15 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My initial Lemmy account is on another instance, and some reactions I have seen to Beehaw defederating it have me... Displeased. Maybe it's because I am an internet grandma who used to use three dozens phpbb forums at the same time, but protecting one's community is entirely fucking okay and the "snowflakes" talk is exhausting.

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Or it becomes mostly unmoderated, near a major election, at the same time as twitter turns into disinfo central.

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I don't feel like that's a fair comparison. Meat consumption has a lot of issues, but the consumer, at the end of the production chain, does not eat his steak with the mindset of "how much more can I make an animal suffer for the lulz, and can we take pliers to it first?". Mostly, they are apathetic or unaware. (Disclosure: I have reduced meat a lot myself but am not entirely out yet and I keep giving myself B12 deficiency.)

I'd compare with much higher in the production chain, the people who devised and enforce inhumane practices.

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I don't. We don't talk. Relatives of mine, including one of my parents, sank into vaccine conspiracies, then followed that pipeline to Qanon, and then explained to me how they were waiting for Trump to lead his secret army to take down the government of my non-english-speaking, european country.

I gave them their keys back, I got my keys backs, I blocked them everywhere, I nuked my accounts on the social media they use (and where their posts steadily got worse). It's a hard decision, I still think about it often still (it's been nearly two years), but I will never talk to them again.

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I think the young feel immune, and that they feel socially progressive news cannot be lies because "that is not what our side does, we have ethics".

It's not true in practice, though. Fake news are used to sow division, and making people angry on both sides is part of it. The far-right, boomer fake news are more obvious because they are outlandish, but there's more than that out there.

I have no fucking clue but it gets tiring...

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Go for it! Time on Stardew Valley is time well spent!

I find the farming sims that have a plotline are easier for me to stop, even if I get obsessed, because you finish the story, befriend everyone... And then there isn't much left to do unless you just want to chill and collect things. At which point you can move to My Time At Portia or any of the hundreds of similar games and start the whole process all over a....... I have issues, don't I?

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It is, and I feel the questions are quite obvious.

That being said... I'm related to conspiracy theorists. I got a first-row seat to their dumbassery on facebook before I deleted my account. And... a significant issue was paywalled articles with clickbait titles, during Covid especially. The title was a doubt-inducing questions, such as "Do vaccines make you magnetic?" and the reasoning disproving that was locked behind the paywall. And my relatives used those as confirmation that their views were true. Because the headlines introduced doubt and the content wasn't readable. That and satire articles.

I fell in love with Submerged when I played it. It's an exploration game set in a flooded city, where you play a young girl looking for supplies for her injured brother. Lots of navigating between buildings in a little boat, climbing around, and taking in the scenery. Incredibly relaxing to play.

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"Victim" is an interesting term, but quite accurate. There's such a an effort and investment into converting people to that cult. I wish you the best with your mother, hopefully the other half of your conversations is more pleasant and eventually overtakes the conspiracy theories.

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As a terminally online millennial, I was scared for a second, but I did okay on the test. Then again, I'm 40 and barely even qualify as 'millennial', and not at all as 'young'.

I found the language of the questions was glaringly obvious. What do you think?

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I am taking supplements, but I need to figure my shit out because I fuck up either on the B12 or iron, each time. My first "bad" B12 deficiency came with some nerve issues and I do not want a repeat of that, it doesn't entirely go away.

My goal is to entirely cut out meat, though. Right now, I don't buy it for home food, but if I'm out with friends or coworkers, I'll get whatever. It's iterative, and as more alternatives become available in public places, I'll get there.

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I have been getting back into webcomics and RSS. Which, you know, works well, because most of hiveworks' comics still have rss. So much amazing stuff to catch up on and then follow forever.

Me and a friend are lazily trying to compile news sites rss feeds into an OPML, too. It's going slow but it keeps us busy.

The immediate aim is to entertain, confuse, and overwhelm the audience, and disinterest in or opposition to fact-checking and accurate reporting means the propaganda can be delivered to the public more quickly than better sources.

Not at all. First of all... Religion isn't a huge thing in my country - or at least not in the area I grew up in - so we never went to church or anything (although my parents went through the motions with the baptisms and such). I did get some catechism and stuff like that, but it was like... "more school".

Later on, religion just never clicked. I was into mythology, so I always got stuck at "Why would THIS god be real and not all of those? They were there before."

That's... That was true for me, I think. I'm old, didn't always have the internet, I trusted books and family.

But I trusted books, which made me a bit of an alien in my family. And then I acquired extreme suspicion of everything when, at the same time, I started paying attention to far-right politics, and my family got sucked into far-right thinking.

Now they went full Qanon, which pretty much radicalized me. Things are so emotionally charged for me now that I have to doubt and cross-check out of sheer and absolute spite. That shit robbed me of my family and I am so, so pissed.

Did anyone here play the original? The video has me really interested, it looks nice, the portraits are gorgeous... Was the psx version good, story wise?

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I just spent ten minutes attempting to remember. I did not remember but, whatever it was, it was "meh".

Podcast addict is both incredibly customizable and feature rich. Absolutely worth trying.

A heating blanket.


  • It's warm and cozy
  • It keeps achy joints happy in the winter
  • It attracts cats


  • Your cat will claim it and you will feel guilty taking it back

Summer in Mara was so cute!

Have you tried Ankora: Lost Days and Stories of Mara, too? They're on my list and I'm curious about other people's opinions!

Thanks for this. I'll freely admit I'm an idiot and didn't feel smart enough to understand the paper (see username). Clarification is much welcome.

I added the link to the paper to the body of the post.

Rounding error :)

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Then I am happy for you

I remember it pretty much that way too, but not recently and not at a department store. Heck, I just browsed through commemorative euro coins (no dice) because I felt it was somehow connected to Europe in the nineties...

Honest questions: What worthwhile alternatives exist already? If there are none, what can be done? What can be built to improve discoverability of authors while moderating what is visible?

Thank you for the great reply. It sounds right up my alley. As for the voice acting, if Japanese is included, I'm likely to pick that audio :)

Not yet! I just grabbed the second one, actually, can't wait to play it!

I forgot about RF! I got high recommendations for those games back before they were on steam, and they looked exactly like my thing.

I just threw them all on my steam wishwatchlist since there should be sales soon.

Oh gosh, it's so cute. I'll keep an eye out for it when rummaging for used 3DS games.

With my track record at killing even cacti, I am going to suck at this game. It does sound interesting, though (and "great story" is enough to make me face the rice farming).

It definitely sounds unique, which is exactly was I was hoping for when I made the post! Thank you!

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Duly noted! Thanks for the advice!

Graveyard Keeper is a really good game (the DLCs vary in quality, but still worth playing imho). I liked the dark humor and err, questionable morality. The NPCs are terrible people and I loved it. It was quite refreshing after playing mostly wholesome games!

I'm with you on the time investment. Getting started in it is brutal, with most of what you can sell being near worthless at first (and, if I remember well, prices drop when you sell too much of something? It's been a while). It takes time and effort to get yourself established, which makes it very satisfying!

(I also ended up drowning in stuff. Once you get the collection of resources going, it doesn't stop.)

Try disabling javascript on the page to get past the paywall, works for me.

I'm a heartless monster who forgot about my brother so I could sit in my boat and gawk at my surroundings at sunset. Mileage may vary.

It does have moments that stressed me out, but since I spent so much time exploring and taking screenshots, they're not what left the strongest memory.

You just saved me from future explosions.

Thank you! The encouragement sure helps

Congratulations to you on getting there ♥

I feel like the pendulum swings on the cruelty (at least in areas of the world we pay attention to...), while the damage caused by human civilization just keeps growing and growing. And it's definitely easier for the scum to coordinate through the internet, but also to recruit and infiltrate minds.

I'm just sitting here being nihilistic, "Après moi, le déluge" about everything, and listening to my "collapse" playlist. The relatives I used to love went full Qanon, so I only have my cat to worry about, now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hollow knight. The gameplay, the smoothness of the controls, but also the universe, the atmosphere, the fantastic music. Absolutely wonderful game.

more like a Final Fantasy game with farming elements inside it

To be honest, sitting here with 2500h logged on FFXIV and 250+ on every FF I played... It's not a downside to me at all.

Rune Factory 4 is on my list of things to buy. Your rec echoes what I heard from a friend who loves it as much as you do, and someone else on lemmy reminded me of it just last week. I'll probably grab it during the next steam sale if the price drops. Any tips for a newbie?

I'm so glad for the comeback of the company, it's great when that happens!

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