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Joined 1 years ago

One thing I've noticed: if you land on Google from search around 20% of comments are from now deleted accounts. Try searching "best bike reddit" and see for yourself.

I think the hypothesis that power users are leaving is showing itself to be true.

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I'd say what went wrong was nobody did anything meaningfuk or cared. Nobody put their money where their mouth is and deleted their accounts, and staying off the site for 2 days was too much to ask of >80% of the users.

The Mods closed a few subs but didn't themselves do anything meaningful. They should have let reddit replace them if they actually cared. They should have moved their community to lemmy or kbin. The ones who did sick it out I'm grateful for, the rest cared too much about their own pride to bother trying to keep the admins in check.

Overall the reddit userbase since the pandemic are mostly entitled whiners who don't really give a shit as long as they get their twitter and TikTok reposts. There's literally only one piece of OC on the frontpage of reddit right now. There's not much value to going there anymore.

I'm done with Reddit, and honestly I haven't missed it. My time is now more full of hobbies and actual reading, I'm better off for deleting it.

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Honestly the best case scenario for all involved is the hull shattering and instantly killing them all.

Practically every other outcome is a slow death knowing you’re going to die but can’t do anything about it.

Even if they just came out and said "we don't want third party apps like Apollo anymore, we want one Reddit experience" it would have been at least honest. There would still be an uproar but not ugly like this.

Instead everything Steve has done has been duplicitous and in bad faith. Then he drops that memo and pokes the bear, does a couple rounds of interviews going "I'm so strong, mods are spoiled, I'm like daddy Elon, make me rich".

I genuinely don't know what he thinks he's going to get out of this. He should have just sat this out quietly and let subs go dark until they got bored and alternatives formed and the system fixed itself.

Side note: I've been disgusted watching redditors lick his boots and hate on the mods. In 13 years of using Reddit I only ever got banned from /r/conservative, so I don't get all these people complaining about power tripping mods. That got me to delete all my accounts.

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My gut says this is an effort to make employees feel good after layoffs and protests, but also this looks to be someone to juice the monthly active users metric before an IPO roadshow or fundraising or something.

Ironically /r/place would be a good opportunity to win users to the official app, they probably should have done that before the API price changes to shake the tree of third party apps, so to speak.

Anyways, this is going to be 80% "fuck /u/spez" memes, a German flag, the Apollo logo, and a perfect OSU game logo.

I almost decided to make an account just to participate in the new /r/place, but then I would be supporting Reddit.

I’m just glad they’re streaming on YouTube so I can see the shot show without visiting Reddit and pumping their numbers

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The second golden age of the internet is officially over.

Unfortunately the golden age was just a mirage, it was actually VC funds killing the ecosystem and offering impossible free services for over a decade.

We'll see if the internet can rebuild, but under the weight of spam and regulation and habit and clout chasing I'm not sure.

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I would absolutely think I just got cursed off I had opened the door to see that happen live

Hopefully this gets public services off twitter.

There's no reason my local fire department or mayor should only be accessible by giving a foreign (to me) company my info and money.

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That still makes it impossible for a user to ever delete all their comments, which is the CCPA complaint

Same here. I’ve never seen this on Reddit, the historically most pro-protest site you’ve ever heard of.

I don’t know if this is legitimate users or not, but it made me delete my account in disgust. If the user base has changed that much then I’m truly a frog in boiling water.

I work in tech, this wouldn’t surprise me.

Where there are eyeballs there is spam. People even put spam in the Google Analytics referral field and that’s only ever going to get seen by the site owner.

It really says nothing about the health of the ecosystem, if it’s moderated and not filling the frontpage it’s only an issue for the server admins.

I’ve fought spammers and one alone could create these numbers in a day.

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What’s the name for the artist who made that picture?

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There’s a real irony in naming your submarine after a shipwreck, neglecting all safety devices like the shipwreck, and talking about how the hull was indestructible.

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It was always clear Reddit would not change course.

The real question is whether the fediverse found enough room to germinate and if Reddit's days are numbered.

I'm all in on the fediverse.

Instagram in app browser user agents include your devices resolution and colour info, so I think you’re right on those features.

And for a video app checking if headphones are plugged in is actually useful (Apollo used to deal with this well).

Needing your health days in the permissions though???

I don't think the quality of the front page changed all that much in the last month.

It has long been screenshots of twitter (primarily WhitePeopleTwitter, BlackPeopleTwitter) for years, at least since 2016.

Also short form video is all the rage and Reddit is really pushing it, but that basically means it's just all TikTok re-uploads (or crops of TikTok, or crops of TikTok of crops of Youtube). The new Reddit video player is really mostly screen recordings of things.

The last year or two once Reddit became really really mainstream has had a lot more repost bots though. They basically do two things: farm small subs and repost their content into larger ones, or pull content from the front page from 6+ months ago and repost it (even the top comments are often blatantly reposted). The bots coincide with reddit getting more into ads and mainstream advertisers.

But, there have been prolific reposters like Gallowboob for many many years.

Actual answer, there clearly isn't one ideal body type and that's good for the species. I like the show Physical 100 because it does a good job showing that.

Personal answer: imagine the peak performance of humanity if balls weren't on the outside!

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They totally exist, but the community tends to build around them when it's bad.

Someone posted and it became so clear how reddit had changed in the last 3 years. All my subs have expanded 3-5x in size, and over that same period the quality declined a lot.

Outside of migrating to a new server under load and Beehaw decederating, everything seems to work smoothly for me.

The models are only trained up to 2020, they're not updated with new data but the internal prompt and moderation system are updated to reflect changes in use and moderation escapes.

I kinda like that PullPush needs to find and pay Ivan before arbitration commences. I kinda think Ivan is a random name intended to be unfindable so arbitration never starts.

Not to say Reddit is good, but Blind is the most toxic community I’ve ever seen and it has a very strong filter for bitter employees.

I’d take the discussion there with a grain of salt, though I expect morale at Reddit is pretty terrible right now.

I still check in on my local subreddit, but I don’t participate.

If I hadn’t deleted my accounts, this us what I’d have done.

Go team periwinkle!

Those were always something I looked forward to, after /r/place I don’t even remember any of them.

DDoS usually cost money to run, Lemmy/Kbin are small potatos with no cash to ransom, so there’s not really a point except to troll, in which case users can just spin up more servers and push back on the attacker’s cost/impact.

I do get the sense it would be relatively easy to DoS Lemmy, it doesn’t seem very efficient.

It drives me nuts that I need to drag down twice to adjust screen brightness. It just feels icky to do that second drag, even hiding the brightness slider behind a button would be better.

I don’t like material or material you. They feel confused and they mix layers on top of your content which gets in the way to me. I don’t like the loud colour sections on headers against the stark white content backgrounds, it’s all too much.

Despite fear of sounding snooty, material is bauhaus design without the authentic materials, and the design elements are so focused on purism of being “material” that they forget they could be straightforward.

Elon has transitioned all the coders from MX Blue to MX Red just for this change.

Can you start randomly nest them too?

{{}}{}int foo = bar

That quote grind my gears.

Reddit was profitable, then they took more funding and massively hired.

Profitability is a choice by the executives.

Docker is basically a virtual machine image you write your software in. Then when you run the software you don’t need to worry about compatibility or having the right dependencies installed, it’s all included in the docker image.

Think of Docker as being Nintendo cartridges that you can take to any friends house, plug them in, and play. Servers can run more than one Docker container.

The approach greatly simplifies writing code and having it work on your server, reduces errors, and adds a layer of security.