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Joined 1 months ago

I'm glad gen Z is willing to take responsibility for all the cringe millennial slang.

What does this have to do with socialism?

Just wait until you are older. Youll get it.

Lasagna Cat.

Salad Fingers.

Right? What is even the claim supposed to be here? I watched the whole thing. At no point did either of the moderators stick their hand up Trump's ass and work his mouth like a puppet

So I guess that means Trump must have had a secret earpiece. Or maybe a vibrating butt plug.

All viable politics is harm reduction.

Mom, can we get Nazis?

No we have Nazis at home.

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IDK it seems like pretty clear animal abuse to me

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There's a reason why countries with proper transit infrastructure view alcoholism as a novelty.

Words cannot express how fucking weird this is.

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"We taught a lion to eat Tofu"

I mean what a fucking mountain to die on. Bravo to all involved this has been quite entertaining.

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In 2009 I had 13k AMD shares at an average cost basis of $2.12.

I sold them in 2011 for ~$8/share.

Those shares are worth around $1.5M today.

Only twice?

I mean if you think what he does is easy then go to med school. Debt for a medical degree pays back 100x over a 20 year career. If you believe that you can do it, then there is no excuse not to.


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Some of them are also "goldfish voters." These people only engage with whatever political message has been delivered to them most recently. They literally can go from D to R and back again bumper sticker to bumper sticker.

Then there are the obligate ego independents. Their only political belief is that they must vote for both parties some of the time. If they voted D last time then they will probably vote R this time. Because their identity is "independent" so they must manifest that, all reason be damned.

As the movie industry discovered, it's a dice roll in terms of pissing off the censors. Hard to invest millions when something as stupid as a map can get your game banned.

You should have only kicked out the Trumpists.

You haven't seen any of the "genocide Joe" trolls?

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Which is precisely why they will get along with the tankies so well. Both treat the very idea of nuance as an existential threat to the point where everything much be driven by the most extreme degree of moral panic or nothing at all.

Like half the thread, I quit smoking and legitimately feel like it was easy in hindsight. Once I really made up my mind to quit it was not hard. The most difficult part was breaking out of the rituals - smoking in the car, after meals, coffee and a cig...

Honestly I still end up having one every few years when I'm drinking and it's kind of nice, but I will never go back to being a smoker. Unless I ended up dating a smoker, which I would avoid. Unless they were like really hot. Or rich. I could totally fix them either way

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Russia: nuclear terrorism is all we have left.

Millennials: don't threaten us with a good time.

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Radical centrists be like

This show was so good, though I feel like a lot was lost in translation.

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You should out the users and topics they are engaging with.

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Yes, scrolling on a PC should always interact with the scroll bars. There is nothing natural about trying to duplicate touch screen zero order scrolling, and if I'm honest the term feels intentionally confrontational for no reason.

This shit has been the same cycle for literally centuries. When times are good, locals hate tourism. When times are bad, the locals wonder where all the tourists money went.

In these "tourist economy" areas it's easy to miss the fact that even if you don't directly work in the tourist industry, there's a ton of infrastructure and services which get propped up by that industry. I've been on both sides of this, as a local and a tourist, and most of the whining is privileged elitism. Every local knows how to avoid tourists, and every local has also been frustrated by something being closed in the off season. Connect those dots and stop complaining.

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What a weird thing to say


Bruh you are literally a fucking NEET at this point you have nothing to do but make plans.

If Bojack was fighting Italian fascists

Violent crime in rural areas is dramatically underreported because cops don't even take reports for domestic violence unless it requires an ambulance ride.

I would definitely wreck myself over anyone in that family.

Who saw this coming?

Idk, those anime titties are kind of sus looking.

Election 2024: High five vs kick in the nuts

Don't respond if it is mostly "Blue MAGA" and "Genocide Joe"

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That's because I prayed for you. Do not throw away your second chance.

Castrate the unmarried illegal immigrants, for Jesus!

The M stands for beefcake