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Joined 1 years ago

Started reading Atlas a couple of months ago and put it aside after a third or so. I am used to reading "conventionally boring" stuff but this was such a slog. Super sterile, the characters are stereotypical, the message Rand wants to bring across seems awfully clear very early on. It may be the historical context that makes it more interesting, I didn't see it, though. Just couldn't do it.

Reading your comments on this thread is a relief, maybe there is nothing wrong with me after all.

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Yeah I don't know, I remember something about extra super steel in the beginning, where it was kind of like "assertive entrepreneur makes eggheads do the impossible". That is just not how anything in engineering works at all. Was kind of a turn-off for me also.

But I am glad that this stuff made it into a cool train story for you. I like your sentiment.

Serious question: you use it instead of wiping, not in addition to? I have a hard time imagining the bidet would be more sanitary without the use of mechanical force (wiping) and/or soap. Is it really just a jet of water that is supposed to remove any residue, regardless of consistency?

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Yeah I got that impression from the other comments. I might go back to just that part for the hell of it. Seems to be kind of a meme.

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Sacrifice by Shiny.

I still think it is one of the absolutely best games I ever played. Totally unique gameplay, story and overall feel. The world really sucked me in for a long time.

I think didn't get the love it deserved at all. I would be so excited if it ever got remade or a sequel but it seems unlikely.

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I see it this way: federation is unironically a feature, not a bug. What will the platform look like in 5 years? Maybe none of the currently "big" instances will exist anymore, but others will have taken their place. Maybe a rotation of popular instances will be normal (probably not), I don't know. I can always make a new account and move to another instance - I find that beautiful.

I think if you retain the expectation of a monolithic all-in-one network like Reddit is, the Fediverse might not be for you - but for others, it will be right! Federation won't kill Lemmy, it may attract a certain demographic for sure, but again, I see the merit in that.

YES for Sacrifice. This game is a piece of art. I don't get how it was never remade or it never got a sequel. Such a loss...

I played that a lot, also the second and third parts.

I remember starting the first game, I had no clue what to do and I put it aside again. Then I tried again, somehow got over the extremely high entry barrier in terms of difficulty (or so I remember) and I loved it. That feeling when you got your first decent ship or later on stations... It was a wild ride.

Levelized costs of electricity are different from the spot price. Market price doesn't tell you anything about cost efficiency of nuclear (or any other source).

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I agree. If something is sought after that also was on Reddit, it will come up here. No need to force it. I wonder if copy-pasting Reddit subs here would goad people into the same behavior this thread points out many people would like to avoid?

Thanks for the explanation and I hate muck ony hands so that analogy also helps.

I love CRPGs and was excited when I got recommended this game - it got a lot of praise. Unfortunately, I found it to be tedious and overall uninteresting. That wouldn't be worth mentioning if this game wasn't on every top-rpgs-of-all-time list... I honestly don't get it and I am confused.

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Yes I put it there to point out that I enjoyed even more mediocre games like Pillars more than Divinity. Thus my confusion.

There is dozens of us!

I enjoyed both Baldur's Gates, Planescape Torment, Pillars of Eternity, Arcanum, Gothic, I don't know, pretty much RPGs across the board I think.

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I used to give a bit when asked, even when directly asked for "some change for a beer". That was about ten years ago when I was a student and didn't have a lot of money myself.

I have always considered myself lucky having been born into circumstances that allowed me to become financially well-off and healthy, even though my parent aren't wealthy or anything like that.

From this point of view, I always thought giving a little bit away, which I won't even feel, to someone less fortunate than myself, was very reasonable.

And it is absolutely no business of mine to care what someone does with the money I give them. If I gave someone money and expected them to spend it in a certain way, that would be incredibly patronizing. Who am I to judge? If I lived on the street, I would probably try to make my days a bit lighter with a beer or two or three.

Today, it is different. While I earn good money now, I give less, and it is often on my mind why. I like to believe that it is the external circumstances that changed, though. First of all, the sheer quantity of people actively asking me for money, mostly when I am waiting for a train, would mean a more considerable sum of money than I was used to. Secondly, often the people asking are obviously users. For instance, there is a very active open crack scene where I live. This is different from the beer or two, which I to this day never had a problem supporting. It is often not even homeless people but rather people in dire need to support their opiate addiction.

This has become so obvious that I mostly opt out of giving money. Sometimes my gut tells me that this is one of the "good old beggars" or they just cone across as sincere and I give.

To conclude: opiates are hell and I want the good old times back when I did not feel conflicted when supporting less fortunate fellow citizens with a little change.

Steam says I got roughly 25 hours in. I remember that I really wanted to enjoy it, but it didn't come, so I put it away.

Please have a look for statistics that are adjusted for purchasing power, first of all. Then please compare the LCoE of nuclear power to for example wind energy - it's only comparable (and comparably low) because decommissioning and waste disposal is not factored in - you pay for that via taxes. Also, at least in Germany there is the Merit-Order system im place, which artificially creates a price for electricity with the explicit goal to make it more independent of the costs of each individual source. While you are correct that prices have been high (also after adjustment for pp, but not as much), the price shock in recent years was due to gas, for instance, and would have been high even if many nuclear power plants were still on the grid.

I am just saying that things are not as simple as some comments on this thread make them out to be. The statement that nuclear is cheap (it is only if you ignore the expensive part of the costs) because my electricity bill is small is just not reasonable.

I just realized I engage in a discussion on a shitposting community. I guess I am kind of new here.

A time lapse of the history of the universe:

Very minimalistic, but I like the sound and visuals. Just try to tune in and enjoy an existential crisis at the end!

Numbers and vowels have colors for me. 1 white-ish, 2 red, 3 yellow, 4 green, 5 brown, 6 dark red, 7 blue, 8 gold-white, 9 dark green, 0 black, A green, E orange, I white, O black, U brown, Y turquoise. Some consonants "feel" like they have color, but far less pronounced.

Also sounds have colors and shapes but that may just be association.

Edit: does synesthesia qualify as neurodivergence? Am I neurodivergent? What does this mean??