2 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 12 months ago
  • Reddit - Shoots itself in the foot while decapitating the other because reasons

  • Twitter - Shoots itself in the foot and decapitates itself

  • Facebook/Instagram/Threads - Huge identity Crisis

  • Telegram - Sells itself out

What a world.

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This is just comedy gold. Like, Republicans have been spending time slashing down voters rights for BLACK PEOPLE and here we are knowing that there are black Republicans. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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He's always Xinnie the Pooh to me

Decided it needed a subscription service.

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Don't care, still won't use out of principle.

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No I'm not because karma doesn't affect your account on Lemmy as it would on Reddit. I can still say and do whatever I want with no restriction because my account isn't tied to karma. Like if I had been downvoted enough, posting would be a pain because of karma limits. But, I'm not weighed down by that so downvotes don't really affect me.

What it does tell me, is just there being a group of spiteful people, presumably from Reddit and maybe a of Lemmy's own. That just have too much time on their hands and again, are toxic people who refuse to see that they themselves are what's toxic but they love to put the blame on anyone else.

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That would be an honest shame. All of this fuss of moving over and for what? Just for that rush of a breeze of not being on Reddit? I wondered how many treated it as that, took a break from Reddit before hopping back onto Reddit expecting things to magically improve during the time they were gone for.

It's still a shitty place, people.

They'll spy on you so long as there is a legal firm or so that is complaining about your pirating habits.

Use. A. VPN. For christ sakes.

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It is not okay to pirate just to resell to others. It is a huge red flag.

I pirate to save money and if industries are going to play hardball on making everything available.

I am using Connect for Lemmy. It is straightforward.

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I'm personally happy to discover that awkwardtheturtle is suspended from r/rant.

I always keep feeling like that bitch is responsible for some of the shit there. Plus, they manage way too many subreddits. As do some other mods still clinging on there.

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Just because one outside source merges with another, doesn't mean you're a founder of the source that you've absorbed to. That'd be like saying Microsoft and Apple merged, so Steve Jobs is a founder of Microsoft. It doesn't work like that. He'd still be considered a founder of Apple.

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Yes it does.

You can't simply comment everywhere. You need certain karma levels to post in select subreddits. That's why people spam so much in AskReddit is to build karma.

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Ah the ol' bundle Windows95 with Internet Explorer trick.

I'm content with 100MBPS myself. It's fast enough to load sites nigh instantaneously. I don't have a lot of hiccups. It downloads things reasonably well.

I would rather be on 100MBPS than the times where, I wasn't. Like I remember dial-up, 33kbps. I remember shitty ass DSL 768kbps. I remember local "broadband" of 1 ~ 5MB.

If I got anything less than 100MBPS, then I'd be discontented. The only way I'd be even more content is probably being on your level or 250MBPS at least. Why would I need gigabit connectivity? It sounds like something I'd need, if I was like a business or having multiple people around. I'm only one person though.

I'm 50/50 on it.

I don't want Lemmy to become too big to the point where it's skirting on becoming the very shithole Reddit currently is.

I'd want Lemmy to at have a healthy amount of clout where it can be it's own thing without pressure.

Instances don't operate like subreddits.

Yeah but nuking the filibuster, if that's what you're referring to, would actually be a horrible idea.

If Democrats are a majority, then they will pass anything unopposed, which would be great. Means progress and getting shit done.

But if we end up with Republican majority, we're going to be in a world of shit, very fast because they'd get the same benefits.

Voting matters. Vote trash out.


People join new thing, find out it's ran by a data farmer who already runs two bigger platforms, then stop using when they know this.

Yes there is. It's called, relying on a trustworthy VPN provider. If you rely on a bad one, like one that has to abide by an eyes system from it's government, then yeah they're going to spy on you.

Only someone like you who does not understand VPNs would say something as shallow as what you said.

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It came from Apple. /s

Man, you're not good at debates. Some simple research can easily disprove your ridiculousness. But, you're too prideful to do that, aren't you? Be gone.

I don't care of the downvotes, I can only guess spiteful little people. Which I am sad to say that I've witnessed and encountered on previous accounts, that are coming here on Lemmy to poison it because they live insufferable lives that they have to go and ruin everyone else's time to make themselves feel better over. But this isn't Reddit where everything is decided upon by the karma system. On Lemmy, there aren't as many powermods for them to run to, so they're at a huge disadvantage.

I'd also agree, we know what's wrong with everything, but we're tired of that carrot on the stick chase.

More lame jokes. This isn't a fucking stand up comedy community, go to Reddit for your unoriginal shit.

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That's a really tired out joke now.

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