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This is a very exciting time. I've been a union guy for 25 years and I will go to my grave not understanding the fierce resistance to unions by my X gen and the boomers. When they would say unions were bad, I'd say let's make ours amazing and... they just refused.

I never thought I would see the resurgence of American labor unions. This is an absolute joy to see.

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Can’t help but feel like this is the market that exists for anything Pokémon adjacent because Pokémon has sucked ass for like a decade.

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At will is a bullshit shield used to deflect legitimate labor issues. You need to talk to a lawyer like now.

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I have a Sanco2 heat pump water heater. The heat pump is located outside the house, with the tank in the basement (so no noise!). It is so absurdly efficient that I thought I was measuring the power draw wrong. Its expensive up front, but a big fat govt tax credit sure helped and the monthly power cost is about the same as my coffee maker.

The tank inside is 83 gallons. I can run the dishwasher, two showers, and anything else I can imagine and it handles it like a champ. The heat pump heats the water so fast that it refills it in minutes, not hours.

And since there's no element or anything in the tank, there's virtually nothing to break or fix in it. Nothing to rust, no joints to go bad. The tank is constructed solely for water in and out via pump and that's it. It looks like a military designed tank because there's no reason not to fortify it to last forever. So they did.

Between that and my induction range and heat pump AC/furnance, we turned off our natural gas connection. I love love love all of them.

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What the other dude said, but the level of sophistication was miles beyond what you typically see from even nation states. The takeaway is you cannot defend yourself from a nation that wants your information.

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Because its terrifying to drop $50k on a car whose future is tied to someone who is so obviously unhinged. Many companies are led by weirdos, but its a real problem when you don't know if your car is going to work right based on the whims of said weirdo.

Also, Musk has absolutely lied his ass off for years about the capability of the car.

I owned a 2018 Model 3 LR and it was nothing but trouble. I couldn't even use the cruise control because it would randomly smash the brakes on the freeway, even when there were no other cars around. My door panel would catch on the other panels when it opened, causing a decent sized dent. The trunk leaked. They would do updates that moved everything around and suddenly you can't find the screen that opened the glove box. But it did make fart sounds hurr durr.

No thanks.

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...so then you totally did understand, you just wanted someone to waste their time explaining it so you could immediately come back with jill stein nonsense. that was a dick thing to do.

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If you care about this issue, you can go and be a part of the solution. Go to your state's Secretary of State website and sign up to help.

I did it and it was super easy and a little boring.

This whole thing depends on normal ass people like you doing it. Give it a shot.

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FreshRSS is great. Container is easy to run.

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We should probably internalize that standing isn't a thing anymore, along with precedent. On a positive note, it'll mean quickly overturning when nutters lose the majority.

Which is gonna be a while.

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More Texans voted for Joe Biden in the last election than any other state except California.

More Texans voted for Joe Biden in the last election than New Yorkers.

Just sayin. There's a whole lot of people down there fighting and just because the state government is full of soulless shitbags doesn't mean we should discount the people doing work there.

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That's not fair. You didn't know her name until 5 mins ago, and neither did anyone else outside political spheres. She's a placeholder candidate until a general election that already has some big hitters in the race. Her resume suggests she's as locked in socially as any progressive could want. Her work with unions is unimpeachable and there's no reason to believe she was the bad guy at Uber and Airbnb.

She should be offered the opportunity to speak to her role in those companies, and she should take it and give the people she now represents a fuller understanding of her work there, because its fair to want to know what it was.

Its fair to criticize if she doesn't. Its fair to criticize if she mealy mouths it.

But its not fair to call her a corporate whore.

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An algo requires analyzing user data, which is exactly what the fediverse doesn't want. There are front ends that surface popular Mastodon posts, but that's about it and that's how they like it.

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You can be critical of a politician and still support that politician. Why that's suddenly a super difficult thing to understand is beyond me.

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I do. I’m an old progressive and he’s been the most progressive president in my lifetime outside of Carter, and honestly he’s probably been more progressive than Carter.

I don’t get the ambivalence about Biden at all from anyone who’s not a hard core Republican.

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Is this bait? It sure feels like bait.

I really hope there’s a better defense than that, because that was high school level rhetoric and propaganda.

Also, man The Hill can’t stop being shit. Damn

Oh, when was that, when two people were honestly debating their views and policies? Was it Nixon? Reagan? Bush? other Bush? Which Republican was it?

what bullshit

This weekend I'm going to PAX. Last week I saw Japanese Breakfast. Next week I'm seeing John Oliver do standup. Went to a Mariners game last week too. Got Sounders tix coming up, and hockey starts soon.

Rural is nice for a weekend. Urban is where the action is.

BG3 with the wife, Diablo 4 with my brother, Hades by myself. It's the golden age of gaming, friends.

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My first union had that reputation. I became a steward and was known as a reformer. Honestly, they weren't particularly corrupt or self dealing, they were just really bad at messaging for the employees. Over time, it just became "common knowledge" that the leadership was secretive and self dealing.

I don't mean that to say that yours wasn't self dealing. Those existed and continue to exist. But I have also never been in a union where the labor body was involved and took it seriously and also had those kinds of problems. If there's one takeaway I learned from unions, it's that we get the union we deserve. When we're in it and active as a body, those were always the best unions. When we have an apathetic labor body, we have an apathetic union.

There will always be factions like every other human activity. People will often be tribal to the detriment of the whole. But at the same time, in my experience, those most against "unions" were almost always the people least involved or not involved at all.

What a dirtbag.

I have a Pixel 7 and mine does the same flash bang thing on fingerprint. I just figured it was to "see" the fingerprint better. I only notice it when it's really dark.

Hilarious way to describe it. I knew right away what you were talking about.

which kinda sucks, honestly. it's not like these kids seem to have really had a great chance before, then she runs for congress.

My account has been locked up because my daughter has three separate BG3 games going with friends. Last week my son said we need to put a time limit on her because nobody else can play on Steam.

If we’re casting around looking for good advice from relevant people, James Carville would be way down that list.

I know its way down the list of his credits, but i thought he was amazing in Layer Cake.

The ones selling health insurance are awful too. No dude I don’t want your trash ass probably fake insurance coverage that you’re trying to sell me from a spoofed number.

Back in the before times, bills would come to a vote and bills that had virtually total support would go thru with unanimous consent. Now, bills are blocked from being voted on so that Senators aren't on the record being shitbags. As you quoted Vance saying, "“it’s idiotic for us to take the bait” in regards to Democrats using the bill to force Republicans to publicly declare whether or not they support IVF."

Think about that statement from a Senator, then marvel at how fundamentally different he sees the job of a Senator from say, you or me or regular humans.

Duckworth is putting a face to whoever opposes a wildly popular issue, IVF treatment. It causes people to think about the issue, because legislators are in fact advocators (you know, in complete contrast to Vance trying to hide what he advocates for). There's nothing performative about it.

in my opinion, it is the standard democrat cynicism. it is simply something that in the future can be used as a bullet point for her future candidacy. without context, one could write ‘honestly’ she “fought” for IVF.

For Duckworth and for many people, IVF is a opportunity that is basically magic. It changes their lives and it gives them the opportunity to have children. There are few things more powerful than that, and it's tone deaf to an extreme degree to think that something is performative just because it isn't targeted at you.

I mean, usually I'd say you're being a petulant childish asshole, but I'm trying to be better too.

It's ok if everything isn't important to you, champ. It can be important to others and we can support that. There will be Republican supporters of IVF that wanna know too.

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I play SSX 3 Gamecube like it's my 2nd job.

All the browsers were complete shit though. That was iterative but it felt huge.

Imma let y’all finish but the Palm Pre was the GOAT

They will be cut up and all over socials the next morning. Nobody hit like Jon in the Daily Show format.

you're on the internet too much

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For years, I had an unstable unraid server. I was fixing it every couple of days after a lockup. I had decided that unraid sucked. When it was up for a week I celebrated. Every one of my dockers was a suspect. I learned to hate all of them.

Then I shitcanned the next cloud docker.

Been up for months without a hiccup.

I've been with Pixel since it started, Nexus before that, and a Palm Pre before that.

There is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS some random hardware bug with Pixels that most people seem to not have but if you have it, it absolutely sucks. The speaker buzz. The display gap. The fingerprint sensor. The camera glass shattering for no reason at all. I've had them all and I finally went to Sammy with an S22, which I hate.

I wish Google had never bought HTC and brought hardware in house. I think they would be much better able to strongarm hardware partners if they weren't competing against them with their own hardware.

No one has reminded me more of Bill Clinton than Gavin Newsom.

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The co-op is wildly underrated. Amazing game to play together.

My wife is not an RPG player and it's her favorite game of all time.

coughs between drags

yea prolly. fuck that.

When you're suffering from imposter syndrome or you're wondering if you can challenge yourself to do stuff at the highest levels, remember that John Roberts is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

He's the "smart" conservative and he's dumber than a box of shit.

Thank you for writing that. It was a joy and a sorrow to read.