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Joined 1 years ago

I miss vehicle deathmatch games. Interstate 76, Twisted Metal, Vigitlante 8, probably a few more I don’t remember too.

They all kinda vanished.

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Ooo, long tea!

I’m not sure why you think that’s the case. I use Plex entirely locally and have never had an issue when the internet was out. In fact my modem went kaput last year and I had a solid 2 days without internet connection. Plex didn’t even blink. The only thing I couldn’t access was Actor/Crew individual pages, as those don’t store metadata locally and are fetched on demand by the client.

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So what point are you trying to make with that?

That sony is fully at fault here?

You know what’s nice about Plex? Im not expected to be a free QA for them.

I swear 2/3 of this thread is people saying “Jellyfin is so much better than Plex. You should switch! You just have to do 30 hours of maintenance and another 50 of tweaking and it works almost exactly like the software you already use!!”

so your issue is not that you can’t access the server offline, it’s that you can’t log in while offline?

i have never needed to log in locally since the initial setup. it can also broadcast as a DLNA server which would be trivial to access without authentication.

you’re very opinionated for someone who is totally clueless on the subject.

It absolutely did because I own it

You can’t even spell your username right how the fuck do you expect anyone to take you seriously lol

It was replaced with a different app. That app can watch free content but requires a payment to watch personal media.

The app you purchased is literally just the IAP functionality of the app that exists, which if you are using the same account will be available after clicking “restore purchase.” Nothing. Has. Been. Deprecated.

Do I need to explain how accounts work or do you think you can take it from here?

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i don’t care what he linked article is about, let’s talk about what i think is important…

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👀 Yikes.

A demo has never once sold me on a game, going all the way back to shareware days.

However, I can think of countless times a demo has convinced me not to buy a game.

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You know that product you don’t like and have a fine, working alternative for?

You should do hundreds of hours of volunteer work to use the product you don’t like, that way it’s slightly less inconvenient.

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Okay doomer but my media isn’t going anywhere.

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No the functionality you paid for is still 100% available to you because nothing. has. been. deprecated.

You can download the apk direct from Plex forums. Or from apkpure etc.

For somebody so intent on hating Plex you sure have no fucking idea about them.

You don’t need google and nothing has been deprecated. Any other shit you wanna make up to trash Plex?

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my experience is different so your opinion is wrong

i paid for a lifetime subscription in like 2016 and i still use and install apks downloaded direct from the official forums for the android app on my shield. nothing has been deprecated at all.

you can prefer jellyfin, that’s fine, but making stuff up to scare others is just wildass doomer shit.

it’s a media player. if they go under or get too shitty, i’ll use a different media player. for now, and the foreseeable future, plex is miles ahead of the competition.

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you paid for the app that you still have access to, in what way was that deprecated?

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What’s it like to be so full of yourself you need to be told the same thing 8 times before you hear it lol

I’m amazed you’re ever willing to admit you learned anything. You certainly haven’t learned shit from this conversation, based on your recent comments in other threads.

You don’t get to call things “misconceptions” when you run around yelling them at other people as if they’re the truth. That’s what normal people call a “bald-faced lie.” Especially if you reached your conclusion with zero research or critical thinking.

I see you’ve resorted to straight up insults and making up things to attack my character. Sorry the truth hurt your ego kiddo.

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funny that i’ve got a degoogled shield running the apk locally without any issue but go off please about how im the asshat while you just keep making up shit to trash a product you don’t use or know about.

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i think you just don’t understand what you bought. you bought access to the android app which you still have.

if it isn’t working that’s an issue for support.

nothing. has. been. deprecated.

why do you insist on talking out of your ass instead of doing the tiniest amount of research?

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You’re resorting to ad-hominem attacks because you’ve run out of material to lie about lol

I’m sorry that you think calling out your lies is being an asshat 👌

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What do you want me to say about trackers? What the hell?

This discussion has been about whether or not Plex requires an internet connection and/or google sign in to work. It doesn’t, and that’s obvious now.

I guess you’re butthurt and bored so you gotta keep talking about other shit? I don’t give a fuck about trackers because I run Plex locally and walled off from 99%+ of the internet. It doesn’t affect me. Seems like it really affects you for some reason though.

Other people can do whatever the fuck they want, chief. If they want to expose themselves to tracking online either by choice or by ignorance, that’s their perogative.

You’re welcome to keep trying to start an argument but the clear reality is that you got proven wrong about google and then again about “deprecated” apps and now you’re feisty and looking to prove you’re not a tiny-dick manbaby by bringing up irrelevant points to get some kinda of “gotcha” sucker punch in before you finally stop engaging like you said you were doing 3 replies ago.

Good luck with whatever it is you’re looking for.

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I thought you were done engaging, how have I been an ass? I’ve merely corrected the bullshit you keep making up based on an arbitrary hatred of a media player lol.

I can assure you my shield is not phoning home to any google services. It barely accesses anything on the web, and has a very small whitelist of accessible domains. But whatever man, I thought you were done with this conversation. I’m sure there’s another new thread you can spread fearmongering crap about Plex in.

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lol imagine thinking metrics make a game good.

You’re perfect for middle manglement.

Why do I have to pick new games each month? Cant I just play the same thing I was playing yesterday?

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Oh lol I really don’t want to talk to any of you I just think the phrasing of your title is asinine

I mean this as nicely as possible but if his being able to notice a difference in graphic fidelity is that important to you, you’re either a maladjusted antisocial weirdo, or just an egotistical twat who has to be right 100% of the time

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