
0 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 33 years ago
  1. It's legal for the public to own guns in Czech Republic
  2. If you're going to try to start a anti gun control circlejerk - try not to do it under an article about a mass shooting, dipshit.

"Before, I used to buy eggs for 70 rubles ($0.78) a dozen. Now they cost between 130 and 140 rubles ($1.45 to $1.56)—twice as much," Ilia Zaroubine, a 21-year-old student, said.

Near the end

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Stop buying it. That's how we slowed down / stopped.

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Any shithead not paying their taxes is a problem

-someone who actually pays taxes

This….sounds…reasonable..? I’m with OP - confused

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Clickbait. Actual reason they were sued -

A few weeks ago, ZUMA Press filed a complaint at a federal court in California, accusing Plex of using a photo of actress Cuca Escribano on its website, without permission. The photo was shot by Jose Perez Gegundez who typically licenses it to third parties for a fee.

Not the reason people would think of with this type of title.

> The videos are part of at least 30 channels identified by researchers as being part of the "Shadow Play" network promoting pro-China and anti-U.S. narratives, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

> according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute

> Australian

This thread is the epitome of low information D voters parroting the R=bad line. Romney was one of that last reasonable republicans left.

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What we really need is a small group of Republicans to say the situation plainly. “The GOP is letting fascists take over and is becoming unamerican.

This is literally why Romney is quitting the senate after this term[0]. It’s a long, but pretty sad read. The problem is these articles get no traction so people don’t see it. And then maga keeps getting more powerful

[0] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/11/mitt-romney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/#

It's easier to tear things down / trash talk things rather than advertise accomplishments / build something. That's why the R agenda of the govt doing nothing can be fulfilled by just having either the House, Senate, or Presidency, but the Ds need all three to do anything meaningful.

The same concept goes for Biden's accomplishments. It's easier / more palatable to go with the status quo and say lol milquetoast, all of them are the same, too old than actually make people care about what he did do. It takes multiple sentences to explain his positives (like what actually happened with the rail strike) and just a few words to call him useless and dismiss the conversation entirely.

That’s what gets me about the “do your own research” parrots. Ok - let me just google it and blindly trust the top SEOd results. That’s what most people’s research is going to be

It’s good advice if the audience knew how to critically evaluate articles, but people don’t even read the articles.

That's interesting because the Times also just put out an article referencing Federalist professors who determined he should be disqualified. Looks like they're playing both sides, lol.

From what I can tell, lemmy’s on par with other social media sites (reddit, twitter, fb) wrt disinfo rates. That is to say not worse, not better, but still fucking horrible.

Makes me realize that people are just as big a driver of this bs as any state or corpo driven propaganda bot.

True, but the average income / buying power has to be factored in too, right? Caveman googling gives the average Russian's income to be $14k USD / year whereas Swedes are at $47k USD / year. Assuming more caveman math, that'd be like paying $5.23/dozen in Rubles compared to $3.60/dozen in SEK.

Of course you can't just do these sort of comparisons exactly, because money's always more complicated than that, but I think it gives a better context.

Romney will not vote for Trump under any circumstances and isn’t shy about it*

The lie is likely a reference to McCarthy going on air trying to pin the potential shutdown on the Dems


Can't possibly be right because it's not - he pulled it out of his ass. If you look at sourced govt document, it outlines the motivation pretty clearly.

The United States Border Patrol’s (Border Patrol) Rio Grande Valley Sector is an area of “high illegal entry.” As of early August 2023, Border Patrol had encountered over 245,000 such entrants attempting to enter the United States between ports of entry in the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Fiscal Year 2023.

It's a problem area that the government's trying to get patched up. If you read the document, they list very specific spots they're putting barriers up in - it's not some brain-dead wall. And it's not for conservative brownie points. If people are illegally coming past the border, the government has an interest in stopping that no matter who's actually in charge.

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My soul died a bit thinking of that wasted MDF

You’re basically telling me that in order to have cruelty-free wool, I have to be wealthy.

Congrats. You found out why there’s animal cruelty in the first place. People need cheaper things -> other things need to be sacrificed to make that happen.

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Biden’s actions to ease housing costs

Biden’s plan to lower drug costs.

Biden’s actions to increase minimum wage. Here’s one of him telling UAW members to fight for a 40% increase.

Companies were in trouble, now they're doing incredibly well. And guess what? You should be doing incredibly well, too

  • Bernie Biden

Just because he isn’t stringing words together to say your second paragraph verbatim doesn’t mean he’s not taking steps to do something about it. And the links above took literally 2 minutes of searching “Biden addresses X”

No way... people who are experts in the food/health industry are involved with giving dietary advice? The horror.

Of course there isn't a link to the reports, so I have to go looking for it. Anyway here's the report. PDF - page 8 for the results. I spot-checked a few of them - the conflicts of interest I saw was in the form of companies sponsoring research done. ...which is pretty much how the majority of research gets done I believe..

Also I see coca-cola referenced ONCE as a "possible" COI

Position in industry-sponsored conferences: Dr. Booth was selected to speak at a conference sponsored by Bayer, Coca-Cola, and Abbott, among other industry actors

yet this article seems to deem it alright to put it as the posterboy image and list it prominently among other unpopular company names. Also they have to link to their boogeyman reporting about aspartame. You can see where HN tore it apart here.

This is why I hate news nowadays. I could've made some good food in the past 20 minutes on a nice Saturday, but instead I wasted time finding out a guardian article was bullshit.

Relevant section in the govt report -

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.1 million, changed little in September. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-8.)

A-8 seems to indicate the number of part-time jobs for economic reasons actually went down by about 100k, which seems pretty good.

Listed out like that, it’s not completely out of left field. The MAGA wing has been advocating for a few of those items on the list. It’s just bizarre that it’s being brought up as a bargaining chip /now/. You know - after obliterating the last R that worked with Dems. Like…what…?

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I wonder if the farms normally have insurance for this kinda thing. "Infected flocks are normally destroyed to prevent the flu’s spread, and then the farms are decontaminated." sounds damn expensive and ruinous to a plant.

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They don’t have any obligation to do the legwork for you. It’s good that you put your homework here for others to reference, but no-effort comments get no-effort replies. And as you found out, they were ultimately correct.

There are way too many bad faith statements on lemmy.

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I'm going to 2nd the other guy - flooding the zone with shit is already something I see often in various lemmy communities. If you think commenters will read articles and actually present proof if something's wrong, you have a much higher expectation from the people here than they're actually capable of. People barely/never read the actual articles. They look at the title and the vote counts and comment/vote/think accordingly.

MBFC is at least an easy way to remove the obvious bad stuff. Yea, it's not perfect, but it's a thousand times better than expecting the community to self-moderate legitimate sources.

... strain on RAM resources? What year is it?

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...wow. From what I know - the defense generative models have against copyright is that they don't copy their training data directly. If the models have that data in some form that can be repeated back, they can/should get reamed by lawsuits.

Corpo donors probably don't care about them winning the presidency. They're doing it to get their foot in the door when the primary candidates inevitably end up in office positions.

Donations from the general public? I have no fuckin idea what the reasoning there could be

The people who like these games generally don't get angry the same way you do (probably). I've died 30+ times to bosses before and felt disheartened. But the rush from the win makes it feel worth it.

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Can't say anything about buying new clothes, but as the budget's tightened in my household I've been leaning how to mend my clothes. The ones I normally would've thrown away due to armpit/toe/crotch holes can be fixed somewhat easily.

One catch is that I use a sewing machine my MIL gave me - so there was some cost somewhere. But I see machines on craigslist going for sub 60 fairly often. The second catch is that I was lucky enough to develop an interest (and spend my free time) learning about how to mend clothes. If people lack free time/interest to learn how to do it, then they end up paying the new-clothes tax.

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No. Chapter 2 is short compared to the others. And it's 3 playthroughs to beat the game. It's not one run of 5 chapters.

If people can't be bothered to beat the second chapter to play multiplayer, then they're just going to ragequit when they get stomped online anyway.

Do you also get annoyed when something not actually cold is called cool? Or if someone doesn't actually get to a task "in a minute"?

If literally everyone in CA was actually sick, that would have a bigger impact than late-2020 COVID. I'd prefer if language wasn't catered to the type of person who doesn't recognize the post title is an exaggeration to convey seriousness.

I'm sorry - did you assume that poster's country?

Sometimes I wonder if there are different "levels" of propaganda nation states put out. Like you have this obviously fake crap get a bunch of surface-knowlege people. Then you have more subtle things put out - like social media accounts pretending that something false is a ground truth. You'll then get people who can catch the fake videos and then believe the fake accounts no problem because it's obviously can't be propaganda - because you know what propaganda looks like. cough gell-mann amnesia cough

Or maybe nation states are really that incompetent and the only level of propaganda they can put out is like the article's videos. Honestly people give way too much credit to how much these folks know/plan out. There's no secret cabal playing 5d chess. They're normal people (ie. dumbfucks) pushing a message.

Who knows.

It’s getting there. The FTC proposed new rules two days ago to update COPPA to curb advertisers farming children’s data and prevent them from enticing kids to stay persistently online

....what? I'm saying the claim that this is a performative gesture to score conservative votes is made up.

But since we're on the center of biological diversity, I'm going to question this site's information too.

Biden Administration Waives Laws to Rush Border Wall Construction Through Texas Wildlife Refuge

Section 2 of the document linked in my post above has the location for the barriers/walls/roads/whatever you want to call it. I noticed that a few of them mention the refuge, but none of them mention going through them - only going up to the border... and that's it.

"useless, medieval wall " - from the site.

Explicitly not what this construction is. This site's motivation is questionable.

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He fucking does say it. Multiple times across different sources. That’s literally why he’s quitting the senate. You people just don’t read past headlines so you don’t see it.

Definitely not shitty-bad, but it seemed like a Seinfeld moment. Looks like he's still a small artist so I won't name him here - but a guy I sat next to on a plane turned out to have drawn/designed the shirt I wore that day. We were having a nice chat when the discussion turned to the CCP and his admiration for their authoritative actions.

I definitely Noped out mentally from the conversation, but we still kept talking for a while because.... well we were on a plane. Was still a nice guy (to me) - just ...interesting.. views.