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Joined 3 months ago

assaults with a sex toy before one of the victims was shot in the mouth in a mock execution.

We're not giving people life without the possibility of parole for this? WTF, but I guess some justice is better than no justice.

Too bad it's going to be up to your insurance, lol.

Fuck this shitty country and the greedy useful idiots that inhabit it.

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I just left for

Corporate cucks and their censors can go fuck themselves.

I'm done with that shit.

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Yeah. Everything is a calculated business decision.

They'll look at the laws, the penalties, and do whatever they believe will maximize profit.

Boeing did the same thing when they cut corners and killed over 300 people.

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Because the economy sucks for everyone who isn't a landlord or investor.

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Err... her kids are just going to inherit that wealth.

This solves nothing and you shouldn't think it does.

The only way to get rid of the ruling class is to redistribute their wealth. Any other suggestion is just a distraction for useful idiots.

Who... fucking... cares... about royalty?

Yeah, this is why users should get to decide which instances they get to see.

Let's be our own moderators instead of relying on useful idiots to do it for us.

Yeah. The argument that the 2nd amendment is necessary to protect against tyranny only works when there is a collective effort to fight back.

A handful of renegades weren't going to topple colonial Britain, either.

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Do y’all think this “cleaning up” has to do with their META threads integration?

I think bad actors have infiltrated their admin team and are pushing their own agenda.

Lots of useful idiots want to ban discussion of piracy because it makes them realize how they're getting ripped off.

Nobody wants to acknowledge how they're being taken for a ride, especially useful idiots.

he has been told by staff to cut his shoulder-length hair because it does not adhere to school policies

So, none of the girls at his school have shoulder-length hair?

Is fitgirl even a girl?

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I think it's fine to have a main instance, as long as that main instance isn't gung-ho about censorship like has become.

Although I definitely agree with recommending against joining

Such a shitty decision by biased mods and useful idiots. They deserve to lose power as a result.

No it's not.


Glad I never relied on them, though. Their download process always seemed weird to me.

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I think a solution would be to have instances without communities.

It sucks, but I'm really trying to find instances with the most federation. I'd rather censor things myself than to have some useful idiot do it for me.

"Instance A blocked instance B, so now we have to use instance C to communicate with both." Seems kind of roundabout, which is why I'm looking for the 'ever-C' instance that federates with the most.

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Weird how these guys always kill themselves instead of going out in a blaze of glory.

Yep. And crapitalists know this.

Which is why they don't play fair.

The issue is people who feel like they have nothing to lose taking their frustration out on society.

It's why there are other nations with comparable gun ownership rates as the US without comparable amounts of gun violence.

Congratulations, though. You're doing what the ruling class wants: squabbling over bullshit to distract you from the real issues.

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This is completely correct.

What's funny is, banning guns is only going to take them away from responsible gun owners.

Gangbangers in cities are still going to have their guns. But now someone on a farm who needs it for their protection isn't going to be allowed to have one? That's a load of bullshit and why gun control legislation exists solely to distract useful idiots from the real problems they face.

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You can download any app hosted on the Google Play store from here:

Use Blokada 5 (requires sideloading) to block ads:

He's just flexing for his tribe, lol.

Probably one of the "I hate cops, I hate guns, and I also can't fight" crew.

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I'm afraid of that, but hopefully there will be even more alternatives by then.

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No, sorry.

I would just use 1337x, but I recognize that's only appropriate if you have a VPN.

I recall hearing a similar story about a bank robbery in rural Texas.

The guy got life.

Yeah, just like when reddit changed their rules to ban DNM.

Such a waste.

we bullied the dev of the most accurate snes emu to suicide

To be fair, interacting with people on the internet is almost always a crapshoot for developers.

It's why most of them don't do it.

Yeah, I was cool with sitting on until they did something that I wasn't cool with.

I'm not loyal to them, or anyone else. The more choice, the better.

I didn't read all that because it started off asinine and only looked to get worse as I read on.

I think you focus too much on 'isms' because you, yourself, succumb to tribalism.

Here's an '-ism' for you: pragmatism. Real solutions to real problems. Try to focus on a case by case basis instead of treating everything like a tribalist, ideological battle.

The world just isn't as simple as your small minds want it to be.

Other people are your backups.

Sharing is caring.

Who cares who cares?

I think we should teach gun safety in schools because people have to rely on themselves for their own protection.

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Sorry, I'm contributing to that.

I think the main issue is that Americans have been conditioned into being alone unless they spend money.

It's next to impossible to just 'hang out' with your friends these days. It always has to be something 'hype' or 'bandwagony' to matter.

This generation just needs to grow up and learn to think for itself.

Probably another case of geopolitics at work.

Absolutely. Expect nothing more at this point.

Eh. No shortage of useful idiots on these forums saying solar should replace nuclear.

They just don't understand how the power grid works.

Considering it's a major city, it's probably just gang violence.

I prefer to imagine where the world didn't support Zionists stealing land.

All of these problems could be avoided if we stopped supporting their religious nationalism.

If you ever see someone shilling solar over nuclear, it's because they are useful idiots succumbing to propaganda.

You can sell solar to any moron, which is why there are so many dipshits on these forums shilling it without understanding it.


Someone's always going to be liable, that's unavoidable.

I'm just spitballing ideas for how we can always connect to the servers we want to. hit the nail on the head. Self-hosting would be the end goal, but it's too much of a hassle for most people to go through.

So a few servers that exist solely to connect with the fediverse would be ideal for those people.