
1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What changed is he started becoming more public. He's always been a shithead. There were mentions of him abusing his employees back when I was in grad school in 2012. People on the internet just fell for his mythos and just kept ignoring signs to the contrary until he just...kept...talking.. and couldn't be ignored anymore.

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It’s to prevent normalization. If you keep it in the news, then people will remember it when election time comes around.

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So... "fun" fact since I was following that shitshow at the time. When r/T_D got booted off reddit, they congregated to a site called thedonald[dot]win. That site later got renamed to patriots[dot]win. They were very much hyping up Jan6th in the days leading up to it and were absolutely looking forward to getting violent.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say reddit's tolerance towards T_D was one of the root-causes towards what happened in J6th.

Easy - Godzilla 1998. 28% audience score just goes to show the public has no taste

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The use of lead alloys in telecom cables started in the 1880s and the industry began to phase out placement of new lead-sheathed cables in the 1950s after developing a new type of sheathing," the trade group's website said. "Some of these cables still provide customer voice and data services, including connecting 911 service, fire alarms, and other central monitoring stations."

Sounds about right. So they did stop using it when the negative effects of lead started being more well-known. You know what happens when they try to remove that cable in favor of fiber? You get people who whine that the telcos are getting rid of landline copper connections.

Online services cost a lot of money. People don't realize how much because VCs and corpos w/ deep pockets have been subsidizing most major services for a long time. Now that the free money period is more-or-less over, these services need to start paying the bills with their users - commence enshittification

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Just a heads up to anyone that didn't get an update - it's on the experimental build (v1.1.83) which you need to manually subscribe to in steam.

This is huge though - I paused my factorio-playing because I was hoping for gamepad parity with the Switch version. Time to get back into it

Can just use the cached version. That's what I've been doing. In and out in 2 seconds

If you want to minimize opinions of people who joined recently, try not being someone who also joined recently.

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They're saying that the issue is fixed in the next release that's coming out (0.18). Right now the stable version everyone's using is (0.17.4)

You’re not paying them… you’re not their mother. You don’t get to force them to do anything they don’t want to do.

I'm trying to think of what it would be like if one of my projects had a defined roadmap and then I suddenly get hundred of messages a day telling me I have to do something. lol, no. Maybe if I was actually being paid well for the project.

...go on..? And...?

And because this instance had open registration, it quickly became one of the biggest instances. Trolls were using the open registration + federation to harass their community. Because there are a lack of mod tools and the fact they only have 4 mods, they couldn't keep up. In order to keep the community they wanted in tact, they decided to temporarily defederate until they're better equipped to handle it.

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  • Not beholden to public transport schedules and it's faster to use a car in suburban/rural areas
  • Able to move a large amount of goods at once - especially important if you own a home
  • Can turn around if I forgot something
  • More quiet than buses. I'd hate if a bus drove by my house every 30m
  • Can listen to music without headphones

I love how folks on this thread are so sure beehaw’s lying about that - despite the supposed amenable chat they and sh.itjust.works admins had about the situation. You guys are reeeaaally butthurt about the defed even though it wasn’t personal

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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

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I'm running a lot of services off my nginx reverse proxy. This is my general setup for each subdomain - each in its own config file. I wouldn't consider this verbose in any way - and it's never crashed on me


server {
    listen       443 ssl http2;
    listen  [::]:443 ssl http2;
    server_name  [something].0x-ia.moe;

    include /etc/nginx/acl_local.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/default_settings.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/ssl_0x-ia.conf;

    location / {
        proxy_pass              http://[host]:[port]/;
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I don't think it's manipulation. If 90% of users really are on the official app, then I'm not surprised they want the <10% to shut up and let the 90 get their dopamine fix. The current population was happy to support the protests because it sounded good, but now it's actually affecting their entertainment.

It's bonkers how much money you can save making food yourself by just planning meals based on what's on sale this week. People don't believe me, but chicken thighs/legs go on sale here every 3/4 weeks for 99 cents a pound. Week's worth of meat for the equivalent price of a McD's meal.

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... once again, the devs already said they would accept a PR with mCapchas. I don't see why any capable dev would fork a project rather than just contribute code. The community can disagree all they want - it takes actual programmers to split.

And if other instances start becoming spambots, just defederate.

I’ll take that bet. Too bad there’s no RemindMeBot. I would’ve set one for a year

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I keep thinking about my MiL when I hear this song - "I don't like him". She was in the same circles as Bill back in the day - apparently he was not a nice guy to women. I turn the volume up when it's on because the song's damn good, but still...

If say Bernie Sanders also broke the law but in his supporters’ minds was morally right, they wouldn’t abandon him.

To add to this, this literally happened in 1963 and is referenced as one of his biggest selling points.

FINALLY. This is the only feature I was really missing from the microsoft app. Can finally put actions on the back paddles which don’t correspond to the face/trigger buttons

Sorry, I wasn't aware that lemmy.world was a tankie safe-haven in the two weeks it was around before you joined. My bad.

Relevant documentation here. I just used curl for basic scripts.

The moronic general public already thinks holding 45 accountable is "political persecution" source. This is with rocksteady evidence. And now you people are talking about charging R-aligned Justices on loose bribe accusations? Just... no. This is how you fire up their base and hand R's the election with a supermajority.

This is the Congress' job to fix. Want it fixed? Stop relying on the president and start figuring out how to make Congress actually work again.

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I don't think I want to get a PS5 just for FF - the wait for a PC port is going to be painful.

With the "Xbox Extended Feature Support" option selected, you actually can map individual keys to paddles within steam. The problem is Steam Input/BigPicture has been incredibly unreliable for me within the past few months. I'm just glad I can make changes using the first-party software now.

Edit - saw your edit. Changed the post title to make it a little more clear

I can’t tell if this is a deliberate propaganda campaign or people are actually this clueless and think incumbent presidents regularly compete in primaries.

Honestly I think it’s both. This type of talking point is easy to sell to the people who whine about The Establishment without putting in a modicum of effort to understand why things are that way

Works fine for me too. Used an iPhone/safari

pirate foreign broadcast TV

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. I'm guessing a search for open RTMP ports, geolocation, and a few other criteria?

I'm not sure that's correct. When I click your first link, it's going to https://kbin.social/m/!technology@beehaw.org. What OP wants is a way to post the link and (in my case) go to https://melly.0x-ia.moe/c/technology@beehaw.org

Found anything particularly interesting in the field? I liked RF and then didn't like RF when doing my masters, lol.

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This post is also from Sept 2021

As far as I know, lemmy instances can't sub to kbin magazines yet. I can't on my instance at least

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I've got no problem buying government bread/cheese. Getting the discounted meat because it's close to the sell-by date. I don't prefer a car because of the perception that PT's for poor people. I prefer my car because it's just a better option in my eyes.

lemmy.world's pretty big, but I'm still getting other places. More spread would always be good though. Counts from my all feed -

  48 | lemmy.world
  14 | beehaw.org
  12 | sh.itjust.works
   4 | lemmy.dbzer0.com
   4 | lemmy.film

I bought that on a friend's recommendation a few months ago, but I feel like I didn't give it a fair chance - only played about an hour or two. I'll give it another shot - thanks for the rec

I have to agree - this is classic reddit. Spez obviously couldn't care less about namecalling.

  • The corp gets to use the CEO as a punching bag - which is pretty much his job description...

  • Redditors can feel good about upvoting a picture "sticking it to the man" while actually doing nothing - participating on a site that's still reaming them

  • Buying all the reddit awards for the post, GIVING THE COMPANY THEY'RE SUPPOSEDLY STICKING IT TO MORE MONEY. Bullshit like this pisses me off after finding out the Lemmy devs pretty much make less than minimum wage with donations

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Interesting - then it's a problem with my thing's config. Thanks for the info - I'll check into it