1 Post – 210 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I know this sounds obvious, and it’s an old meme from Reddit, but you REALLY need to check your home for carbon monoxide.

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you need to talk to your partner and go to counseling forthwith.

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better to ask, what can the average family afford now, but it won't be so accessible in the future?


(where i am now, water costs money but is still doable)

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anyone disappointed by this would not be worth dating

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maybe a cultural thing, I donno. I can imagine some different interpretations.

this person is a grifter who travels to and fro in an RV, collecting donations, as one does, but she claims to be the literal Queen of Canada. Qanon Anonymous is my main source, but I can't find a good link that isn't patreon-walled. But it's a cool podcast.

weren't those volvo diesels better in many ways? or have i got it backwards? yay for the fossil fuel industry in confusing me, so fuck you shell.
ahem, fuck you: BP.

does anyone even know the names of these shits in order to condemn them

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What are the hypothetical consequences that don’t happen to one who doesn’t?

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i hear an extreme, thundering silence from the Qanon mamas of america on this

*this has been edited to reflect I am sometimes crazy and post meaningless trash

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delivered some Plan B meds the other day. you definitely get some double-looks when you pick that one up as an older man in conservative Ohio.

well, I was on the clock, and I'll be voting yes on Issue 1.

the pictures are scarily boring compared to her recent comment that [not a quote] she would rather a partner who is present than a husband who is a historical figure

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someone in my family has that picture of me from after fishing, and I had caught a fish, and I was a small child, and they got the reaction shot after showing me the fish, and the pic shows I was horrified. Once I'm dead, I hope that pic makes it online. Possibly my youngest pic.

this is very tragic and insane. hope to see new independent verifications soon.

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RIP Mr. Robert W.

the gayest lesbian snapping turtle on meth ever

we never knew ye

yes, more of that Richard Stallman computing philosophy brain, and zero of that creepy predator of children brain.

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Tuberville: who pays taxes? Not girls! [aside to his aides: do girls pay taxes?]

Apple has a new event and a new phone and a new watch EVERY YEAR. aren't we obligated to buy all this shit every year?

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can't plug an iphone into a windows pc and access hardly anything

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that's entirely my bad on fucking up the paraphrase. she does not seem selfish in that way to me -- but the way she said something one time in a much larger context seemed real to me. she was expressing the realities of being in a war. [deleted]

i learned when i was maybe 16, 17, you can just ask a guy who works with leather -- "can you make a belt that will hold my pants up" -- the dude was so confused and so happy to help me and it did not cost very much. that guy was so nice.

nestle should be shut the fuck down

i am concerned that drinkable water could become scarce

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they should try that with other fruits tho. disalime. disalemon. disaweirdfruit. disanotherweirdfruit. this shit is NOT working.

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LOL wish I knew, because my mom makes this look silly. it would take three novels to explain. I went down to visit recently, and my sister and aunt were there, bless them, lovely people. Best advice I got is look out for those you care about. If you're the only one left, then focus on you.

for old tech, sounds ok compared to the ancient navy guns Russia mounted to ground vehicles unable to stabilise them

Charlie Crist? Who was the "Democrat" challenger to DeSantis in the last Gov election? and I've only read a paragraph of this. fsck.

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I can't defend any of that, and I'm ashamed to say, that crap worked on me for a bit as a man barely a boy, in the 90s. What helped me was looking at other movements like scientology and Charles Manson.

Just trying to say, don't throw someone in the trash just because they read trash.

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what does "conservatives" mean in poland?

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scary AF

  1. that chip was the most stale of all the chips.
  2. fire shits.
  3. wake you up from a deep slumber fire shits and you can't go back to bed because more fire shits are incoming like artillery.
  4. literally biochemical warfare sphincter-propelled artillery fire shits.
  5. people posted about doing this on social media? I wouldn't do something like that...

the linked article is quite poorly written, but I also had to look at 4 different stories to find some details

When high school students learn about events such as the 1920 Ocoee massacre, the new rules require that instruction include "acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans." The massacre is considered the deadliest Election Day violence in US history and, according to several histories of the incident, it started when Moses Norman, a prominent Black landowner in the Ocoee, Florida, community, attempted to cast his ballot and was turned away by White poll workers.

a lot of chemical processes are forever. in fact, next time you take a dump, that's forever. you have altered the universe with your horrific leavings.

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Pratt is kinda funny. he's mostly a boring leading man, he was funny in Parks and Rec, and maybe there will be some kinda funny stories to be seen, if the war ever fucking ends. but has Pratt done dark shit like war crimes?

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edit also, abortion is explicitly on the ballot in Ohio in November, which is not mentioned here. Ohio's right-wing failed a referendum in August meant to undermine the November referendum. still they're after it with silly lies.

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Hello, Russia. Please go away.

have you tried it lately? old--reddit combined with the enhancement suite was top of the top. they switched it so the "old" version is bright, and the standard reddit is dark, but lame. Looks like an imitation. AND Reddit still shows up in search results, but like someone wandered through with bleach and blood on their boots, just smashing things.

new kids gettin scary soda pisses me off! in my day we got weirdly colored syrup water and it was fine.

lmao yes stallman needs more accolades because he has any fucks left to give. also, he's a creep. a very influential, intelligent creep.

with piracy in general, you don't really want to be noticed, so... no. slap it on the back of a street sign or the front door of a cop shop.