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Joined 1 years ago

I think the correct phrase should be “We can’t govern”.

We are ungovernable makes it sound like this is something that just happened to the GOP

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Continuing to treat him like the law doesn’t apply to him isn’t helping either.

@DrChickenbeer I was on Reddit 17 years ago when all the posts were about Lisp and Python programming. If you asked anyone on the site during any given era, the golden age was when they first understood what the site was about.

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@nifty I have nothing against Ruby and think it’s a nice flexible language. At the peak of RoR though, all the asshats were all over Ruby.

My problem with Ruby wasn’t even RoR, it was with the way the asshats valued creativity “cleverness” which seemed to mean writing code in the most cryptic ways possible. These folks took what should be an expressive language and wrote scripts that rivaled Perl’s worst “read once and never again” scripts.

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No one can stand him? For a lot of us he’s more the face of the Republicans than McCarthy or McConnell

I’m glad we are done with the “We go high” bullshit with someone who flings mud everywhere. We are all covered in mud. Let’s stop pretending we aren’t.

If Trump wants to make fun of Biden falling down when he runs up a flight of stairs, let’s talk about how Trump is incapable of running and more importantly wouldn’t be able to get up again if he were to fall down.

I’m not a Biden fan but I am a realist. If I’ve got to deal with the hand I’m given, I’m going with Biden.

Now how about the media stop hiding how frail Trump is? Can we see him walk up a slight incline without handholds?

Can we see him keep up with other world leaders during a stroll without a gold cart?


Female is an adjective. People who use it as a noun are suspect as fuck.

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Does this mean I can reasonably expect to buy a Chromebook and install vanilla Linux without huge headaches?

There’s always been Linux distros that targeted Mac hardware. There’s got to be something like that for chromebooks, right?

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He’s been a libertarian douchebag as long as he’s been a public figure.



When the House of Representatives voted in February 1974 to give the House Judiciary Committee subpoena power to investigate Nixon, it did not have the weight of public opinion behind it. According to a poll conducted by Gallup just days before the vote, only 38 percent of Americans were in favor of impeachment. And although a solid majority of Americans did eventually come to support impeachment, that moment didn’t arrive until quite late in the game.

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@deleted @justlookingfordragon most people will never make a Reddit account. That’s the typical Reddit user. Those folks will never install the Reddit app.

When Reddit makes a google search like “bicycle review reddit” stop working a huge part of Reddit’s utility will stop existing.

I don’t think spez will rate limit google bots until after Reddit’s IPO.


Jesus, Greene just drags everyone and everything into the gutter.


Is that not what Matrix is? I haven’t been to really understand Matrix so maybe I’m wrong.

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  1. There will be scores of people looking for evidence this new device is doing something Apple has not disclosed. This is how security researchers make a name for themselves.

  2. The engineers on the team building this product will not want to be associated with building something nefarious. These engineers are just regular people. You can find them online and speak with them. They look for jobs at other firms just like we all do. Unless they are being paid so well that they won’t ever have to work again, they can’t ruin their reputations.

  3. If you really believe what this post is purporting, I’ll remind you that you are most likely carrying a device with you every day that has a microphone and internet access. If you aren’t, you are still surrounded by people who are.

The claims this post is making will simply make people tune out or ignore real security concerns.


If you want to avoid Reddit tracking altogether a redlib instance will let you do that\_comments\_are\_full\_of\_bots\_reupload/

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Since people don’t seem to know Bongo Comics, I’d like to point out Radioactive Man

It’s a great comic.

@RothyBuyak is this post trying to get me to root for catastrophic climate change?

I’m all for indigenous sovereignty but we all need to remember settler culture in South Dakota is just different than general American culture.

These people are just natural born dog killers. We need to accept that some people just aren’t like the rest of us.



Here’s a new WebKit based project that may interest you:


Lindsay Graham was never a decent person. I hate Trump but he’s done some amusing stuff over the last few years. Completely making Cruz and Graham debase themselves comes to mind


This article isn’t about nothing. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I do know that there are types of discrimination that aren’t clear from the outside looking in. California in particular has a bunch of newly emigrated Indian residents that may be brining over their old prejudices to the state.

I’m guessing you can’t tell which job applicants are Dalits are which aren’t just from the names of the applicants. There are plenty of people in positions of power who can.


Were you alive during Nixon? I was a baby but I interacted with people Trump’s age when I was a child. I don’t know if it’s the lead in the air back then or what but more than half of all adults seemed terminally stupid. I was a child and I thought they were stupid.

We’ve clearly got a lot of people who think Trump’s smart today but Trump’s brand of gibberish was just considered “common sense” in the 80s. Social media hasn’t made us dumber, it’s just allowed the dumbest people to find each other more easily.

Regarding us all sharing the same facts when Nixon was president, that’s just not true. People lived in a very divided America then as well. Social media and the refinement of propaganda techniques does make things seem more hopeless today but the same Roger Stone who’s fucking things up today was around back then. He was doing exactly what he’s doing today back then.

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Trump will never stop running again. Whether he wins or not

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More like, “you too would like to run up a credit card bill and then refuse to pay”

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@owiseedoubleyou @deleted

Usenet access used to be included by ISPs. It’s been a long time since that was standard. I’m not sure which Usenet providers are worthwhile now.

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For all we know people in GOP-world think Wick is the villain in the series

This is the game I play on my Steamdeck the most. Great for five minutes or 45. I’m at ascension 14 or so.


Mystique, who for years was assumed to have been Nightcrawler’s mother, but was recently revealed to have been his father (X-Men Blue: Origins #1)

This is literally what South Park revealed in season two about Cartman’s father. The person we know as Eric’s mother was actually his father.


@MicroWave @penguinsAreRapists

I assume you know that Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was the prosecutor in the case against the Rosenbergs. He’s named in the Wikipedia article.


I’ve visited South Dakota many times and everyone here is being really judgy.

We can’t judge South Dakotans by the standards of more civilized society. They don’t know any better over there.

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What’s the tool of choice now?

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The PWA works with mobile Safari and the swipe back/forward motion takes you back and forth. Try that with Firefox

@MeetInPotatoes You are giving him too much credit.

@hedge @ag_roberston_author @potpie


Yes, I’m aware of that. This is why I brought up Roger Stone. My point is people aren’t stupider or more insular today; they are actually slightly less so.

The machinery of propaganda is much more refined today.


@DocMcStuffin @xc2215x @sci

I guess Kentucky is one of those states where the governor isn’t required to pick someone from the same party? I’d written Kentucky off so long ago that I haven’t been paying attention.