3 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lead administrator of and its services. Please don't DM me for support with, make a post in /c/meta instead.

Originally from Fort Lauderdale šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø, lived many years in Vienna šŸ‡¦šŸ‡¹, now living in SetĆŗbal šŸ‡µšŸ‡¹. Software engineer specialized in Apple platforms. šŸŒŽ

We defederated them a while ago over here. Along with some right wing instances too. The extremists from either side of the political spectrum really spoil the experience.

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Isnā€™t it obvious, Joe?

ā€œWhile I condemn Hamas, and supported Israelā€™s right to defend itself in the aftermath of the attacks, the use of force in reprisal has become excessive - beyond what is justified or acceptable. So effective immediately, Iā€™m halting all arms shipments to Israel, and calling on President Netanyahu to withdraw IDF troops from Gaza and the West Bank.ā€

Problem solved.

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Articles like this are so disingenuous. UK news has been reporting things like this for several years now, always trying to make it sound like itā€™s us mean old continental Europeans who are forcing our evil rules on the poor blameless Britons. As opposed to being the exact thing they themselves voted for. Hello and fuck you from sunny Portugal, dear Brexit voters!

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Translation: We believe our players are dumb enough to shell out the money, so weā€™ll charge what we can. Get rekt.

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Forking a repo is not the same as developing it. Any idiot can rehost the existing source code, but all the developers with knowledge of the code base and project just got axed by Nintendo.

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Forking a repo is not the same as developing it. Any idiot can rehost the existing source code, but all the developers with knowledge of the code base and project just got axed by Nintendo.

At my school, we quickly discovered that the admin password for all the networked printers was the name of the high school. All these HP laser jets had a function where you could upload custom translations for the status messages on the printer displays. So we downloaded the English string set (XML) and made some changes, ā€œtranslatingā€ for example, ā€œPrinter Readyā€ to read ā€œPaper Jamā€, ā€œReplace Tonerā€ and so on. As well as changing the admin password. The school actually RMAā€™d them back to HP thinking the paper jams were some sort of actual defect, as opposed to an altered status message, and eventually replaced them all with Brother printers. Oops lol

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Yea I mean, I don't think anyone could actually believe that Meta is acting in good faith here, or even capable of acting in good faith in general. As much as it's exciting to think about plugging a billion new users into the Fediverse, it would no doubt be done in a way designed to enrich Meta at our expense.

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I miss regular old web forums, mailing lists and that sort of thing. Discord / Slack / etc have zero discoverability. The ability to google your question is gone, and knowledge is ephemeral, when a chat is the central source of community.

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They dumped $50 million the same week as the IPO? Talk about confidence in your company!

Also, they didnā€™t have any lockout period? Thatā€™s also bullshit. I worked for a company during an IPO some years back and nobody could sell their shares for something like a year!

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You may want something like

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Itā€™s because ā€œhomeā€ in this formation is an adverb, whereas school is a noun. You can be an adverb- Iā€™m surprised, Iā€™m exhuastedā€¦ - but you must be at a noun (or on, or in, or some other preposition).

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Ask it to do something illegal, then wait to see if it starts its reply with some version of, ā€œas an AI language modelā€¦ā€


Isnā€™t doubling down on this with the indictment in hand especially stupid? Surely opening him to further charges?

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Cool, then Iā€™m dropping GM from my list of cars that Iā€™ll buy or rent. CarPlay is a must have in 2023, just like a backup camera. Literally nobody wants your shitty car OS thing, itā€™s guaranteed to be way worse than iOS and Android.

Seems like this ought to be a dealbreaker for many.

Iā€™m another one in this camp. Had a Model 3 for five years and loved the car, but moved internationally and had to sell it. Looking at EVs again of course but uninterested in Tesla because of this guy - that and his staunch refusal to add CarPlay. What kind of a moron refuses to add phone support to a $60,000 car?

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For those of you wondering how this is useful, tobacco is often used as a model organism in botany. The utility of this technique is less obvious in tobacco but more obvious in fruits, vegetables, etc. think seedless grapes, etc

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Okay, if it makes you feel better, we can call it premeditated mass-murder instead.

Peter Magyar is an incredible name for a Hungarian politician, it would basically be like having the name John America lol

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Only $5000? Dude got lucky. Fuck American healthcare.

Health insurance.

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Definitely wise to pick an EU member state to escape the law. This guy has probably never heard of extradition.

Germany and the UK are demonstrably less capitalist than the US, both because they are social democracies with large, taxpayer-funded social welfare systems, and because their economies are significantly more regulated by both state policies and widespread labor unions.

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You had a flatscreen HDTV in 1991? Damn, found the time traveler! šŸ˜‰

Ridiculous. Time to switch to Safari or Firefox, folks.

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Well, none. One assumes the aspiration is to implement Cocoa, to allow GUI apps to run.

I get what this guy is trying to say but the phrasing and unnecessary racialising explains the downvotes. A better and less offensive way to put this could simply have referred to climate: that you suspect the harsher climate in Europe rewarded industrial and penalised agrarian lifestyles in a way that wasnā€™t true for civilisations near the equator. Being white or not has nothing to do with it - correlation versus causation.

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Keep your Apple TV and use it as a streaming client for whatever you stand up on the backend. Personally I have a Synology NAS that I love and I use the net to get all my content. Use the net. šŸ˜‰

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I canā€™t wait to short Reddit stock and write puts against it

iMessage is now fully secure like Signal and Telegram, if youā€™ve enabled advanced data protection in your Apple ID. This also protects your photos and other personal information from snooping and data breaches. Apple users should turn on this great feature in Settings -> iCloud.

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I really hate this trend of making absolutely everything a web view / Electron.

In theory anyone can host an RCS endpoint but in practice that means carriers (historically) or OS vendors (in modernity). So in effect yes all RCS messages will pass through Google servers, but mostly because Apple to Apple texts will remain on iMessage. But any texts starting or ending on Android will go through Google. Note that this doesnā€™t really change much as Googleā€™s privacy policy for Android users already discloses the bulk ingestion, scanning and processing of communications, including text messages.

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Why would anyone have thought otherwise? What are the odds that a world leader of a global power would meet with a regional official from one of the smallest and least politically relevant states in America?

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Apple engineer here, from what I understand most of Unityā€™s competitors in the we space are significantly better paying and performing. We keep hearing from developers that nobody wants to use Unityā€™s product because of that. AppLovin, the one named here, outperforms Unity Ads by as much as 800% in some titles, according to a contact of mine at a game studio. With a difference like that itā€™s hardly surprising nobody is choosing Unity Ads.

This reeks of desperation, but one wonders how effective it could be - because this demand to drop AppLovin is basically cutting off the revenue faucet for these same developers theyā€™re now trying to extort. No Unity fees but no good income either..

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Unfortunately any protest in the US is at best constrained to stopping future weapons shipments to Israel. But as Netanyahu has already shown he doesnā€™t care what Biden has to say, the US is unlikely to be able to stop them from continuing to use the weapons they already have.

From a fellow instance administrator; does anyone know if it's possible to block a single community across your whole instance rather than defederating it? E.g., is it possible for me to block "HateSpeechCommunity@*" or "HateSpeechCommunity@domain.ext" as opposed to defederating all of "domain.ext"?

Specifically, we would love to ban "" from our instance without having to blanket ban the server, as there are some communities on this server (e.g. gaming@, etc) that we do actually want to interact with.

I'm aware that I can block the community on my own user account, but not sure if I can block just the one community from showing up on my instance altogether.

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Feels almost like going back in time, to the earlier days of the net. IRC, XMPP, Usenetā€¦ all distributed.

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Ye best start believinā€™ in fediverses, Miss Turner. Yer in one.

Imagine going on vacation to a foreign country and physically attacking the locals for something theyā€™re doing. Nobody is forcing you to travel abroad. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t go.

Elon is such a turd.