18 Post – 165 Comments
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Out of the 151 breast reductions that were performed in 2019 on American minors, 146 (97 percent) were performed on cisgender males.

The thing is, growing up in an evangelical church they don’t want these people getting breast reduction surgery either. they firmly believe that any change to the body is going against God’s will regardless of the physical or mental harm it may cause.

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JB weld epoxy might be a good choice if you either don’t plan on replacing the screen again, or to recreate the holes and patch the cracks if you pull it all the way apart again. I did it to the back of a tv when the vesa screw mounts ripped and it held for another 5 years.

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That one did oddly enough draw less of a stink, though it did still get whispered about when it suited one’s purpose.

For sure take the case if it’s affordable! It’ll look much nicer afterwards too

This has to do with encryption protocols. Offhand my assumption is either they are trying to be extra cautious as the rules are incredibly complex, or they have a different algorithm included by default that would be subject to those rules.

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For a lot of people, a shocking amount really the law is the closest to morals or empathy they possess. They also seem to spend a lot of time looking for ways to work around said law too

Google calendar events can be synced through the Apple calendar and at least for me by default have reminders set 30 minutes before. I have my account set up through the mail app, but to check this do the following:

Go to Settings -> Calendar -> Accounts -> Gmail. Make sure it’s set to sync your calendar. There’s also the ability to add an account here. Then go back to the calendar app and find an event to check if reminders are set.

at the same time Fox has devoted less attention to the trial itself, it has extended near-blanket coverage to the alternative proceedings taking place in the same location — Trump’s open soliloquies to the press from the courthouse lobby where he lashes enemies inside and out of the courtroom.

Can’t say I’m surprised by this, anything different would just siphon their case viewers elsewhere.

The implied subtext there would pretty clearly be that too many approvals would also cost them their job.

It was a wan show a while back if I remember right (not op), but basically trashed unions and said businesses should do better and vaguely acted like all the employees of the world could just quit and find something better on a whim if things were actually bad where they worked.

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This kind of thing would be much better as text. YouTube to get a list of apps is just dumb.

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GitHub has the option of emailing you on releases etc. by email.

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Question for you: why post here, a community that is largely a help forum and refuse to answer questions from people trying to help? There’s been a few here trying.

Follow up: how can you say they are refusing to replace your deck while also saying you’re still working with them? Which is it?

From the outside looking in it’s clear something isn’t working as expected which happens with tech sometimes. Acting like the only possible option is a device replacement while not answering questions seeking to help really feels like there’s missing info here.

Edit: just looked at you last link and it appears your dock is working now?

It can be an ip address, if you have a static ip. If you’re planning to host this on the open internet and have a dynamic ip (home internet is most likely for this), or static and don’t want to pay for a top level domain you can use a service like for a free address like “”

You can also change this after the initial setup in Nextcloud’s config.php as well as as additional domain names/ip addresses that can reach the server.

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I had this when it was using a cups generic driver on a cannon I think printer. Switching to the manufacturers drivers fixed the issue.

This won’t affect fedora. Fedora is upstream just like centos stream, and nothing they’re currently doing changes those projects. Besides possibly making people more hesitant to bother with rpm packages on GitHub at least

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Interesting how they never say how much real money gold and upvotes are worth to these contributors

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This sounds so bizarre. Assuming the attack wasn’t some stupidly convoluted false flag, Wagner can’t actually be stupid enough to think Putin won’t retaliate, can they?

I’m relearning every day why the phrase “may you live in interesting times” is co soldered a curse :/

install Debian the way you want up through the apps you need. Then it off and use it as a clone to copy for all your setups as needed.

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Honestly wish we could just not use flatpak/snap/appImage/whatever due to the wasted space. I'd really rather use a binary and reuse my shared libraries 90% of the time. The only exception was docker/snap were handy for things like a quick test for nextcould or home assistant. Then again I run mostly FreeBSD nowadays so I'm probably an old man telling kids to get off my lawn at this point.

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You know someone will state that a “common Hamas tactic” any minute now

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One option the board will weigh Wednesday is to move up the entire timeline on charging full fares to the line. Another is to add a 50-cent fare just on beach-bound routes west of downtown; transit authority CEO Brad Miller said he believes that a nominal fare, not payable by cash, would dissuade homeless riders.

They also want it to be a non-cash payable fare. Just to make it harder for homeless people to use the bus.

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I haven’t used windows regularly since windows vista, is there an actual difference between those two version in performance?

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My wife is basically tech illiterate and has 0 desire to ever use something that doesn’t just work out of the box. We’ve moved some of her software to foss (darktable over Lightroom due to their stupid subscription only model) but she’s really only comfortable on a MacBook and even then only after I’ve set the whole thing up and maintain software/os updates.

macOS also sucks for smb file shares so I have a FreeBSD jail that just does xrdp and ssh X-11 forwarding (better color matching for photos this way) and she runs a script disguised as a desktop shortcut to run her apps. The script launches an ssh session and pops up a simple program I wrote that just lists available apps like darkroom. Gives her native file speeds and 0 need to understand anything related to the OS. My rambling point here is unless you set it up so the SO doesn’t need to learn it’s likely to fail and in return you’ll be responsible for all of the maintenance. Unless you’re ok with that it’s probably not a good idea

Damn Small Linux became tiny core linux! it’s still something that’s fun to play around with

Pretty sure it’s to add emphasis. Without it they’d also probably be too bored to finish reading/writing their sentences.

Outside of the kennel a reboot is not necessary you just restart the app/service it’s really not rocket science.

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Austria was the country. There is a few wrinkles here. They found cp on one of the hard drives, they had text logs of him offering to host cp on a server, and in the end he was sentenced to 3 years probation.

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If these supported phones I actually wanted I'd consider it. Even better if they weren't a pain in the ass to install.

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The amount of changes you’d need to make to get Linux to boot on a different partition format and drive would be a lot of work. It would be much faster to install a new copy of Linux to the nvme drive and copy the files from the ssd post install before decommissioning the old drive.

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I see your point about the time it would take to verify the catalog, but there’s plenty of games that are ancient, or just don’t have the player base to justify the testing. In my steam library is Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith. Last updated for at best windows 98, and I doubt it still has the player base to justify a ton of work to verify.

I am struggling to figure out how anyone could be convicted of stalking under this ruling. Some of his texts even involves death threats!

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This honestly still feels premature for a server based OS. I rely on x forwarding and an rdp server for some tasks, and as far as I know Wayland still doesn’t really have support for either of those.

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Focus on simple things first too! I see a ton of people talking (in other threads) about not wanting to deal with the terminal/command line and that is fine. Mint will install/set up hardware without it and includes a software store that will handle everything via the GUI. Once it's installed check the store out and get the apps you want/need.

Then focus on one thing at a time - i.e. pick an app you need you haven't found/setting you really want to change and start googling/asking here for tips/help. Like any OS there will be some differences to get used to but you don't need to learn all at once!

Well didn’t take long just found this in a different post…

T-mobile was doing this in the US but only blocking certain ports when talking to my home server, might try putting it on a non-standard port as well and see if you can access the service then.

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There are non stimulants that aren’t in a shortage, like strattera.

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Antivirus would probably be clamav.

As for policy, selinux would be my first Google.

Software allow lists I’m only going to mention system wide since stopping user space installs or chroots would be your software detection tool that I would be clueless on. System wide I’d look at sudo where you can control exactly what root level commands different users/groups can run.

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Yup. The whole point is to separate/disenfranchise the poor from the rich. Not enough money charged to care, but set up in a way that those who would likely need the bus the most would struggle.