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Joined 1 years ago

What does this even mean?

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I wonder how they were caught when they were "using encrypted methods of communication." Also $14k seems like a small amount to risk ruining your life.

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An email client isn't exactly something that's self hosted. But Apple Mail works perfectly fine on iOS and Mac OS. Fastmail has push support too.

Downvotes really shouldn’t be for comments or submissions that you disagree with, but for anything that does not add to the conversation. Reddit started off with this guideline too, but at some point votes turned into agree/disagree.

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OK so what Telegram channels are good to follow here?

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I didn’t think that book lived up to the hype. But maybe I just didn’t get it.

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With Cloudflare as the registrar, you can’t change the name server for the root domain. It locks you in to Cloudflare’s NS.

This is sweet. Now I can upgrade my old Mac! How have I never heard of this before?

not arguing, but what do you use instead (other than your local book store)?

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Studies say creatine supplementation can help reduce the impacts of sleep deprivation. There are also some mushrooms that you can get in supplement form that help get your brain working.

Looking good! What’s your dough recipe?

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I’d argue it’s perfectly fine for beginners with time and desire to learn. The Arch Wiki is a great resource.

Tangential question for people browsing this post: would you recommend a different Linux distribution over Debian and Ubuntu for OP? If so, which one and why?

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Thanks for answering my question. This makes sense.

Anyone remember Fark?

Hey, if you're comfortable and happy with Windows, and don't feel the need to switch, then don't feel pressured. If you want to try Linux for fun, try a distro like Arch, that gives you a lot of control and a lot to play with.

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I agree. I'd say that expressing a viewpoint that derails the conversation and people already know is wrong definitely does not add to the conversation, and should be downvoted.

Thanks! I'm definitely saving this for later. Last couple times I tried to make pizza in my Kamado smoker, the dough came out less fluffy than I wanted, even with some sourdough starter. It was more like bread, and less like pizza. I'll try this next time!

Sublime is quite nice. It’s fast and lean, but also supports LSP plugins, so you get the same language tools as VSCode. I’m also trying out It’s similarly lightweight, but has a lot more built in (with no plugin support). It’s still in beta though, and a little rough around the edges.

Great album

Fair. By similar logic, don’t discredit the whole paid ecosystem, when you’re used to getting something for free. Kagi has no ads, no trackers, and listens to their users. Their search results and feature set is better than DDG.

Sure, if there’s a free trial (Kagi has one). Though if it’s from you, probably not 😉

If you’re not paying for it, you are the product. Don’t knock it til you try it.

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I’ve switched over to a paid search engine, There are no ads and the results are better than DDG.

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nice catch. why is this a "hot" post?

What, to try things before you dismiss them as dumb?

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If you’re not paying for it, you are not the customer, but the product. You most likely fit into the $5 or $10 plan. Here’s the page you’re looking for:

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So why work there in the first place? Why bother with a strike? Quit and work some place with better conditions.

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