1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Wanting a President that can string two coherent sentences together doesn't make you a Russian bot.

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This is elder abuse. How did we end up with these two candidates?

I can't wait to find out tomorrow how it's pro-Palestinian protestors fault that Biden can't speak above a whisper.

Replacing Biden with a cop would be the most DNC thing imaginable. We're so fucked.

Sooooooo... if this is what has finally shaken your faith in American bourgeoisie democracy, good news (sorta)! Alternatives exist, although the struggle to achieve them will be long and arduous. Our current system of propping up billionaire-approved octogenarians to give our stolen wealth tax breaks and investment incentives to defense contractors, cops, and landlords exists very explicitly to preserve a system of private property that keeps you poor and desperate.

The alternative to this is to build class consciousness and working class power in order to contest this awful system and put political and economic power directly in the hands of the working class before our impending environmental collapse. Join an organization that exists locally that's building that working class power. Seriously, don't even get caught up on which -ism best fits you, just join whatever exists locally that you can contribute to. Democratic Socialists of America, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Socialist Alternative, the Industrial Workers of the World, Food Not Bombs, even a small community mutual aide network that supports a few of your unhoused neighbors.

This debate should be your wake-up call. The state is a fuck and you're just a sacrificial pawn in a system designed to funnel wealth upwards. It's a big club and you ain't in it.

So the months of coordinated efforts to by activists to disrupt Democratic meetings, harass Democratic politicians, chant genocide Joe, vote uncommitted in primaries, block traffic, support BDS efforts etc. was actually an effective method of protest that had a small but meaningful effect in changing foreign policy?

The methods of protest the state wants us to think are successful and the methods that can actually succeed are usually not the same. Please take note.

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For fucks sake, the 1968 DNC protests are what popularized the term 'police riot.'

I can't believe we've voted for the lesser of two evils for an entire generation, to the point that the lesser evil is a strike breaking, border wall building, senile octogenarian that's bypassing Congress to sell arms to a genocidal ethnostate, and liberals still can't come up with a better alternative.

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This would be a much more productive conversation if you didn't just invent things I didn't say to argue with. I've implied no such thing.

I am explicitly using the Democratic primary as a method to express my displeasure with Biden, which you may recognize as the sole reason primaries exist. I'm increasingly confused by how many people seem to not understand that.

Will voting uncommitted or for the crazy crystal healing lady lead to the Democrats having a component and popular general election candidate come November? No, sadly, but that's a criticism of the state of our decayed democracy not giving voters meaningful avenues to enact change in society, not a criticism of the electoral strategies that have to exist within said decayed democracy.

Will voting uncommitted or for the crazy crystal healing lady lead to Biden making meaningful changes in his stances regarding Palestine? Given his change in messaging from the guy that bypassed Congress to sell Israel munitions two months ago to someone that now doing the bare minimum of at least air dropping (nowhere near sufficient) food supplies to Gaza, the answer to that is seemingly a slight yes. Which has the benefit of aligning the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee with the majority of voters, making him a stronger general candidate.

You know. The whole point of a primary. So, you're welcome?

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No. It means enough people screaming genocide Joe loudly enough had a small but tangible impact on American foreign policy.

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Generally speaking, they do want to lose. If they actually ran on their universally popular policies, they'd win majorities large enough to where they wouldn't have excuses to not enact their legislative mandate, which is at odds with what their corporate donors want.

Given that Trump is running in the Republican primary, I'm unsure how this would effect anyone voting uncommitted in a Democratic primary?

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We need a maximum age limit for politicians and voters. People that aren't sticking around for dinner don't get to pick the groceries.

Ignoring the decades of illegal occupation, Israel continues to hold ten times the number of hostages that Hamas has ever held. No one is buying your hasbara anymore.

It's not like Fox News is ever going to have a segment calling for empathy with minority urban voters, or 538 running an article on Republicans failing to address issues that minority urban voters have.

Biden is going to further jeopardize his reelection chances just so arms manufacturers can profit more off genocide.

Say what you want about the capitalist class, but they certainly have class solidarity.

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Since no one apparently read the article, it's the Democrats doing this.

The Debt Collective named Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) as particularly responsible for the language.

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Arming bureaucrats and giving them legal immunity was maybe society's largest mistake.

Where's my cut?

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Broke: People being opposed to the ongoing genocide in Gaza are going to get Trump elected.

Woke: Biden's uncritical support of an unpopular genocide in Gaza is going to get Trump elected.

Biden could just, you know, stop giving arms to Israel.

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It's pretty hard to imagine a real pathway to 'reform' our criminal justice system. It's just rotten to the core.

So, so I get a prorated refund on my Google One subscription, or...?

I recommend you read the second sentence that you declined to quote.

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Of course the sentence is relevant. I'm not sure why I should bother writing a reply to you when you apparently stop reading them after the first word. Have a good day.

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It's crazy that give commerce more rights to travel freely than we give living, breathing humans. Fuck borders.

Certainly not, but he definitely cares about the 100,000 people that voted uncommitted in Michigan and the littany of polls that show a majority of Democratic and young voters not supporting current US foreign policy.

It's not a coincidence. For instance there's the GILEE program which is literally a Georgia to Israel police exchange/training program.

America has to be the only "democracy" that shames voters for disagreeing with politicians instead of the reverse.

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Imagine living on a planet that's being cooked alive, a random executive in a board room can fire you for no reason, you're one missed paycheck away from being homeless, which itself is increasingly being criminalized, you'll never be able to own a house or pay off the loans society told you you had to take out when you were 18, you're one bad doctor's appointment from bankruptcy, your tax dollars are going to fund a genocide in Gaza, and the only socially acceptable option to contest any of it is voting once every few years.

How can you not actively support destroying the fundamentally illegitimate system that defines America?

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What do you think the point of a primary is, if not for voters to express there views to their political party?

Trump isn't running in the Democratic primary ffs.

This is the one Windows app I just cannot find a good alternative to. Deadbeef comes the closest, but even it is laggy when searching my library, sometimes crashes when I add too many files, and has a mediocre search function.

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Don't worry, it'll all trickle down any day now.

Rojava is right there.

Conservatives are itching to commit violence against women, minorities, and political opposition.

Leftists recognize that medical debt, unaffordable food and rent, climate change, etc. are already forms of violence we're being subjected to as part of permanent class warfare.

They are not the same.

I haven't noticed it, personally. Most of the unchecked disinformation mostly seems to be confined to the World News subreddit. There isn't much hasbara in the fediverse from what I can tell.

I mean, we should definitely do something, but the George Floyd protests failed to make any lasting change.

How big are your bags?

If you think they're literally calling to kill over 300 million people, I have great news about potential crypto and NFT investments for you.

It's almost like the mainstream media deliberately doesn't give a voice to people outside of a very narrow (and shrinking) Overton window.

Edit: honestly having trouble imagining how absolutely stupid someone has to be to downvote this lol. Guess I need to make a cryptocurrency lol.

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