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Joined 12 months ago

GWB publicly condoning torture.

I grew up during the tail end of the cold war. Torture was something the Soviets did. We were better than that.

And sure, I knew the CIA did stuff like that under the table, but it was never OK.

It's what got me interested in politics, and why I feel that we shouldn't try to hide the bad things we've done when we teach history. Knowing what we're capable of is necessary to keep ourselves from repeating the mistakes of the past.

This pissed me off so much when I was a trucker.

Businesses don't have to let you park in their lots. Cities can put up no truck parking signs. States can restrict parking on entrance ramps.

Stop giving them excuses to do so! You're just making things worse for drivers out of sheer laziness. Truck stops let you throw away your trash in dumpsters.

Jet fuel.

People seem to have the impression that it's some extremely explosive stuff that has to be handled with the upmost care, but it's just highly refined kerosene. It can be used as a replacement for Diesel fuel in many cases - in fact, U.S. military vehicles can run off either. We put it Toyota Hylux pickups up in northern Greenland because it doesn't gel up like Diesel fuel.

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It's important to remember that - unless you work directly for the owner or an executive appointed by the board - they're not your boss' advocate either.

If the company is worth a shit, they don't want bosses that abuse their power or make their subordinates miserable. Happy employees are productive employees.

We've rid ourselves of a few problem bosses that way. Of course, this only applies to legitimate issues. If a boss is causing people to quit, you've got a good case.

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Everything not gravitationally bound is moving away from everything else. Every single point in space is growing larger. That means that things farther away from you are moving away from you faster then things closer to you. That's true no matter where in the universe you are.

There's not really an "away" from the big bang. That's something science communicators fail to explain - the big bang happened everywhere. Space may have been infinite in size (we don't know) and it still happened everywhere.

I'd recommend looking up the YouTube channel for FermiLab. They've got some excellent videos on the subject.

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I've never talked to an Arch user about Linux, so I dunno how toxic their community is. But I do read Arch documentation, and it's fantastic. Arch's documentation has (for me, anyway) taken the place that used to be held by the old HOWTOs back in the early days.

The kind of cooperation required to accomplish this doesn't speak of a toxic community to me. I didn't watch the video since I don't watch YouTube on my phone, but I'm guessing it's not the Arch community that has issues but annoying teenage "I'm more 1337 than you" jackwads that are the turd in the Linux punchbowl. Those little cretins are drawn to distros like Arch because they like feeling superior to the "normie" users.

I should know, I used to be like that thirty years ago. Most of us grow out of it after we start getting laid.

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The example you've given is likely not a problem with reading comprehension but obliviousness. I read and understand things very well (I have to read and correct engineering drawings and schematics and implement them), but I simply don't notice a lot of what goes on around me.

My suggestion for that is any job that doesn't require safety, physical team labor, or security.

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I met a girl back when I was 18 and really hit it off with her. She told me that her ex was scary because he punched his dashboard when he was pissed off. Her ex was a guy on the fringes of our social group, so I didn't know him well.

A few days later we're in bed and my roommate lets her ex in. He confronts us with a major "WTF?" Apparently she never bothered to tell him she was leaving him.

A few weeks later, she's gone on to someone else and I'm best friends with the ex. We're still on friendly terms decades later.

I hate that logo. I glanced at the subject and thought the X Window System was standardizing remote audio over the X protocol.

I believe you've answered your own question.

Lemmy isn't Marxist-only. The majority of Lemmy users are what the more vocal Lemmygrad and Hexbear users deride as "libs." As a thought experiment, imagine that you are one of us for a moment and then browse Local on one of those.

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I had a guy from Florida tell me that the oil wells just fill up again after you empty them, so the whole oil shortage is a scam.

I mean, they do, for a while anyway... but it's like that last little bit of a milkshake that you never quite get through a straw. There's no new oil - it's just the stuff that is just now making it into the well. He thought you just waited a handful of years and you'd have another gusher.

14 more...

As far as dollar amount, probably some meal with my girlfriend. We don't do fancy but usually have one nice meal on a vacation.

But as a percentage of my income - something called Bonzai Chicken I ordered for $70 on my honeymoon back in the 90s. I made $7/hr at the time. I didn't know it had curry in it or that I was allergic to curry. I spent the remainder of my honeymoon sick as a dog.

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Instead of Satanic rituals, it's improvisation and arithmetic.

It's like the old saying (which made more sense back in the CRT days):

If I wanted your website to make noise, I'd lick my finger and drag it across the screen!

Everyone is gifted with the ability to control their own fertility. You're only fertile if you want to be. The only chance for pregnancy to occur is if both partners want it to.

I imagine that would cause a severe population decline, and I'm fine with that. There's too many humans on this planet already.

Nobody, and I won't work somewhere that puts up with that shit.

I've had bad bosses and coworkers before. When I was young and easily replaceable I put up with it until I realized that the jobs were just as replaceable as I was. "Oh hey, I can make the same money almost anywhere, so why deal with these assholes?"

Now I'm specialized in a high demand field. Corporate plays stupid games among the executives but they know better than to mess with us - you can find an MBA under any rock but people with my skill set are the core of the business and we're hard to find. My team is professional and helps each other out. Any of us could quit and likely get better pay elsewhere, so we make sure to weed out the troublemakers.

Ah, DEC. Some really cool stuff came out of Maynard, MA.

A few notable things about DEC:

  • They made computers that were affordable by smaller businesses and universities.
  • The PDP-10 - one of DEC's only mainframes - was where the bulk of early Lisp development occurred, mostly for AI research.
  • UNIX originated on DEC hardware (before VMS).
  • The team that developed the Alpha (the successor to the VAX) was hired by AMD to develop the 64-bit Athlon architecture (what became X86_64 - i.e. what your computer is probably based on).
  • Intel chose a little-endian architecture for the 8086 because that's what the VAX used.
  • TCP/IP was developed on UNIX running on a VAX.
  • After the minicomputer market crashed, DEC was bought by Compaq, taken out behind the woodshed, and shot like a dog.
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That's what the drop bears want you to believe...

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The cat I had when I was a kid would occasionally use the toilet. Just for peeing.

When he was done he'd paw the handle. He wasn't strong enough to actually flush it, but he tried.

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Ditching the UNIX philosophy is a bad idea.

It's a very useful guideline. There are times when those rules should be broken - systemd may be one of those - but by and large the UNIX philosophy has served us well.


Sure, they call it a movie, but it's really just an hour and a half long David Bowie video.

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I see this sort of thing all the time.

There's a disconnect between the time scales for industrial equipment and the time scales for IT and telecommunications. A PLC running a factory might last 30 years, but the software to program and troubleshoot it won't run on modern operating systems or computers. The company doesn't want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to upgrade it when there's nothing wrong with it.

Same with telecommunications - POTS worked for a century, and over the last decade we've seen it largely disappear, which makes fire alarm panels everywhere inoperative. We recently ran into an issue where a fire marshall refused to allow anything but POTS and all of the non-end-of-life hardware only supported IP.

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Writing. Specifically, tech writing. I've got an intuitive sense for it, but other than business communication and the occasional bit of internal documentation I don't have any desire to do it professionally.

I get along great with our tech writer, though, since I'm the only other person at the company who can hold a discussion about the Oxford comma.

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They're referring to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Specifically, they're talking about a creature (the bowl of petunias created high above the surface of an airless world as a byproduct of a star drive powered by improbability) who has reincarnated many, many times, but in every life is killed by an otherwise inoffensive and constantly bewildered British man.

It might be too outdated to do major services, but it's still fine for its original use - interfacing with electronic components.

You could build a weather station, monitor temperature and humidity in your attic and crawlspace, automatically water plants, etc. You don't need much electronics knowledge for that sort of thing.

Only for lazy shits.

I had a gallon bottle that I used. I only filled it completely maybe twice in seven years. I'd pull over on the shoulder in the country and pour it out the passenger window. Give it a good rinse every few days and a thorough washing every month or so and it wouldn't even stink.

Even for the people that use small bottles and throw them out, they can save them long enough to throw them away at a truck stop. There's no excuse for throwing your full piss bottles and other trash on the side of the road.

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Turns out being an idiot isn't a barrier to home ownership.

It's just little girls that will try to eat those. There seems to be no gender barrier to toddlers trying to eat little plastic pieces like this.

Edit: bah, I meant it's not just little girls.

Time to update Wikipedia's List of Sexually Active Popes.

If there was ever an article that deserved This list is incomplete, you can help by expanding it, it's this one.

Sometimes NSFW images are appropriate in otherwise SFW communities. For instance, imagine a community on exterior design that had a post with a picture of that building in Germany with the five-story-high penis on it. Or a community for desktop themes that has a post with nudes wallpaper. Or a community about a certain celebrity that posts pictures of her car wreck.

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A care package for myself for when I get there.


You must have been living under a rock for the last decade. Is there any more space available down there? 'Cause I'd love to live somewhere where I don't have to hear antivax nonsense.

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IIRC, the rate of explosions at gas stations started going up around the time that cell phones were becoming popular. The investigation teams would review camera footage and see people on their phones. So the government changed the mandatory warning stickers on the pumps to include a "do not use your phone while pumping" warning.

Turns out it wasn't because people were using their phones near the gas pump, but that they were getting back in their cars to play on their phone while the pump was running. They'd build up a static charge by getting in and out of the car, which would arc to the pump handle when they went to hang it up.

It took a while before they realized what the actual problem was.

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The only objective purpose in life is to spread your genes. You share that same purpose with every other living thing.

Other than that, it's up to you. My purpose in life is to keep my girlfriend happy and destroy as many jobs as I can. My career in industrial automation is the key to both.

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I prefer to creep up on death, one cigarette at a time. Figure I'll have that bastard in a couple decades.

Why vegan/vegetarian specifically? If it makes them cannibals, it makes everyone who swallows cannibals.

Go outside and sit with the smokers.

Smokers talk. Everyone's equal in the smoke pit. You can meet some really interesting people that way.

A few hours of secondhand smoke won't kill you. Otherwise humanity would have gone extinct in the 70s.

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I saw that as an adult and it fucked with me.

When Spock fails to get laid because he's a half-breed.