5 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Some games use it to determine who is player one vs player two. i.e. whoever presses the button first is treated as player 1.

Everything I believed about this company is called into question since they removed the headphone jack.

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It hurts hearing them referred to as a "mechanical keyboard specialist." Running an Ultimate Hacking Keyboard 1.0 these days.

DAE remember Massdrop? lol. Also wonder what this means for their audiophile line?

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Since when is "normies" a problem?

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More fun and hobby related stuff. Lemmy is depressing and hateful AF. Feels like most of the people here are afflicted by "Politics as a Personality". At least on Reddit it is pretty easy to avoid that by only subbing to hobby subs but most of those are dead on Lemmy. I switched to using mostly Reddit on my PC again and just using Lemmy on my phone since there is no good mobile reddit app anymore.

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I wonder if the mom is okay.

Wireless charging is a pretty bad option for a sole charging source though, it is highly inefficient and heats up the phone more than using a wire. My last phone actually had issues from overheating because I used it a lot while on a wireless charging dock.

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I can't wait to play it in three years

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Star Citizen, lmao

In other news, water is wet.

It is exactly as shitty as I expected it to be. Another crappy bethesda game in a long line of garbage. I think the last game from them I truly enjoyed was Morrowind. I don't think New Vegas counts. Fallout 4 was depressing being so close to good. Every moment in that game screams half baked. That quest where you help the robots out with their ship showed me just how possible it was to make the game good, but then it was the only good quests besides maybe the silver shroud one.

I'll never understand how console peeps can justify paying for online access as a necessary thing.

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Transgender person here, please do not use me as an excuse to berate people for refusing to vote Democrat. I'm right in OP's boat on this one.

Why do people assume that brands explicitly endorse everything their ads run next to? Do they think companies are purposely seeking out these bad people to run their ads next to? I never got the whole not wanting your ads next to questionable content thing.

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In this case, the person I was replying to was arguing with a site admin. I would be hesitant to report it for that reason alone.

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We need "Linus Responds to GN Responding to Linus Responding to The Problem with LMG" 🍿

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It is a difficult meme template but when done right the payoff is hilarious. But yeah.

Nothing like Facebook. Signal, Discord, Email, SMS otherwise.

I read that conversation, it was really off putting for me how you were treated. I haven't been able to let go of it since. It definitely impacted how I view the site.

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I've seen a lot of people suggest that Zuck is a more ethical person, which I think is an absolutely ridiculous claim.

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You can order from somewhere else online. Most of Amazon is cheap crap from aliexpress now anyway. They don't even have the best prices most of the time anymore.

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I would love if framework made a phone, they seem to be much more consistent with their mission. Makes me wish I needed a laptop.

Damn, I just bought one of these too XD

Beehaw is the better experience though. I barely use my account.

Hopefully they are as quick to fix this as they were when astronomers complained that the satellites were too bright.

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Fuck meta, that company needs to get the corporate death penalty

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History repeats xombocom

Ubiquiti, an American company.

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Uhg, I wish they would just give the writers and actors what they want already. Dang movie execs.

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That is depressing

Just fuckin stooooopp already JFC

I think the whole thing about megacorps being the problem here is a bit short sighted, I don't think it will be too much longer before anyone can spin up their own LLM. It doesn't exactly take Google levels of resources. I'm as happy to shit on megacorps as the next person here but IP law as it is is BS.

More likely than not any changes made will be to benefit large corporations at the expense of individuals and competition. I'm imagining a world where copyright law has made it so that only big corporations can afford to pay for LLM training data. As if individuals had to pay library book prices for a personal book to train their personal LLM. This desire to "cash in" may just play right into the megacorporation's hand.

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Since when has normies been an incel thing?

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I don't know what 100 hot dogs looks like, and I hope I never find out

It was at night, and there wasn't a single other car in the video snipped they showed, that I could see at least.

A "hey, this conversation is not productive/nice/whatever, please disengage" would have been nice after the conversation was reported. Maybe at most deletion of the offending comments. I don't think further consequences at this point are really appropriate, I doubt a normal user would have gotten much more than that, but an apology would be nice.

I'd rather just forgive and forget than get a forced apology though. To me it felt more like unchecked emotions taking precedence over logic rather than a bad faith argument. At least, I hope that is the case. I'm all too familiar with the stupid shit people say when they are angry. There are things I've said years ago in the heat of a moment and still look back on with regret. I hope that admin could use it as a learning moment instead of quadrupling down.

"Naomi Wu and the Silence That Speaks Volumes" sounds like a harry potter book title. More seriously, this is a damn shame. Always been a big fan.

I need this to be a thing

Nah, having to pay for cosmetics and stuff is just a tiny bit less bad than pay to win.

I would rather pay for the services I use if they don't charge much more than they make off of us in ads, and remove ads entirely. Then advertisers could not control what content I can see. It also adds another barrier between people and the services, look at what happens when a game goes free to play. The quality of the playerbase drops. Trolls might think twice if being banned means they have to pay for a new account.