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Joined 2 months ago

Combing over it's Wikipedia article, this company already had a series of other issues.

Sucks to anyone who ever relied on them. Oh look at that, they've been acquiring other security startups and companies. Perhaps that should also be looked into as well?

Get a better VP. Otherwise, don't fuck up. If this was Clinton, we would've guaranteed been fucked.

Aside from using the word 'consume'...

I don't like hoarding. I become so isolated from choice that I can't enjoy anything I've ever acquired. I've always gotten what I wanted because I wanted it, not because everyone else has gotten it and not because it's just to take up data on my drives. What I have now currently anyways, will sustain me for days to months and getting more of it will not make it better. It'll just bring oversaturation and I'll be too isolated again to bother.

I just don't think people like me for me and want to be with me because there's something of me and about me that they want to be around with. I can find something to be attracted to with almost anyone, but for some reason, it's the opposite with me.

Not really. It's like with any mass shooter case where the shooter kills themselves. It's frustrating because we'll never know what in their mind, got them to do what they did. So we're all going to be spending lots of time just simply speculating and having hot takes.

He someday fashions himself to be president.

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People around here seem to love old farts despite bitching about how tired they are of old farts running the country.


Trump is never going to jail. For fuck sakes, when will you stop drinking that kool-aid? It's a practical fantasy at this point. If he hadn't gone to jail for two impeachments and so far hasn't gone to jail for the recent convictions - what makes you think he'll ever go to jail now? Get over it.

How's that going to help anything? Right now, we're looking for solutions to improve our society through progressive means. Fighting wars is not the answer regardless if formerly served or actively served.

Yet the people around this instance thinks he's a great VP candidate...

Funny how you're upvoted a lot for mentioning this, but someone else does, then it's a downvote parade.

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Oh, but some of the clueless idiots here think he's a WONDERFUL choice apparently. God damn, people are such fucking morons that don't know anything about the candidates thoroughly. They just saw him as a replacement, got a boner and now will smite anyone critical of it.

Stupid idiotic voters are the bane of our existence every election cycle. We should hold them accountable as much as politicians. Because their stupid decisions fucks us all over.

You're not the strength. You're the fodder.

That is what this country has built itself to be when it comes to migrants. Think they're on your side? Nope.

For every American who isn't working that wants fairer wages and better benefits, in comes an migrant who'll do less so long as they aren't back from where they were when they didn't have the things offered here.

Pfffft, I could have made one but with the infantile reaction you've all taken with potshots, rabid downvoting and everything. Do you guys honestly think you would've taken a rational counterargument? I doubt it. Don't lie to yourselves. For everytime you spam the word 'triggered' or whatever, your actions speak louder than your little words could.

Bunch of entitled manchildren you all are.

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And you're a trolling shitlord yourself.

Bawww, some people in this magazine are funny.

Cwy to the modewators, shitheads. lol

Lol, not reading responses, just insta-blocking. Don't care. Good bye.

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Nah, not going to. Some of the others who have commented have stated their reasons and I sided with them. Perhaps if you've taken at least a minute into my post history while you're downvoting every comment like a little stupid child (hey this isn't Reddit by the way so points don't affect me in the rate I'm posting so ha). You would see what comments I've responded to!

Like mind blowing shit there.

I fucking hate this reality right now.

Like okay, the chances of Harris winning at all is slim enough if barely. Having this prick from what I gathered, will not improve anything.


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