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Joined 8 months ago

Is it possible to build a minimal image for my home server without gnome etc? Thank you!

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Lucky Patcher patches the odex files, not the apk. I could not figure out if it's possible to tranfer odex files to a different phone.


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Setters and Getters?

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Using a de-bloated Ubuntu reminds me of my time on Windows - had to use a bunch of tools to disable all kind of sh*t. Not doing this again, Ubuntu will never be a choice for me.

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If you're already on linux there is no need to install special tools. Simply copy the iso directly to the USB device.

dd if=distribution.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync

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Could have been avoided by more guns /s

Why? Just why?

I'll translate "almost snap free" for you: It's still using snap for some stuff that wouldn't work without snap. Avoid Ubuntu.

Debian + Flatpak for Gaming (Steam, Heroic Mangohud, etc.)

Why would a package called "masterpdfcreator" overwrite the x conf? I don't think the AUR packages have anything to do with the problem.

So what is a better paradigm in your opinion?

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Don't use startx to start X, use the display manager: systemctl restart lightdm

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30 character password + fail2ban after one failed attempt. Why not?

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LMDE is Debian with Cinnamon (including the xapps). If you use LMDE with KDE you are basically using plain debian (except for some weirdly replaced packages like "adduser" and libpolkit).

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Problem with Joplin: The raw files are randomly named so you can't easily find a specific note

I'm on Manjaro since 5 years and don't have any lags or "odd discrepancies" with the AUR (AMD setup, xanmod kernel). The general antipathy towards Manjaro on is not justified IMHO.

I appreciate you sticking to your word, but this is just stupid. Petition to change it to something sane

It's not rolling, but you will automatically receive cinnamon updates over the mint repository. For gaming and latest software you can use flatpak.

It highly depends on your requirements.

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I''m using Lutris to play games on Epic:

  • Create a new wine/proton prefix
  • Put the epic launcher installer on C:, set it as the exe to run in the Lutris settings, run it and install.
  • Change the executable to the exe of the installed epic launcher. Run the launcher, install and play your game.

I'm using a separate wine/proton prefix for each game. This allows to appy custom proton settings and workarounds per game. The epic launcher is about 250mb so it doesn't waste that much disk space.

Create a sudo rule which allows the user to run only this exact command: "sudo docker restart mycontainer"

Get a mainboard and CPU supporting ECC ram. Combine it with ZFS as the file system. With this setup you are safe from bitrot.

The cp command will write the ISO file directly onto the device. This is the official way that is recommended by Debian:

cp debian.iso /dev/sdX


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You can do it. Don't stop believing that everything will get better. Sending hugs!

No, its based on Debian 12 (bookworm)

hope you will feel better soon!

Yep there seems to be a lot of hate for stupid reasons ("omg they forgot to renew the SSL cert of the archived forum"). I've been using it for 4+ years now and had zero major problems. I have even installed some exotic software from the AUR and am using them without any issues.

I'm asking because I've used Manjaro for the last 5 years without problems. I think a lot of arguements against Manjaro here are just based on "that's what I've read somewhere".

Install the backport kernel. Use flatpak for gaming (latest mesa) and the applications you want the latest version. Perfect combination between stable and latest updates.

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Been using xfce for over 10 years and never had gtk/libadwaita issues.

Did you read my message? After one failed attempt you will get banned.

How would is a typo possible if one is using a password manager?

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True, but I thought we are talking about security here...?

woops, jep not an option

Can you elaborate what didn't work on Manjaro? Just curious, I've been using it on my gaming rig for over 5 years without problems.

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I'm using Manjaro daily for +5 years and had one or two package conflicts, never any boot problems. I don't understand where all the Manjaro hate is coming from...

Can you provide a source about when and what package was broken?

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I love the smell of diesel exhaust. Not from cars but from big construction machines.

777 CHF per month?

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Thank you. This is a very reasonable price for the bandwidth