0 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

You don't own the thing you bought!

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He bought it so he's the only shareholder. It's not publicly traded anymore.

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This is ridiculous, the first anti zionists were all Jewish. Some were even assassinated for their views. Zionism should not be conflated with Jewishness at all.

one of us, one of us

Judge really couldn't find a better phrase than 'miscarriage of justice'

I had been trying out Linux and finally decided to install it to my ssd. The timing ended up such that I got the wifi issues on the new install but not my old one, and they basically make the OS unusable. I didn't realise any of this and am new so did heaps of reinstalling and searching trying to figure out what had gone wrong since it was all fine when it was installed on my HDD.

I finally found some forum posts and bug reports about this after wasting a day assuming it was something I'd done wrong 😂.

Gonna stick to lts kernel from now on I think. 6.6.6 seemed pretty fitting to me, even if it was 6.6.5 that actually broke it.

It sounds like the change was motivated more by the instability of those currencies, the price increases may just be a temporary thing until developers update their prices. At least that's what I'm hoping.

image reconstruction techniques?

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I read something about him not being honest with the board, or keeping things from them? Didn't see any elaboration, though.

China just makes what people ask it to. So many places moved all their production to China for cheap labour, and most companies trying to skimp on one thing are also going to skimp on others like materials and quality control. iPhones are also made in China and most people consider them to be high quality. The problem is more just capitalism than China specifically.

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It's a fish I'd like to duck.

The bot has not done a great job here. It's a very long (but worthwhile) read. Kind of incredibly depressing also.

I know your initial question is just about finding a suitable community to talk to but I think people are giving you a hard time because there's no elaboration, perhaps if you'd just started out with the questions you had this would have went smoother.

I only floss when I can't get something out from my teeth, but I hate the feeling of things in my teeth so I often take a drink of water and aggressively rinse and like force the water through my teeth. Never had any dental issues, so 🤷

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This sounds positive, pointless pissing matches serve no one. I'm sure it'll be a bumpy road but it would be cool to live in a less hostile world.

Absofruitly. Sounds like the perfect thing for your use case. Only downside is it's another thing to carry around, but if that's not an issue I vote yay.

It's a pretty neat game.

Understandable, have a nice day.


I have no love for Apple, I'm just referring to the build quality.

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You don't have to kill all the Israeli's to get rid of Israel. Nations are made by people accepting that they exist. Before Israel was Israel it was just a bunch of politically savvy zionists who started telling people to move there. With a lot of wealthy Jewish investors they just started buying land and refusing to let Palestinians work on it. Over time and with enough established countries recognising Israel as its own thing, that's what it became.

If tomorrow the entire world just decided that Israel didn't exist then it would cease to, they may object but they'd be invaders occupying land that doesn't belong to them. It might sound silly but this is how Israel was created.

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only one way to find out, nerd

I see what you're saying, and perhaps you're right. I am more hopeful, though. Plenty of Israelis support Palestine and in the early days the Palestinians welcomed the Jews. It's not fair to simply dismiss vast groups of people as irrational or terrorists. At one point in time these people got along, and even though a lot has happened since then I don't think it's impossible to get back there.

I think Western support does play a large role, it's the reason why the Israeli military is what it is and probably why Israel feels free to indiscriminately attack Palestine. If our support was more conditional and not so one sided it would encourage cooperation and more peaceful resolutions.

That's not how it started at all, the Brits have a lot more to do with this one.

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Hello, I am a cis dude but a lot of what you said sorta resonates with me (and call me an egg if you like lol, ask me again in a few years) but I feel pretty comfortable being a dude, even if I act feminine sometimes and feel more comfortable in queer spaces and wear skirts and the occasional wanting to be a woman, I don't feel any dysphoria or anything like what a lot of trans folk experience so I've always felt comfortable just being a dude, sometimes I enjoy masculine traits, sometimes feminine, but it's never particularly changed how I feel about my gender.

I know you're probably more after trans experiences but just felt like we had some things in common so maybe you'd appreciate some other perspectives.

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I think I may have misunderstood you, I thought you were saying that America was responsible for Israel.

I don't really play Bethesda games or mods and judging by my downvotes I'm assuming I've said something dumb so I'm just going to leave this be. I still don't quite understand but it's not my place to comment.

Ah, I didn't realise that, thanks for the explanation.

This is true, China certainly hasn't helped the situation, although from where they were I can understand them wanting to capitalise on it. I just don't like it when people blanket say that things made in China are bad. The reputation is obviously there for a reason, but it's almost just as often western companies that share the blame for general low quality, mass produced, disposable things.


Bethesda is a company so naturally they're going to want to try and profit off of mods. But outside of the compatibility hiccups this doesn't really sound that bad. It's a nice way for modders to get paid for their work, it's optional and it'll hopefully make modding more accessible in general. The bigger concerns (to me) would be how badly are Bethesda ripping off modders, and whether it would fracture any communities, for instance if it was too difficult to make an 'official' mod as well as a traditional one, leading to modders abandoning one or the other. So long as Bethesda handle it well it could be fine.

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