
4 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is great advice, coming from someone who pondered using the "Mother was really sick and had to manage her illness and passing" excuse if I ever went back, as it was true for me too. (I'm sorry for your loss, it's a really painful life transition, I know.)

I ended up taking a slightly different approach. I worked in IT project management before I retired early. My LinkedIn resume shows me currently employed as an "IT consultant" and will until I decide I need another job or I kick it.

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No, this loser has a persecution fetish, nothing more.

It feeds his narcissism to think people care that much offline.

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I'm a RIF person myself but I have so much respect for Apollo and Christian's work, even as I've never had the opportunity to use it, just from how he's handled and documented this situation. I'm sad both Apollo and RIF are being taken from us and I hope Christian and Andrew find amazing success in whatever they decide to work on next.

They permanently banned my 9yo account with 2 million karma for using the "boxes of Liberty" metaphor in a highly up voted comment about Republicans taking away access to voting. They said it was a threat of violence. 🙄 Meanwhile fascists make literal death threats in conservative subs with no consequences.

The site has systematically been banning high volume contributors who aren't right wing enough for at least the last 3 months. They, like Twitter, are trying to suppress the voices of people who are against fascism. It is deliberate and planned.

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I'm old and out of the loop but that astroturfing was so blatantly obvious it pinged my BS meter immediately.

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Mazel tov!

His persecution fetish is showing

OP, this person knows what they're talking about. One of the screening questions when I was diagnosed with ADHD had to do with clumsiness. My own parents used to call me, "An accident waiting for a place to happen."

I have slowly been able to improve my clumsiness a little bit, by exercising regularly with a trainer 5 days a week. One of those days is a balance-focused day and after 2.5 years I'm actually able to hold poses and (mostly) stay upright and steady. But it was SLOW going.

The night before my 50th birthday, after I had been taking this class for 7 months, my husband and I were on a sunset cruise and his phone fell out of his pocket and over the side of the ship. I reached out with one hand and successfully caught it. THAT KIND OF THING NEVER HAPPENS TO ME!

I celebrate that day every year as much as my birthday now. I managed to show off hand eye coordination before I was 50!

Get screened... :)

This is great but I've turned it off because sometimes I want to go back to a post I've recently read to see new comments.

I really wish there was an option to hide posts I've downvoted. It's still early days so I imagine that will come later.

Thanks for the PSA!

I don't mind if you take Earl Gray for your tea, or simply earl gray. It's things like neglecting to put in paragraph breaks and a complete lack of punctuation that really bother me.

I also have a bias against u/ur etc. but I'm annoyingly pedantic about things like that. If Weird Al mocked it in "Word Crimes", it's likely on my list of peeves.

I believe Reddit is to blame... because everything bad comes from them right?

And I fully support your hypothesis here!

Regardless of how you choose to write things out, it's always good to see another feline based username in these parts.

I vape most evenings after 5pm. I have ADHD and comorbid depression and anxiety. The strains I like to vape keep me motivated and help me unwind, enjoy my evening, get things done around the house, and stretch/do yoga, or some gentle exercises before bed.

I fall asleep easily each night after weed helps me get all that done. I dream just a little, and they're often lost the minute I stand up.

When I take a break, every few weeks or over vacations, it's harder to go to sleep initially, but my dreams are a little more vivid when I do.

My most vivid dreams occurred when I was taking Prozac, which wrecked my body in every other way, so I don't associate dream intensity or recollection with overall health anymore. I'm physically and emotionally much healthier off Prozac, vaping weed most nights, than I ever was on the stuff.

Edit: Seeing some usage discussion, I go through about 1/2 an ounce every 4-6 weeks vaping with a Volcano.

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Zuck claims it's up to 30 million now

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It honestly sounds like the place is run like a clown car.

Like the world's largest kidney stone, hopefully.

Yes, servers can disable downvotes. Beehaw does that, for instance. I'm on lemmy.world which allows both. I prefer both because I think it helps silence bad faith participation with less active moderation, but I respect that some places don't want it.

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I've just gotta know was that local dial up in DC Digex?

I worked with Tale@UUNET during the Eternal September, providing NNTP support to our customers. God that was hell.

Same here. My domain name and email address will turn 30 next March. I've been doing this since the days when Usenet posts were transmitted across sites using UUCP.

We will always find the next place. Reddit has peaked and is destroying itself and it's time to move on.

There were also:

  • Golden Club

  • Supreme Club

  • Centennial Club

  • Platinum Club

  • Apex Club

  • Pinnacle Club

  • 500k Club

Don't have their descriptions anymore since I logged off of RIF but they were all variations of the same sort of thing

  • Distraction
  • Discussion

Nailed it!

What we outside fail to realize is these people live in a wholly different reality.


I passed a church today with a sign saying, "The Bible is the absolute truth!" I realized that anyone who truly believes that bullshit - enough to make it a statement outside their church - is completely divorced from sanity.

These people do not perceive reality. At all. They are locked in a deranged fantasy world in their heads. They are severely impaired and their news sources and pastors work full time to keep them mentally ill and absolutely incapable of understanding reality.

30 minute episodes, yes. But over that I tend not to commit...

I'm guessing that they will replace all of the mod teams and forcibly re-open the subreddits.

Doubt that will go as well as they're expecting it to.

Reddit ran me off with a permaban 2 months ago because I wrote about the 3 boxes of liberty metaphor in a comment. 2 million+ imaginary Internet points down the drain. Glad to see the site shoot itself in the foot and looking forward to finding an alternative.

And the obligatory: fuck Spez.

Yeah I thought that whole "plea deal" was just a joke from a malignant narcissist, not a real plea deal.

It's a challenge to be sure. I can't say how I get something started necessarily, that's often just the luck of the draw and how well my meds are working that day.

But I have ADHD and I try to be aware and quickly recognize when I get into a "state of flow" and preserve that state whenever I'm there, for as long as possible.

What this looks like, is my husband bringing me food if I am on a bender cleaning out a closet or heads down working on a presentation at work.

It also looks like me staying at work late unexpectedly because I can't interrupt a good flow, or coming home and delving right back in as soon as possible.

Or me not remembering or caring to eat until I run down so much I can't keep going.

So as you can see, I use both healthy and non-healthy "coping mechanisms".

I exploit the state of flow whenever it comes, as much as possible, and muddle/hobble through when I'm not there. Of course, coming up to a deadline increases the chances that I'll get into a state of flow, if not just out of adrenaline and fear of really screwing up and missing a deliverable.

Edit: You mentioned that you're on meds for depression. If your primary diagnosis is something like ADHD and the depression is a secondary, comorbid condition, treating the ADHD will be very useful. My psychiatrist diagnosed my primary issue as ADHD and didn't want to start treating me for depression until we worked through getting me on ADHD meds and getting on the right meds, titrated at the right dose helped a huge amount. Once my ADHD was under control, my depression and anxiety were reduced considerably.

Not to be That Guy (but promptly being That Guy) do you have a source? I've not seen anything about him asking for a plea deal. Thanks.

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Plot twist: All of this is made up.

Interesting. I always wanted to play the drums but figured I was too uncoordinated.

Change is uncomfortable. There's just no way around it. And there's nothing wrong with you feeling that it's kind of empty here and not what you're used to.

For me, it will be uncomfortable regardless. My preferred interface (RIF) is gone in 2 weeks so nothing at Reddit will feel comfortable either.

So I've chosen to embrace the discomfort of Lemmy's newness and comparative "emptiness" over the discomfort of using Reddit's inferior app, for a couple of reasons: First, Reddit turned on us, not the other way around, and second, because this place is relatively new it's not littered with bots and spammers and trolls. The energy here is just better for me.

Even if all my favorite places and posters aren't here yet, I'll be here waiting for them when they arrive, and I'm the meantime, I'll be doing my part to recreate what I used to love there, here.

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Thanks, I'll do that!

I tend to prefer fuel-based strains like Sour Diesel, Chemdawg and Rocket Fuel or Jet Fuel. Whether it's a sativa or indica dominant strain seems to matter less. If it's got that funky fuel smell, it will usually treat me right.