
10 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Precisely how I feel on it. Would it have been magical if the protest resulted in every last user leaving reddit behind for better alternatives? Of course. But that was never something I thought was likely. However, it's caused a lot of us who were already unhappy to leave and come over to the Fediverse, and I do think that's a success.

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I also have recently left Reddit. And I am all for blocking content that contains hate speech. Allowing fascist content to take root is unacceptable.

Good for him.
Also, reading the sexual harassment comment from the "unnamed A-list celebrity" made my jaw drop. I completely get why Elliot can't name who it is, but damn, I wish there was a safe way to leak it so we know who that bastard is 🤮👿


I was on here only yesterday, I come back, it's just a bunch of beans lol

And I left reddit to escape idiots like you. If I can handle being disappointed, so can you. Shut the fuck up.

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This is the chaotic good energy I'm here for

Gee, I wonder why you expected people to react badly to you 🤔🤔🤔

Guess we'll never know! You have yourself a good one. And if you're American, don't forget to wave your flag today! 😘

Same here. What's this, I can binge post AND feel good about it? Hehehe

Look up the tolerance paradox and then suck my dick

Thank you Ernest, we appreciate you ☺️

And if you choose not to engage, you "didn't care enough to even argue your point" so it "must not have been that important to you anyway" 🥴 damned if you do damned if you don't

This is so cursed lmao 😂

Probably not, unfortunately

He HAS to be poorly programmed AI, right?

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GatDAHM Jamie, what you doing all cheeked up on a Sunday afternoon? 🥵

Exactly this why is this so hard for these motherfuckers to understand

Can't trust these companies

That's all that needs to be said

This is a NO DUMB ZONE

To be fair, they're not wrong

Always has been

All very good points! So yeah, I'm taking what victories I can, in this case my victories are having found the Fediverse and no longer being on reddit ☺️

Well, yeah--the Tr*mpies are professional hypocrites. The cognitive dissonance never ceases to amaze me

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This is the way

attention and validation

Well I think we can arrange that :)
You look absolutely lovely, and I really like your tattoo as well. May I ask what the inspiration for it was?

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Yup. I can't do the discourse either. I know that a small percentage could be talked into a more reasonable perspective, but I don't have the energy any more to play guess who with the ones who will benefit from discussions in good faith, and the ones who are just trying to use their hate to whittle me down. The people that hard drank the koolaid can't be reasoned with--they cherry pick their own rulebook. Ya think Jesus as he's depicted would approve of the shit they're doing? What happened to love thy neighbor, or take the log out of thine own eye first, or not throwing stones in glass houses? Hell, what about not wearing mixed fibers, or eating the wrong kinds of foods? The 'only for thee and not for me' attitude is just....ugh


I know. Me too. It fucking sucks that we don't see larger, more consistent examples of unity over issues like this. Part of me is grateful for the amount of people that did port over, and part of me is mad at that grateful part, thinking that I should--we should--be able to expect more. And part of me wants to take the victories that I can. It's not a simple issue, so I'm trying to hold on to the faith that I have left that we'll figure all of this shit out and do what I can in the meantime.


Heh, true! But that's up to brainier brains than mine 😸

Oh my goodness YES. Autumn Plains was my favorite world in RR, and the serene background track was a large reason why. Such beautiful games

Ultimately, that's up to you to decide ofc.

Personally, spez's decisions have turned me off of it entirely and I've decided to hard close that door. I'm not going back. I've had more fun on kbin in the ~24 hours I've been here than I ever did on reddit, and I can feel better about where I'm putting my time, energy, and engagement.

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I've deleted my account and stopped lurking on browser. Not looking back and it feels great. Hoping for a nice stay here at kbin 😎

When are they gonna learn that freedom of religion doesn't just apply to them?

Oh, but what am I talking about. Learn, them? Ha.

But sometimes it do

Lol, absolutely goat move

Ugh. I'm so sorry :(

Good point lmao




Thank you! Good to be here 👍