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Joined 1 years ago

American political ideology as a whole has shifted left in recent years

What the fuck is this bullshit. This is the opposite of what has happened.

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I had to help my sister keep her 8 year old Mac going or buy a new secondhand (cheap) machine. With the options out there and with the state of Windows, I didn't even consider it.

She's ended up with her same 8 year old Mac with Ubuntu 24.04, and I've been really impressed with how it's actually great for non-technical users these days! And works really well on old hardware.

This should give her another few years of life out of the thing without worrying about software support.

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I'll do the reverse - I think most people would expect homebrewing beer to be quite hard to get started with, but for $50 you can get everything you need to start making a really quite good beer, and save money at the same time (homebrewed beer is usually much cheaper than store bought)

If you want to get started search for "brew in a bag" and buy a kit beer mix. You'll need a handful of equipment like a brew bag and fermenter, but that stuff is really cheap.

Then you can indeed go down a massive rabbit hole of refinements, but it just amazed me that the first beer you make will already be a good one.

Maybe in modern media. He's definitely not portrayed as an equal or opposite to God in the bible. He's just another angel

On a macbook? You can't plug a normal keyboard in without a USB hub because there's no USB-A port

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I like to hold the banana upright facing away from me, and then I sneak up behind it and use a really sharp knife to sever the jugular part way through before I rip its head backward, peeling the skin all the way down its spine.

It's immensely satisfying, especially the crisp clear sound the knife makes as it cuts off the life force

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If a democrat loses under this system they will have lost fairly.

Also see Antimatter Dimensions, another amazing game in the long idle genre. Highly addictive to a certain sort of brain (mine)

What's that in football fields?

What? Stack overflow is still very relevant. I don't even know what bubble you're in if you think it isn't.

Honestly confused by your comment.

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You can also just increase your laptop's initial TTL by one and then they can't tell.

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How do you get Firefox to redirect all YT links to Piped? Please share

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I have two. Early career I found the second one absolutely improved my productivity - perhaps by 50% or more - as it helped me multitask really effectively.

Now, later in my career I have had kids for a while. My multitasking went out the window when I had kids - I find it hard to juggle more than one or maybe two things I'm working on at a time. I suspect this was due to poor sleep - parents never seem to really catch up to sleeping full nights like before kids. Instead of multitasking on lots of small things I transitioned to more in-depth work where I can focus for longer periods on a single thing.

Now, I think having a second monitor is still useful but I can function fine without it. It's maybe a 10% boost if that.

These dudes look like we've just walked in on them kissing

I've kind of always wanted to use AdNauseum, but since I still depend on my Google account somewhat I'm hesitant to give them reasons to delete me, and I've settled for blocking ads and supporting rival services.

Has anyone had their google account banned over this?

Well yeah. I turned that shit off on day one of getting my phone. It doesn't even make you faster at typing? What's the point in having it enabled?

Now when I make typos at least it was me that made the typo

Money Heist (but in Spanish, the english dub is awful)

Third time. Such a great show

These things look beautiful though

Odometer readings

I've had a mac for years and still haven't had any need for an iCloud account. It's optional

Phone: great for mindlessly scrolling or the odd comment.

Laptop: for actually getting anything done.

I'd use a desktop but sometimes I have to work from cafes or something so I prefer just using a laptop all the time rather than two machines

I don't have space for a desktop computer - and I have a standalone house, it's not like I'm in some tiny apartment, so I'm guessing this isn't too unusual? I pull out the laptop when I want to play games.

It helps that I don't play AAA games and a decent spec laptop plays what I want just fine

Showing ongoing public support is often written into the contract with these big deals; Dorsey probably has to say he supports Musk for a few years at least

You can delete a word in a terminal? Is this zsh specific or is there a bash equivalent?

Terminal user for 20 years, never heard of this.

This looks amazing. There aren't enough RTS games being made

How can it not be true though? Terminal shines when you chain together more than one operation.

Imagine doing this in a GUI: list the files in a large directory, ignore the ones with underscores in them, find the biggest file, read the last 1000 lines from it and count the number of lines containing a particular string.

Thats a couple of pretty straightforward commands in a terminal, could take 30s for an experienced terminal user. Or the same task could take many minutes of manual effort stuffing round with multiple GUI applications.

I'm certain that I do tasks like that (ad hoc ones, not worth writing dedicated software for) tens of times in a typical work day. And I have no idea how GUI users can be even remotely productive.

On MacOS this will do it:

printf 'net.inet.ip.ttl=65\nnet.inet6.ip6.hlim=65\n' | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.conf

Can't personally speak for other OSes at present. Here's a SO post about Ubuntu:

TERM is the default (15). 9 is KILL

Not just in the past, you still can't install addons in (any browser) on iOS. brave is basically the only option because it adblocks without addons.

Me too. And I live in NZ where there's bloody beaches everywhere. Can't move for beaches

I've recently gotten a couple (absolutely tech illiterate) friends and family to move to Linux. It's finally there - it's much easier to use than windows now.

And if you don't want to keep shelling out for new computers every few years, doubly so - Linux works fine on decade+ old hardware (and you can keep upgrading practically indefinitely to stay within security windows, so you barely ever need to actually buy new hardware)

I'm 38 and still take 10s to read an analog clock.

I do still say half past etc though. I don't really associate them with digital vs analog

What other authors have high clever-remark ratings, in your experience? Because I find myself near the end of the Discworld series and want to continue with something similarly engaging. Basically, the opposite of what you requested :)

What else would you call an analog clock?

Yeah sounds awesome to me too tbh. My mood brightens whenever I see snow and I don't find that low sunlight levels affect me at all.

However apparently between 1-10% of people are affected by seaonal affective disorder so those people may want to avoid Finland during the winter months

I don't understand why people are just taking it for granted that everyone's watching youtube.

I've watched maybe a video a month on youtube for the last decade. It's a noisy loud messy platform and I don't understand what people enjoy about it.

I watch Netflix a bit and at least the shows there are actual produced shows and not just some bullshit some teenager made up in their spare time. Even if a lot of them are still trash there's a much higher signal:noise ratio than on youtube.

So my solution is: just don't use youtube? And obviously use an ad blocker or if you do occasionally visit it.