1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Man am I glad that I picked KeypassXC as my password manager some years ago. Super safe, easy to use, costs nothing, not dependant on internet/cloud, can export data to another app at any time, transparent because open source.

I'm using Syncthing to synchronize across devices which arguably took some fiddling to set up but I only had to fiddle once and haven't touched the configuration since; it just works automagically in the background.

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Take a different approach: look for players also playing the same games as you. So find a community for your favorite games, be it on Discord, a website or here on the fediverse. Why would it matter specifically that they are using a steam deck? Steam Deck is treated as a PC if you are specifically worried about cross platform play. Conversely even finding others who also use a steam deck means little to you if they are into completely different games and genres.

Librera Reader is a PDF // ebook reader for Android. It has a very smooth user experience and useful options. I used to have 5 or so different PDF readers installed and would pick and choose according to the task at hand but now I'm down to just 1.

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but the proposal does not yet spell out what constitutes a violation.

and this is not a coincidence. Authoritarian states love vaguely operationalized definitions like this because it's basically a blanko check to arrest anyone at any time. And it puts the populace into a fearful, fatalist mindset of "I could be arrested at any time for bogus charges, even if I did nothing wrong."

In case your browser isn't completely locked down: there's also image editors that run as web apps like photopea.

If Pakistan becomes Bahrat India could rename itself to Pakistan. Full circle of confusion 🤯.

I guess it would be best to change the rules so that they cannot trade their company stocks at all while working there and a reasonable period beyond. I think some legislations already restrict floating stock like that but I'm no expert on the matter.

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Yean, I hate it too. The difference to selecting text on a desktop system is night and day especially because with a proper mouse you can shift click the desired start and end points and don't even have to drag.

I've found that zooming in generally makes it more precise but that doesn't help if it means that you now need to scroll the screen because of the zoom. For some reason drag-selecting text upwards also yields better results for me than downwards.

Another trick is to request the desktop version of a page instead of the mobile version and see if it's easier there.

Updated to newest version and now I have the same option. Thanks.

It's so dumb that JSON doesn't officially have comments.

So much this.

Used to work at a company where I sometimes had to manually edit the configuration of devices which were written and read in JSON. Super inconvenient if you have to document all changes externally. As a "hack" I would sometimes add extra objects to store strings (the comments). But that's super dicey as you don't know if it somehow breaks the parsing. You're also not guaranteed the order of objects so if the configuration gets read, edited and rewritten your comment might no longer be above/below the change you made.

Always found it baffling that such a basic feature is missing from a spec that is supposed to cover a broad range of use cases.

One reason to keep in mind is backwards compatibility and the expectancy that every Linux system has the same basic tools that work the same.

Imagine you have a script running on your server that uses a command with or without specific arguments. If the command (say tar) changes its default parameters this could lead to a lot of nasty side effects from crashes to lost or mangled data. Besides the headache of debugging that, even if you knew about the change beforehand it's still a lot effort to track down every piece of code that makes use of that command and rewrite it.

That's why programs and interfaces usually add new options over time but are mostly hesitant to remove old ones. And if they do they'll usually warn the others beforehand that a feature will deprecate while allowing for a transitional period.

One way to solve this conundrum is to simply introduce new commands that offer new features and a more streamlined approach that can replace the older ones in time. Yet a distribution can still ship the older ones alongside the newer ones just in case they are needed.

Looking at pagers (programs that break up long streams of text into multiple pages that you can read one at a time) as a simple example you'll find that more is an older pager program while the newer less offers an even better experience ("less is more", ¿get the joke?). Both come pre-installed as core tools on many distributions. Finally an even more modern alternative is most, another pager with even better functionality, but you'll need to install that one yourself.

Forkyz let's you download and solve crossword puzzles.

It comes with an inbuilt list of sources for different languages but you can also manually add new ones. Many newspapers publish crosswords daily or weekly for free so there's plenty of options.

Typically your personal files and app settings are stored somewhere in your user home folder, eg under /home/bob/. Ideally you've set up your system in a way so that the entire /home/ folder is stored on its own disk or partition at least. That let's you boot up a different distro while using the same home directory. But even if you haven't set it up separately from the rest of the system, you can still manually copy all those files.

Not every single application setting is transferable between distros as they sometimes use different versions but generally it works well. Many apps also let you manually export profiles or settings and reimport them elsewhere later. Or they have online synchronization baked in.

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Many do as it's considered good practice, but it's not guaranteed, it just depends on the individual command (program). Usually you can use the --help option to see all the options, so for instance tar --help.

You do realize that a lot of employeess that stayed at Twitter after Musk's take over did so because their work visas were tied to the occupation and otherwise they would have had to leave the country on short notice?

Of reddit comments and posts those were the ones that hurt most to delete. The tech support/tutorial stuff. It hurts me a bit to think that in the future someone might search for a particular error message spat out by an installation script or how to achieve a partícular effect in a image editor and turn up empty handed. Power delete suite let me export all my content but besides the effort to repost it's just not the same because I have only a single piece of the puzzle. What makes sites like Reddit so powerful is the branching back and forth between multiple roles. So you might have a post about a partícular error message and 4-5 different suggestions on how to deal with it each with feedback on how well the solution worked, what you need to watch out for and how to avoid the problem in the future.

I've resolved my issue by updating Jerboa to the newest version but that's a really useful app to have nevertheless. It let's you do a whole bunch more like removing tracking parameters or see what's behind a shortened url. Thanks for sharing.

Weird, maybe it's because it has 'fucking' in the title? That would happen if they applied a filter with keywords.

Shout out to Banjo Kazooie, an older platformer from the Nintendo 64 game era, where the antagonist always speaks in silly rhymes. So the translators needed to translate and also make it rhyme while also keeping the context and humor intact. They took creative freedom of course because there simply isn't a good match but it actually enhances the game in a way. So if you played the game in French before and now switch to English you'll get a fresh set of jokes and rhymes.

In my recent experience Google still delivers better results for tech troubleshooting queries. "linux drivers for acer e15 card reader" at least points me to some semi-relevant pages on Google that could lead to a solution or more ideas where to look while ddg throws a lot of generic stuff that is only faintly related.

It's GNU GPL v3 according to their page on f-Droid.

Printed comics (in native language are also really good), paticularly those aimed at a younger audience (think Walt Disney classics like Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck). The phrases are usually short and use everyday language. The graphical design (colors, postures, framing, fonts, panel alignment, etc) are all in support of conveying the action.

To be fair in this subfield even the articles written by real humans are often speculative at best. Stock markets are influenced by millions of individual decisions (most of which are in themselves carried out by digital algorithms) and there isn't a single narrative responsible for a stock's course. It's much like the weather in that regard.

The development is certainly extant though. In newspapers many of the shorter, repetitive snippets have been machine generated for a long time now. I'm talking about summaries of sports matches with sentences like "but then just before half time scored to . You just feed the program a table with who scored goals at which minute and it generates it for you.

It's sad that for some of the more obnoxious offenders where you need to individually opt out for each ad partner they carry it still may take the addon 30+ seconds. Imagine how long it would take to click everything manually. And that stuff is illegal by the way: rejecting everything must be just as easy as accepting everything. If I come across such a site I typically just avoid them from that point forward.

¿Does Gimp on Windows finally use the same interface as the Linux version? But either way while I have learned to use Gimp over time and appreciate it the interface certainly has rough edges. For me that's particularly noticeable when it comes to handling different layers and controlling which part of the interface has focus.

Some functionality is also quite hidden and exploring the interface isn't so useful for finding it, often I found myself prompting a search engine instead. But I can also see that Gimp is a complex program with a ton of functionality and it's very hard to make the interface intuitive for every type of user at once.

I just use atool (archive tool) instead. It works the same for any common compression format (tar, gzip, zip, 7zip, rar, etc) and comes with handy aliases like apack and aunpack obsoleting the need to memorize options.

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Good point.

I guess just having a staggered temporal restriction is fine, don't need to wait until you retire necessarily. You would still receive a portion of your salary package in the form of classic currency and plenty for a good life too. An example could look like this and I'm obviously making up the percentages and durations here, they would need to be fine tuned:

  • 40% of salary as cash
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 6 months
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 12 months
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 18 months
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 24 months
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 30 months
  • 10% of salary as stocks that can't be sold within 36 months

It depends on the subreddit but often this is encouraged by locking threads after a certain amount of time, meaning new comments are no longer possible. What's more is that serving ads is a core component of Reddit's business model and this works best if there is a constant stream of "new content" that can be injected with different ads according to the sponsor of the day.

ouch stands for Obvious Unified Compression Helper.

great name

Aww, too bad. I really rely on autocorrection suggestions a lot as it speeds up my typing.

It should be offered as an option really.

One caveat is that you need to think ahead about how much space you want to assign to each partition. You could end up with your /home/ partition being full while the system partition still has plenty. Or vice versa. You can manually readjust the boundaries but it requires some understanding and can't be done on the fly by a non-technical user. By contrast if everything's stored on the same partition you never have to worry about this.

You can, by the way, manually recreate this set up even after the initial set up although it will require lots of free space to shuffle around files (or some external storage to temporarily hold them). Basically what you do is create a new empty partition, copy all your /home/stuff there and then configure your system to always mount that partition as the /home/ directory when it boots. Files are just files after all and the operating system doesn't really care where they come from as long as the content is correct. Once you got it working you can delete the originals and free up the space to be used otherwise.

different dictionaries but merged into one.

many keyboards handle it like this: if you switch to English keyboard layout, you get English autocomplete, if you switch to chzech layout you get suggestions for chzech words, etc

what I want is to be able to pick any layout and get suggested words from English, Czech and whatever other languages I select.

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For Syncthing I had to add a bunch of rules to my firewall to allow the necessary connections between my PC and smartphone. And for that I had to find, install and familiarize myself with a fire wall first. And after that ensure that the fire wall service is running always. Summa summarum: it's not something that is likely to work out of the box.

The great thing about Syncthing is that once you have it set up properly it really does work. It silently does its thing in the background and I never think about it

Haven't used LocalSend yet but I imagine it's going to be much less of a pain if the traffic is all routed through the Brower.

Open Dyslexic has you covered. It was designed by experts for this purpose.

You can also use Syncthing to keep your notes synchronized across multiple devices. Syncthing is an app that does just that (keep files synchronized in the background).

There are separate options for shuffling songs and categories (albums, artists, folders, genre, etc) and you can toggle them independently of each other.

¿Does florisboard support multiple input languages at once? I might switch within a conversation or even mix words within a single sentence. So far I haven't found a good open source alternative to SwiftKey in that regard.

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The part that confuses me a bit is that it's a mod that removes functionality from a single player game. Usually features get added, not removed. When something is removed it's usually to improve stability or performance. Or to rebalance the gameplay. This change falls into none of these categories.

Well I guess if the mod author did it to garner attention or make a point he/she/they succeeded.