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Joined 1 years ago

Well, sounds great for any non mobile storage then. Don't think anybody cares whether their 10kWh solar battery is twice the size and weight if it's half the price.

Thank you :)

What other benefits do they have? Do they have less wear or are cheaper per Wh to produce?

Or at least, about to be when production ramps up further?

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Oh yea. /u/SpontaneousH was the account. I think about that story every time I read or hear something about Heroin. Even if it'd be fake, this story influenced my view of heroine more than any movie, video or article about it.

I was buying a toslink cable recently and I shit you not, there was a gold plated optical cable...

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If any right-wing nutjob is reading this: You should count on him actually paying for you. Go wild! But make sure to use your public profile so people don't think you're a bot!

Hehe, twitter evaluation goes brrrrr

AM5 also has bald CPUs

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They don't need to be. When you're posting a comment, that's a database query. Not from you directly, but you're submitting a comment, which tells the frontend to tell the backend to tell the database to save that comment.

Now do that a thousand times and you created a thousand database queries. Now do something more elaborate, like filtering search results or something, and you put a bit more load on the database.

And apparently there seem to be some queries that a user can create that cause issues if submitted by the thousands.

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I think the bigger societal problem is that people need to start thinking differently of how charging works. It won't and doesn't need to work like refueling.

What I mean is, nobody would refuel every day at the beginning of their 10km commute. What they'll do is commute for 2 weeks, and when the car is empty they'll refuel and then continue on their way.

With EVs, this can be different. Once chargers (and not even fast chargers) are placed on every major location, you don't need to go 0-100% in 99% of the cases. Getting groceries? Charge at the store for 30mins Going to the gym? Charge there for an hour or two Going out for dinner? Charge for 3h

The car doesn't need to go empty all the way. Obviously you can't do that with the current infrastructure, but with enough effort, that's easily achievable.

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I use brave because it doesn't apply chrome or edge group policies. If someone can tell me a better chromium based Browser (or firefox based) that does this, I'm all ears...

When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I was put in general anesthesia. Funnily enough, like everyone probably, I tried staying awake. Doc told me to count down from 10, I was very determined to get it done, just closed my eyes for a bit but I managed to pull it off. Only thing is, that I was out between 6 and 5, and counted half the numbers in the wake up room. It's literally like a time warp. Super interesting imo.

Phillips Oneblade.

No shit, it's an amazing razor for the pubes. Obviously doesn't cut down to 0 like a wet shave, but it's so much easier and comes really close. And I get ingrown hairs easily if I wet shave down there so it's perfect for me.

It's fast, it's reliably, easy and painless. 100% recommend for ball shaving action!

Even autotldr uses cliffhangers now, damn.

The connector was gold plated. Not a golden wire.

Check out Casey neistats video of the vision pro. He just walks around and rides his boosted board in nyc without getting sick. By his own words, the pass through seems to be so amazing and fast that he forgot it isn't reality.

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Dude, are you for real?

What you have been seeing is a screen recording that was cut into a video, which was compressed by YouTube. That's nowhere close to the high resolution 90hz display that's actually in front of his eyes.

Just accept that you overreacted and don't be such a sucker for being right.

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Doesn't Jellyfin already have a FOSS app? What's the difference to that one?

Motorcycles aren't bad for your health. Crashing them is, but just driving them isn't, even doing it a lot. Unlike the other things you mentioned where doing them a lot is unhealthy.

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Who? The person burning the Quran or the leaders that pushed the narrative?

Absolutely. But I specifically didn't mention that because it doesn't apply to everyone. Lots of people living in apartments don't have an outlet on their parking spot. But if you have, EVs are arguably more convenient than combustion cars already.

Metal: Hellsinger was the best Rhythm Game ever. I never found something like it and I hate that it was so short and has little replay value :(

Yea and guess what, you can't see latency in a YouTube video either.

It's the first device that keeps the latency sub 12ms. Frankly, I never tried it, but it's something no other VR device achieved. I doubt it's fake until proven otherwise, 12ms is almost instant.

Your only argument is "I get sick from VR pass-through". Well, this is a new device that may have solved it, yet you continue to be set on your opinion based on past experiences with other, worse devices.

While I'd absolutely love it, reddit is not going anywhere for a while.

Nope, doesn't need to end in lung cancer for it to be bad.

Take it this way:

You can drive motorcycle for hours every day for years and not take any health casualties from it.

You can't smoke cigarettes every day for years and not take any health casualties from it.

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Lmao. Just because I disagree with you? ^^

I read it, and while it's something different, it was more confusing than anything else. Definitely something I never read before though.

In this thread

My point is that you can't compare a platform like reddit to a protocol like email.

While gmail and outlook are insanely big, how much of all email traffic do they handle? Sure, they are insanely big, but I doubt they are above 50%

On the other hand, how big is reddit compared to all other link aggregators? I think it's pretty surely far above 50%.

Or how big is YouTube as a VOD platform?

I'm not advocating for discuit, but being like "they think federation can't build a mainstream platform, but look at email" is kind of missing the point.

Also email is the only example for federation. It's an outlier, mainly because it was one of the first things on the net. Everything else is platforms, unfortunately.

Are most of your services just a single pod? Or do you actually have them scaled? How do you then handle non-cloud-native software?

So it'd still be their work? Wouldn't you get the same form of power abuse even then?

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The post is about true wireless earbuds The comment is about how lemmy makes it about jacks and wired earphones for no reason The counter point is that wired earphones last decades I said that the market for them is already satisfied, while those are the first fair true wireless ones, which is great

Now how is it irrelevant? I seriously don't understand what the problem is, and I also don't know what kind of strawman I apparently made

And who would do it? Would the people be forced to do it or would those that want to become part of the militia be able to apply?

Email is not a platform, though.

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On true wireless earbuds? How?

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The whole thread is about earbuds?! Where do jacks on phones come in all of a sudden?

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Yeah, they are talking about platforms, not protocols. is the platform. Or Or Gmail. Or Outlook.

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So you basically said there's no need for fair wired headphones because cheap 20€ chinese wired ones perfectly serve that market?

Even better that fairphone builds true wireless earbuds with all those fair features, because there is no alternative there already.

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