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Fuck bottoming for Biden and Trump. If you vote Biden, you're enabling genocide. Kind regards, rest of the world.

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Doesn't the lack a pejorative for someone who follows western propaganda somewhat speak to the propagandistic aspect of this term as well as the whole "tankie" fad?

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I have it open all the time, exactly for this reason. 15 years and going.

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Are all circles in physical reality actually cylinders, only some are very short?

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So many years I've heard Americans complain, rightly so, about the duopoly farming your insecurities for profits. Each cycle the duopoly gets worse and worse. Again we're at a point where it seems they can't stoop any lower, and again most seemingly progressive Americans suddenly become incredibly pragmatist, excusing genocide, destruction of the environment, war in Europe, cold war 2.0, because "the alternative is worse". Fuck that from the rest of the world that has to live under your megalomanic geriatric child killing leaders. You need to find a solution, and voting for the lesser evil just ain't it, because it is already so incredible destructive and outright barbarian. Make a third way, engage Trump voters on their home turf, make a revolution, I don't care, just leave us the fuck alone. Thank you.

If it wasn't for the overpowered military industrial complex and veto in the security council, I'm pretty sure we'd have a no fly zone and democratic transition in the US by now.

Yeah, guess you're right, but aren't the latter two just variations of calling someone a cop?

It's pretty common to see terms like "Russian propaganda" and "Chinese propaganda", while "American/EU propaganda" is seldom spoken about, at least in Western countries.

Aka, if the electoral system is rigged, just give up. There is no alternative. Unless of course you find yourself within a nation with a somewhat browner skin color. Then expect liberation and democratization by way of the bomb.

Please show where that is being said by "Lenin, and that". On the other hand you have Margaret Thatcher:

‘Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul’

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It's about methodology more than research questions, although they are of course linked. Incorporating digital methods in your humanities project, like GIS, 3D modeling or ABM, will quickly land you in digital humanities. Remember though, humanities have a lot of theory and methodology you might be unfamiliar with as a CS student, so teaming up with someone who has those skills but lack in programming etc. will synergize in this field.

What is this a source of? The article is paywalled and the preview mostly concerns Lenin's ambition for a stronger democracy.