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Joined 1 years ago

I'm a staff software engineer at Sunrun, the USA's largest residential solar installer.

I mostly work with kotlin, but also java, python, ruby, javascript, typescript. My hobby is picking up new hobbies. Currently bird photography and camping.

Skewed priorities like trying to make sure that Firefox continues to exist even with the massive amount of competition in the browser space and everything being taken over by chromium. Yeah. Definitely skewed priorities.

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Hey, just so you know, this tool is most likely very illegal to use in the USA. Something that your users should be aware of. I don't really have the energy to go into it now, but I'll post what I told my users in the discord:

that is almost definitely against the law in the USA. From what I've read, you have to follow very specific procedures to report CSAM as well as retain the evidence (yes, you actually have to keep the pictures), until the NCMEC tells you you should destroy the data. I've begun the process to sign up (yes you actually have to register with the government as an ICS/ESP) and receive a login for reports.

If you operate a website, and knowingly destroy the evidence without reporting it, you can be jailed. It's quite strange, and it's quite a burden on websites. Funnily enough, if you completely ignore your website, so much so that you don't know that you're hosting CSAM then you are completely protected and have no obligation to report (in the USA at least)

Also, that script is likely to get you even more into trouble because you are knowingly transmitting CSAM to 'other systems', like dbzer0's aihorde cluster. that's pretty dang bad...

here are some sources:

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Well it sure does sound like advertising won doesn’t it. I completely stopped using Google it is so bad now.

Just so you know, companies already use drones for roof surveys. I work for sunrun and we use them to analyze roofs for solar installations and whether roofs need to be fixed before hand.

Or it’s because Tesla is like 60% of the market and their quality is absolute shit.

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By not doing a New Year’s resolution. If you’re going to do something, start now, not in the new year. Leaving it to an arbitrary day when “everyone does something” just gives you an out when you don’t succeed. Just go and do it now. There’s literally no point in waiting and honestly a lot of reasons not to wait.

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Veritasium. As soon as he put out a video with sponsored content where he lied with science I immediately knew he could no longer be trusted. I completely stopped watching his videos that day.

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This article has so many inaccuracies… I haven’t talked with a single person that thinks Reddit shouldn’t charge for api access. And the final comment about being legally obligated to pursue profit is just factually incorrect.

You can find plenty of other sources just like that one saying the same thing. I’m pretty sick of this myth, because it gives all these companies a bogeyman to hide behind.

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I would say it’s more a cautionary tale about how people’s health is often far more important than anything we do in daily life. This focus on deliveries over life is quite worrying

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Candle that never burns out means fire in a vacuum. Pretty powerful stuff.

The United agreement was prompted by an incident in which a passenger died after her custom wheelchair was damaged during a cross-country flight.

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It's also just a huge fallacy. He's saying that people just choose to not write memory safe code, not that writing memory safe code in C/C++ is almost impossible. Just look at NASA's manual for writing safe C++ code. It's insanity. No one except them can write code that's safe and they've stripped out half the language to do so. No matter how hard you try, you're going to let memory bugs through with C/C++, while Rust and other memory safe languages have all but nullified a lot of that.

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Wait so was the hacking live?

My phone rang during the interview. I silenced it and apologized to the interviewer but carried on. After the interview I listened to the voicemail that my old boss had left. "When we offered you the job I had you mixed up with someone else. We hired the wrong person."

They called you and said that because they were being blamed for something on their end and it was going to make them feel better to say you should never have been hired. They didn’t make a mistake, they’re just trying to make themselves feel better. You did fine and you got a good learning experience while you were at it!

So if you read the article the court case actually ended 13 years ago, the judge just never ruled on it. So it’s not even that the evidence is old (I mean it is, but that’s clearly not the reason here). There was a delay in the actual ruling after the case concluded. Really really strange.

God please don’t let him come here. We don’t want him. Send him to Florida please.

Seems like they’re already giving the incompetent superintendent a golden parachute. 500k for getting someone shot.

Just so you know, there are some major security issues on 0.18. That’s why immediately updated. The later bugs on 0.19 we were easily able to work around, while the security issues are major and should be resolved as soon as you can, as it affects every user.

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Cloudflare still has false positives, the NCMEC does not care if they get false positives. If you read some of those links I provided it wouldn't be considered a generic filtering operation, from how I'm reading it at least. I wouldn't take the chance, especially not with running the software on your own hardware in your own house, split from the server.

I think you're not in the US? So it's probably different for your jurisdiction. Just want to make it clear that in the US, from what i've read up on, this would be considered against the law. You are running software to filter for CSAM, so you are obligated to report it. Up to 1 year jail time for not doing so.

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You can also read my post I made for the instance here.

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Doggy doggy hole. Doggy doggy hole!

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Haha this is amazing and ripe for suing the district for a freedom of speech violation. Surprised it didn’t happen but sounds like the kids were just way smarter than the admins in that case.

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KFC and Godzilla, I’m pretty sure they have it perfectly figured out.

I’ve never heard anyone describe discord as a social media platform, cause that’s not what it is. It’s an instant messaging platform.

YouTube. Twitch is cancer. Also you can rewind, start over, etc in the middle of a stream. You’re not going to miss anything.

Ashley is such a great name. You go girl!

Yeah you can do it with any kind of liquid, like soup and shit.

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You’re literally saying the exact opposite of what is happening. The pope literally did bless same sex couples. And numerous other denominations do the same, like Methodism.

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I’m not sure it can get worse than bird watching. Completely free to start. Then you are like “man I wish I could see that bird over there” so you buy some binoculars. Then you think “dang this bird is moving too fast I still can’t identify it, maybe I should try photographing it”. Two months later you’ve spent 10k because bird photography is apparently the most intense kind of photography. Turns out photographing very tiny things that move very fast from very far away is very difficult and the lenses you need start at thousands of dollars and go up to tens of thousands of dollars. That isn’t including the camera body, which you probably want very fast autofocus on, along with bird eye tracking, which hardly comes on any cameras at all.


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Since Google is just trying to get people to use their closed off communication standard (they added a bunch of stuff to RCS and that’s what they want the eu to force Apple to use). And I don’t trust Google with anything anymore, not sure why you would. The killed by Google website is proof enough of that.

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They claimed that other _retailers _ don’t meet the definition, not other online retailers. It’s like saying eBay should be exempt from the law because ford sells more cars than them. It doesn’t really matter how many sales you have, it matters how many online people you serve. I seriously doubt the other retailers have anything close to 45 million monthly active users.

I spent a lot of time and energy doing that years ago and don't want to do it anymore. Mailing lists suck because you're subscribed to a billion things you don't want to hear about. IRC...honestly...the world has just moved past it.

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Same talking points the CPSC used to run ZenMagnets out of business. Guns aren’t too dangerous to keep around kids, but magnets with the boxes absolutely *plastered * with warnings are. No joke, my zen magnets had over ten warnings on each box. All in bright red letters.

And if you go look at the actual evidence you’re gonna see that household chemicals cause way more damage and death than these magnets ever will. I have no clue who has it out for these magnets but they’re absolutely destroying a great stress reliever for what amounts to nothing.

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I tried the trial for two days before I bought in and completely gave up google. Kagi is absolutely amazing and well worth the money, not just because there’s no ads or selling of your data, but because the search results are miles better than any alternative now. I have over 50k searches in my google history and at one point in my career I would average around a hundred searches a day. I know what I need from a search engine and Kagi absolutely gives it to me.

I've been saying this for years. My site only has a few lines of javascript. the rest is pure html and css, and it's very simple.

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You had me at the first part and turned me off at the second.

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Thomas was alone. I’d give it to literally anyone. Imagine a game that makes you cry about a rectangle.

Have you had a cat?

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