

This made me crack up loudly in the break room 🤣

Right now I'm hard addicted to Remnant 2. Been playing it pretty much every day after work this week. Phenomenal game.

Put a ton of time into this game yeeears ago. Loved it and occasionally come back to it and play some modded. Fantastic game with fun exploration.

Using old phone lines is exactly what I did for my parents house, worked like a charm. Highly recommend if you don't need the phone lines anymore.

The worst part is Seige isn't the only game plagued with this issue. As an example, Destiny 2 has issues where PC players are doing something similar to this instance and getting controller aim assist on M&K. In shooters this kinda stuff really undermines the competitive integrity of said games and is yet another lame tactic for cheaters trying to get an advantage in FPS games.

Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure Call of Duty War zone has also gone on record stating that they created anti cheat for these devices as well.

Idk i personally don't care about Linux and I find there are plenty of active communities that are unrelated to Linux. My method of finding active decent communities is just sorting by most active communities and subscribing to the ones that interest me.

Lol I didn't realize how bad it was until I read your comment, fixed haha.