space_comrade [he/him]

@space_comrade [he/him]
0 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Just because there are some users that stumble upon content semi-organically doesn't mean brigading and piling on isn't happening.

You have any proof of this or are you just assuming that happens because you can't fathom that many people actually disagreeing with you?

22 more...

You're obnoxious. Hexbear is one of the largest instances, comparable to which is where this was posted. There are also users from and other instances agreeing with OP.

You're just a huge fucking baby that thinks encountering lots of opposing opinions must be some grand conspiracy against you.

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ThinkPads are far superior than MacBooks for longevity

Not sure that's true. I have a pretty top-of-the-line ThinkPad (3 years old) and it started falling apart after like a year of regular use. Maybe years ago that was true but nowadays I feel like everybody except maybe Apple has crap build quality.

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Death to all golf courses. Except minigolf, that's fun.

Your persecution complex is showing.

Right back at you. Nobody is "piling on", there's just more people disagreeing with you than agreeing, deal with it baby.

18 more...

And if you need examples I invite you to read all of the responses in the thread objectively, and not as a hexbear user with already hurt feelings.

I actually did re-read the entire thread extremely objectively (I put on my maximum objectivity cap) and I stand by my initial conclusion that you're a huge fucking baby.

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From what I've heard from Google employees Google is really stringent with their coding standards and they usually limit what you can do with the language. Like for C++ they don't even use half the fancy features C++ offers you because it's hard to reason about them.

I guess that policy makes sense but I feel like it takes out all the fun out of the job.

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I've had pretty much the opposite experience. My friend has a macbook that he drops all the time and still works.

Also it's not like other brands are immune to denting, it's just kind of the nature of the material.

Kinda agree on the keyboard but I got used to it and also most brands have that type of keyboards nowadays anyway.

The torrent protocol wasn't designed with anonymity in mind, not Tor.

If you can't see all the hexbear users piling onto those that disagree with OP I don't know what to tell you.

Again, that's not piling on, that's just your fragile ego not being able to handle a lot of people calling your opinion garbage.

16 more...

Damn the cognitive dissonance must be wild.

Oh that's already a thing. Remember that AI girlfriend app Replika?

You're not the target audience, the target audience is edgy teenage boys. Postal 2 was the perfect game for 13 year old me.

You're right labeling them as "legendary" is just weird tho.

It actually doesn't have to be. For example the way I use Github Copilot is I give it a code snippet to generate and if it's wrong I just write a bit more code and the it usually gets it right after 2-3 iterations and it still saves me time.

The trick is you should be able to quickly determine if the code is what you want which means you need to have a bit of experience under your belt, so AI is pretty useless if not actively harmful for junior devs.

Overall it's a good tool if you can get your company to shell out $20 a month for it, not sure if I'd pay it out of my own pocket tho.

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Just bail out, it wasn't meant to be. I tried a similar thing with family a few times and they always went back to Windows.

Linux is unfortunately not for people that aren't at least a bit tech savvy. If you insist on them using Linux you're gonna be on call to fix their shit all the time.

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I don't think it's gonna go that way. In my experience the bigger the chunk of code you make it generate the more wrong it's gonna be, not just because it's a larger chunk of code, it's gonna be exponentially more wrong.

It's only good for generating small chunks of code at a time.

6 more...

Not sure what you're talking about, a whole lot of people use MacBooks, I don't think their market share dropped significantly. Desktop Macs, sure maybe but I think even that won't completely die out.

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Chatgpt is just Cortana with better marketing. AI isn't smart, it's just algorithms producing a facsimile of language via pattern heatmaps. What was Cortana if not just an earlier version of the same thing?

Well no, not really IMO. Cortana as far as I know wasn't based on LLMs as we know them today, it was a way older method of NLP. You're right that on a high level it's pretty similar but the underlying technology is qualitatively different IMO.

Ah ok I guess I misread that. My point is that by itself it's not gonna help you write either better or shittier code than you already do.

Electric toothbrushes. Don't get the cheapest one either, get a mid range one from a good brand but the top end models of the good brands are just scams, they just look a bit nicer and have some shitty "AI powered" app you'll never use.

3 more...

Do these things really deliver on their promise? Did anybody have one for multiple years? Is it really easily repairable? Is it more durable than your average smartphone?

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Death to the concept of intellectual property and all but I've never actually felt Denuvo making problems for me when I played a game using it, you're right it seems to be working as advertised.

I'm still hoping someone to crack it in a more reliable and fast manner, fuck large gamedev companies and their profit margins.

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Counterpoint: using anything other than 'i' as your index in a for loop in C or C++ is obnoxious as fuck.

At most I'll go with 'it' for C++ iterators.

Oh that's definitely going to lead to some hilarious situations but I don't think we're gonna see a complete breakdown of the whole IT sector. There's no way companies/institutions that do really mission critical work (kernels, firmware, automotive/aerospace software, certain kinds of banking/finance software etc.) will let AI write that code any time soon. The rest of the stuff isn't really that important and isn't that big of a deal it if breaks for a few hours/days because the AI spazzed out.

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Oh my god dude you sound so pathetic right now. If you actually do hold radical left beliefs of any kind and it's not just a cute online label for you (really doubt that but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt) go outside, touch some fucking grass, and organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it. We've all heard your bullshit "anti tankie" tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you're not changing any minds and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

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Thanks, I might consider it when my current Pixel kicks it, I'm not really into the fairtrade greenwashing bs but if it's legit durable and repairable I'll pay the price premium.

Sounds like that could be some kind of sleep apnea, did you have that checked?

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Oh my god dude get over yourself, I feel sorry for the people around you if you're this obnoxious IRL.

This kind of thinking feels like just cherry picking the good things to focus on, which sometimes isn't the worst coping mechanism to have but in this context I think it just leads to complacency. The fact is the general trajectory of the world isn't good even though some progressive ways of thinking have been normalized in some places, we could be doing much much better, we just choose not to.

Do these feelings of anger linger for long? Personally I'm like you in the sense that tiny inconveniences piss me off but I also drop those feelings pretty quickly and go on with my day, it's like a very short spike of anger and then back to normal, I just kinda remind myself it's not a huge deal and go on with my life. I think it's healthy to feel the anger just don't dwell on it for long.

I'm here for it, it's already a complete shitshow, might as well go all the way.

Not so sure about that tbh, I've found my decompression speed is often slower than my download speed.

It's super annoying when they pack movie/show torrents in .rar, just a complete waste of time.

3 more...

I'll take Linux hardware support over Microsoft any day of the week.

I'm really undecided on this. It really depends on the type of hardware, for example when dealing with graphics card drivers, especially nvidia I'll take windows over linux any day. On the other hand on Linux I don't have to install drivers for almost anything and things mostly just work unless the device is brand new.

I've been using all of the major OSs and they're all good and they all suck in their own way. Windows does suck a bit more than the others, but I don't think it's as terrible as diehard Linux fanboys make it out to be.

I still use Windows on my home PC because bideo gaems and music production. I'd prefer to use Linux instead but oh well it's not the worst thing.

I'm not sure if that'll happen any time soon, they'd lose out on the IT professionals, audio professionals etc.

I got one just this year and it certainly doesn't feel like an iPad at all.

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Gitgui is pretty great too if you need a bit of interactivity. It's bare bones and no bullshit but can still do like 90% of what all the other fancy tools can do.

I don't like VMs because I need to allocate memory upfront for it, and considering it's a Windows VM and depending on the dev work you're doing on it you might need to give it 10Gb+.

If it's at all possible for OP I'd recommend getting a separate physical workstation and then just remoting into it with your Linux machine, if you use VSCode the process is pretty much seamless, you use VSCode from your Linux machine normally while all the work is being done on the remote machine.

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Most types force premature design/optimization.

I disagree. What you're saying is true for Java-like OOP languages because OOP is actually complete garbage if you want to design good, easy to understand abstractions. Types are way more elegant in functional or functional-inspired languages.

Most unit tests lock up some specific implementation (increasing cost of inevitable refactors) rather than prevent actual bugs.

Agreed, unit tests are useless in most cases, they mostly test the bullshit abstractions you built for the unit tests themselves.

I got a MacBook Pro M2. It's a good piece of hardware, MacOS was kinda annoying at first since it's my first MacBook but I got the hang of it and it's basically a normal desktop environment to me right now and I can't see that changing significantly in the near future, I don't think AI is gonna move that fast as to completely eliminate the need for typical PC desktop environments.

Ah you're right, completely forgot about those. They were absolutely dreadful to use.

I'm on a relatively well known private tracker. It's just a kind of a tradition of some release groups to do this. I think it goes back to the times where this shit was shared through unstable FTP servers where you needed to restart the download of a file if the connection broke so they .rar it and split it into a dozen or so chunks. Nowadays it's almost certainly unnecessary but they still do it.

I'm seeing it less and less thankfully.

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