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Again: The Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund still have active investments in Russia.

Where is the outrage for them?

According to this Norwegian publication in an article published January 31st 2023:

the Norwegian oil fund still holds hundreds of millions worth of shares in petroleum companies like Gazprom, Novatek, Bashneft and Lukoil

Even if the value of their investments lower, they still haven’t pulled out any from Russia. The investments could be worth very little, but they still have something invested in Russia.

Norwegian Government on February 28, 2022, ordered the Oil Fund to freeze all investments in Russia and prepare a plan for divesting with the goal of totally exiting the Russian stock market

What’s stopping them?

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Sounds like someone’s previous policies led to a brain drain in their business and now he’s hoping other employers will blindly follow this rhetoric (and shoot themselves in the foot) so he can poach their employees for his company gain.

I’m fine with billionaires eating each other so we don’t have to.

Vinegar on iOS is also still working perfectly

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Hey I can speak from experience to try and answer this question.

I’ve been taking lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse/Elvanse) since 2017. It has absolutely impacted my sex drive. Though, not in the way most might expect?

So achieving orgasm is actually easier for me (overall) when I’m medicated, but the drive to have sex as frequently as before has decreased. However, I don’t really think it’s by way of the medication actively depressing my sex drive, but rather because it’s no longer necessary for me to seek stimulation by way of having sex.

So, now, it’s easier to go without sex without feeling ravenous. More specifically, I considered myself to have a fairly insatiable sex drive before, but since becoming medicated I now seek it out about half as much.

My partner and I still engage in sex two or three times a week, and sometimes it’s more, rarely it’s less. For contrast, in a previous relationship (prior to diagnosis) my need was to initiate sex every single day.

If my partner initiates, it can take a little time for me to get into the groove, but the desire for sex is still functioning just fine. Maybe the best way I can put it is: ‘I could still eat, I just don’t feel like I’m starving anymore.’

I hope that gives you some insight. I’m happy to clarify or answer more if needed.

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It’s a myth that capitalism alone has lifted people out of poverty. In fact, many nations have fought to implement strong social policies just to try and shield their citizens from its excesses. For every claim of progress, there are countless tales of exploitation, dispossession, and environmental ruin. Saying no system is perfect trivialises the issue. With capitalism, the true cost is often hidden behind the glittering façade of consumerism, at the expense of human dignity, ethics, and our planet’s health.

If Domino’s Pizza can end their presence in Russia, when will the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Didn’t they promise to pull out their 51 investments by February 2022?

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You know what works every time for me against any telemarketer or tele-scammer?

“Excuse me: are you aware that this is a business line?”

Repeat as necessary with appropriate outrage. They always hang up first.

You’ve never seen another human refuse to address a problem affecting them (and others) because the solution could affect their current levels of comfort and habit?

I give them grace. I assess their understanding gently and afford them every opportunity to learn on an accessible level. If they can’t learn from me, then I follow my curiosities and see what I can learn from them.

I remind myself, often, that ‘if I’m in the smartest person in the room, I’m in the wrong room.’

I’m glad my experiences can help!

I’ve no problem sharing gender and body info: I’m cis female.

I definitely went through a bit of a period of questioning when I realised the differences between my pre and post medicated experience. Afaik a lot of newly medicated folk go through a stage of coming to terms with the effects of the medication on their life.

Personally, I felt a lot of grief about ‘what else has changed’ for a little while. Not just in my sexual experiences, but even the need to take medication. There was a lot of internalised able-ism I had to work through as well.

Ultimately, your experience with diagnosis and medication will be your own, but there’s a big community of fellow adhd-ers that can chime in and possibly help support you with whatever you’re experiencing.

There’s always hope. :)

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It generally comes down to convenience of access mixed with some ethical consideration for me personally. Out of print books, textbooks, and history or research titles that are in the hundreds I’m simply not going to buy. I use JSTOR where I can, but will get academic research as I need if it’s not readily available. I tend not to pirate indie publishers for any media if I can help it. Sometimes I do to check it out before I purchase it. I try to support creators wherever I can, whenever I can. I like that options are available, and I don’t think anything should truly be off limits.

I have high hopes for Mlem as it’s developed, but Wefwef is a little smoother imo.

Still trying to find a way to view a full list of the communities that exist on different instances (that I am not signed up to) from within any of the current apps. So whichever implements that, if neither has it already, will win with me.

Same. Three accounts over 11+ years. No logging in since Apollo died. I was a daily user tbh, so it’s probably healthier this way.

According to this Norwegian publication in an article published January 31st 2023:

the Norwegian oil fund still holds hundreds of millions worth of shares in petroleum companies like Gazprom, Novatek, Bashneft and Lukoil

Even if the value of the companies they’ve invested in lowers, they still haven’t pulled out any of their financial investments from Russia. The investments could be worth very little, but they still have something invested in Russia.

Is money more important to Norway than justice?

Norwegian Government on February 28, 2022, ordered the Oil Fund to freeze all investments in Russia and prepare a plan for divesting with the goal of totally exiting the Russian stock market

Why has it taken them much more than a year to even communicate their ‘plan’ to make the divestment happen?

Is Domino’s Pizza really better at handling their finances than the wealthiest pension fund in the world?

Thanks for the kind words! I’m in a much better space these days. :)

I wish you all the ease and abundance possible for your journey forward. <3

The English, Scandinavian and European aristocracy?

Is there a different HMRC for Scotland vs other parts of the UK? Or is there like a different Companies House for England and Wales and Northern Ireland?

It’s pastiche?

Who would collapse?

It sounds like that belief is worth having a look at again.

Plus think of all the EXTRA jobs building the border wall will bring!

Your assertion about the need for unanimous backing in a proletariat revolution is laughably simplistic. And I'll kindly ask you to refrain from making assumptions about my own lived experiences, or anyone else’s for that matter.

Every revolution, every major movement in history, started with the bold few before swelling into unstoppable masses. Afraid of landing in jail? Understandable. But jail cells have a way of creating symbols that ignite larger flames. Ask yourself: can they really jail us all? Every filled cell will magnify our cause, not quell it.

As for the dire consequences you highlight, like ending up on the streets, let's be clear: many are already there, with or without revolution. They've little left to lose and much to gain. And the belief that we’re just trying to care for our families under the current system? It's doing a disservice to those already struggling, trying to protect their loved ones in a world that has been designed against them.

You mentioned "manufactured consent," and that’s spot on. But think deeper: it’s manufactured. Crafted. Made to fit. And anything constructed can be deconstructed, redesigned, or outright obliterated. We aren't simply passive recipients of this design; we're conditioned to believe it's the only one.

So while you’re trapped in a narrative of inevitability and compliance, I see potential. Potential in every oppressed individual who's been underestimated. Strength. Resistance. Evolution. Life has schooled me in the harshest of ways, and I assure you, the lessons stick. We're not just passively surviving this broken system; we’re actively challenging, adapting, and overcoming.

Remember, the heart of humanity isn't so easily suppressed. Before you use words like "literally" again, reflect on this: maybe the real illusion is thinking we're helpless in the face of the chains society has slapped on us.

I’ll leave you with bell hooks: There is an element of play in choice, an exercise of free will. One chooses to live through consciousness, aware and awakened.

Can I still have a go if I change my name to Jeremy Corbyn by deed poll first?

Sure, but now tell me how the richest pension fund in the world, currently valued in the trillions, has such fiduciary obligation that it can’t divest ~$300 million of Russian investments.

Make it make sense.

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I did not. Happy to help!

My original comment (to which you responded) regarding the obligations of Pepsi Co were highlighting a critical comparison between a corporate drinks manufacturer and the pension fund. The Finnish Parliament can do what they like. If they’re doing it because Pepsi Co hasn’t fully pulled out of Russia, and thus Pepsi deserves to be shunned, what does Norway deserve?

If action is mandated for entities that don’t divest from Russia, then it must equally be applicable to all entities where this is true. Otherwise, hypocrisy.

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You seem confused. Let me be clear:

  • I have no criticism for the Finnish Parliament or their choice of soft drink selection.

  • I have no belief that a government office cafeteria is equally as complex as a pension fund.

Now if you’ve made it this far, why are Finland choosing not to support Pepsi? Let’s look to the article:

The Finnish parliament will no longer carry Pepsi products as the American soft drink giant continues to support the Russian economy by continuing its operations in the aggressor country

So, from the article, the Finnish Parliament have taken a stand against Pepsi because Pepsi won’t cease operating in Russia. And Pepsi Co failing to stop their operations in Russia is bad. Right?

Still with me? Great.

Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund also isn’t ceasing their operations (by way of their investments) in Russia.

Again: where is the equivalent outrage? Why isn’t anyone taking a stand against Norway for not divesting? They said they would, but haven’t. The amount is pennies when compared to their other investments. So why are they hanging on to them? Why don’t they do what they said they would? And why isn’t anyone speaking out against them for failing to divest, especially while their former PM is leading NATO?

Hope that helps!

I wonder how many were recently hired to build the border wall?

Have you considered an alternative?

How would the richest sovereign wealth fund in the world pulling out their investments from Russia bring about living in the freezing cold?

It isn’t as if Norway’s fund haven’t already said they would divest. It’s just that they haven’t taken any concrete action on what they promised for more than a year.


Enjoy the debt babes <3

I’m happy to hold your hand.

Let’s begin!

What do you think would accomplish an end to the suffering you feel every day as a consequence of living in America? Fantasy or reasonable.

Just go with your gut.

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Which narrative is that?

What have people historically done when their government exists for the benefit of the aristocracy/oligarchs/billionaires while the people suffer, starve, and drown in poverty?

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Is that question wilful ignorance, or just regular ignorance?

Nice try, but no, your fantasy option is a non-starter: it wouldn’t accomplish an end to your suffering.

Keep thinking. I have faith in you.

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I sure do! Who said anything about Biden’s fault?

It’s your fault, and your peers.

Or perhaps you can tell me why you’ve decided that you’re happy living your life in crippling debt, desperately crossing your fingers for the branches of government to decide that they’ll finally afford you the very smallest crumbs of relief possible.

How much above the FDIC insurance threshold of $250,000 did the individual accounts of Silicon Valley Bank get bailed out for again?

Oh, and how much has been recovered for the $100+ billion balance of PPP loan fraud?


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And you still only got $20k.

Why not 40k?

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And yet all the investments, their value, and what percentage of ownership the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund possess are all publicly available on their website.

If I filter by ‘Russia’, they still show 51 companies. Today. Let’s look at their top five, which you can also view by accessing their own data.

Highest Percentage of Ownership:

  1. Lenta International Co PJSC: 2.25%
  2. Rosseti Centre PJSC: 2.69%
  3. Ufaorgsintez OAO: 0.99%
  4. Segezha Group PJSC: 1.16%
  5. Bank St Petersburg PJSC: 1.76%

Highest Amounts of Investment in NOK:

  1. Gazprom PJSC: 731,368,780
  2. LUKOIL PJSC: 536,571,485
  3. Sberbank of Russia PJSC: 523,299,961
  4. Novatek PJSC: 118,267,597
  5. Surgutneftegas PJSC: 76,130,966

^ these alone = ~$185,140,710 USD.

What fiduciary obligations does a pension fund have that is somehow more complex, important, and forgivable vs obligations belonging to Pepsi Co?

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Let’s break down that January 31, 2023 article once more:

1: The investments in Moscow listed equities dropped from $2.7 billion to a mere $300 million.

It would be laughably naive to think this is purely because they've been 'pulling out' of Russia. By all means, review the article and let me know if it states the exact reason for the decrease in value.

2: By December 31, 2022, Norway still had shares in 51 Russian companies.

It's September 2023. If they were aggressively pulling out, wouldn't they have zero investments by now?

Nice try.

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Paying attention to what?

Oh you mean this:

Biden again rejects $50,000 student loan debt forgiveness plan

It’s really hard to keep track of all the debts Americans have.

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So much for slashing the debt altogether, eh? An excellent production.

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