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"Why do members of this oppressed group side with oppressors" is a perennial question, like why are there so many Republican women when Republicans generally are anti-woman...

The answer is usually something like, if you're high on the totem pole in several ways the fact that you're not high on the totem pole in all ways might not matter so much to you.

If you're rich, straight, cis, and male, but not white, you get a lot out of being rich and male and straight and cis, so you may support the group that protects the interests of rich, straight, male people, even though they might not be nice to black people, the fact that you're on the same page on so many other axes means at least they'll usually treat you OK cause you're one of them in so many other ways.

See also: middle class white cis straight women, or Log Cabin republicans, or whatever.

Also: poor white straight cis men.

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That's so weird that an extremist Trump republican wants to do something that would be massively helpful to Russia

It's redundant, that's just how people do it.

Services still in the first stage of the enshittification cycle are always fun to use

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Wait, they're against right wingers now?

What's the catch?

I don't know for sure who is and isn't a "Russian asset" for any given definition of "Russian asset."

I mean, there was this, but she assures us that it meant nothing.

But in any case, the third party candidacy of the Green Party was absolutely a tool for Russia in 2016 to peel off potential Democratic voters to elect Trump, and I would expect the same games to be played this year. Specifically the Russian troll army, the Internet Research Agency, created faux Black voices on social media platforms and, after accumulating sufficient followers to have a large platform, attempted to convince Black voters to either not vote at all or vote third party.

Look, I love pretty much everything Cornell West stands for, but this seems like an incredibly unwise move, to put the best possible face on it.

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The conclusion (no straws at all are better) makes sense, but... The Conversation can be kind of gratuitously contrarian. "WELL ACTUALLY there are forever chemicals in paper straws!" Ok, why? "Maybe because they're in the soil where the bamboo was grown or in the paper that they were recycled out of" Ok this sounds like a "forever chemicals are fucking everywhere" problem not a "paper straws are super bad" problem.

But "oh no eco friendly is actually eco HOSTILE" is a clickbaitier take.

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It would be a poor dictionary that excluded such a widely used word as "discombobulated."

Is he crazy? There is a real danger he's going to split the Green Party vote, and cost them the White House!!

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Just to be clear, which firefish server did you join?

I just checked out the main server ( and there wasn't any transphobic content in the "Global" or "Local" section.

I'm wondering if you ended up on a really toxic right-wing fediverse instance, that happens to use Firefish as its software, and so the Firefish main site stupidly/ignorantly listed it as a possible place to sign up. If that's the case they need to get rid of it.

DDG going hard with horseshoe theory

Yeah this thread seems like some reddit-ass shit right here

They say it's gut microbes though? So not very similar to Covid.

SO important

I mean, you're going to get screwed by those same greedy billionaires if you invest anything of yourself and your community in it and it enters the next enshittification stage.

Which it probably is on its way to doing.

But in the meantime.... wheee!

Nostr? Isn't that just for crypto bros, Nazis, and Jack Dorseys?

I checked it out once and the chats I dropped into were all about people giving each other "sats" (nanobitcoins) and there were also some far-right weirdos.

Conceptually it seems kinda neat but if somebody says they're a big fan of nostr I'm gonna wonder about them

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yes, that terrible anti-union Joe Biden, how dare he

President Joe Biden called in personally to talk to negotiators around 9 pm ET Wednesday, according to a person familiar with negotiations. Biden stressed that catastrophic harm could come to families, businesses and communities if the rail system shut down. Sources within the unions were giving Biden’s call credit for helping to get the deal completed without a strike.

“We’re very proud of what was accomplished,” said Jeremy Ferguson, president of the conductors union and one of the leaders involved in the marathon session. He thanked Biden and Labor Department officials involved in the talks for the deal.

I agree and will take it further. We don't even need to posit a change in the meaning of the word, we need only assume that when people use the word literally, they do not mean the word "literally" literally, they mean it figuratively.

Who says you have to use the word "literally" literally? You don't have to say the word "loudly" loudly!

"Biden remains the top contender among Democrats, however, and Trump’s lead over the other GOP contenders widened following his federal indictment earlier this month."

Given that one is the clear favorite among Democrats, and the other is the favorite among Republicans, it'd be perverse if we didn't get a rematch between them, unless that changes between now and the election.

This is how it is supposed to work in a two-party system. The favorites of each party get to compete. If there were somebody else who was the favorite of their party, they'd get to compete.

If it were a different system (e.g. a parliamentary system), then the rules would be different. Although tbh when I look across the pond to the UK, I can't say they consistently do a better job picking leaders than we do.

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A few years back there was a scandal where a whole chain of mental health facilities was doing this. They would buy local mental hospitals, not change the name of disclose that they'd been bought, and start committing everyone, no matter what, for exactly as long as their insurance would cover, then kicking them to the streets.

Took me a bit to dig up the story -- it was these guys:

Jitsi, for sure

Good boundaries, respect

I finally bailed on it this year.

I have this suspicion that it might survive even this though, it's been through so much over the years

Good luck with it!

I have it but I have never really had much reason to use it over iphone + content blockers + DDG search.

I guess it'd be helpful for syncing bookmarks with desktops where I use firefox, but I don't really worry about that, and as for passwords, I've got Bitwarden for that.

Go with your instincts on trying Haiku and come back and tell us all what it's like :)

RE: "oh, so you want..."

I'm not really into argument-by-psychic-powers-or-psychoanalysis so when you open your reply by telling me you've read my mind, I'm done.


Seriously, kids these days, it's like nobody goes to Vacation Bible School anymore

Fuck Julian Assange tho

Lol no I'm not buying cryptocurrency so I can give or receive microdollars for tweets

We're all dumbasses from time to time, it's all good :)

Yeah, "But Ray Epps!" is a right-wing conspiracy theory talking point to claim that Jan 6 Was An Inside Job . It could easily get this guy killed, the way those people operate.

He's got a hell of a case, I'd think.

I've been using DuckDuckGo since, at least 2010, maybe earlier. If its results aren't up to snuff, I'm not aware of that because they're what I'm used to. I fall through to Google ( !g) if I think there might be more out there. The bang commands are so good. I use DDG as my main search in my search bar and then I can use the bang commands to get to whatever specialized search I want from there. It's a meta-search-engine.

I work all day in a large codebase which is entirely space-indented, and I must say the amount of time I've spent backspacing through indented spaces in order to get to the right indentation level, or moving individually through indented space characters with the arrow keys, adds up to less than a minute a month. So while that may be "a reason" to prefer tabs, it isn't much of them, at least, not if you use a good editor. It just doesn't matter.

If you want to understand the issues more thoroughly, internet hero Jamie Zawinski wrote a treatise on it 23 years ago, and not much has changed since then.

My observation is that space-using people tend to be like "OK if tabs make you happy, I guess you can do that, I'm going to keep using spaces, which I prefer because of (reason X Y and Z)." And tabs-using people tend to be like I WILL NOW LECTURE YOU ON WHY TABS ARE OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR AND I WILL NEVER STOP. I CAN'T BE BARGAINED WITH, I CAN'T BE REASONED WITH, I DON'T FEEL PITY OR REMORSE OR FEAR. AND I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT STOP, EVER, UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD.

Most programmers' editors automatically indent the line appropriately without having to hit either the space key or the tab key, and if you do hit the tab key it usually just inserts enough tabs or spaces (whichever you configure it for) to take it in one level of indentation. Programmers depend on hyper smart specialized editors.

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Could one of their subscribers just publish it once they got ahold of it?


Speaking from MI where it's been legal for a few years... prepare for an overwhelming number of billboards advertising local cannabis shops. :)

I just got an invite, and I'd already forgotten what it was and why I wanted to join!