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That already happened in 2010 with Citizens United, and the late Justice John Paul Stevens' dissent nailed it:

"A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold."

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U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle

...specifically hers.

in Florida

surprise! ;)

Edit: Ha ha, downvoted...Florida Man is watching!

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This hubris seems recent and tied to a belief that Trump isn’t a serious candidate.

How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy

Post history indicates they just didn't use the /s switch.

'You just can't control yourself'

The judge apparently doesn't understand the difference between "can't" and "don't want to".

law about financial disclosure of politicians

I'm actually in Florida (but on an Aussie Lemmy instance); you wouldn't believe the number of politicians, mostly from wealthy beach communities, who are vacating their offices because of that law. It's a total shit show.

an attempt by the state's Republican governor to block a landmark climate ruling

oh, that guy

I'm shocked! /s

It would likely cause problems for the Utah House because it might force them to actually do their jobs instead of fixate on culture war bullshit.

Trump acts like a mob boss, and Al Capone died in his Florida mansion of complications from syphilis.

Wouldn't it be great if history repeated itself?

Shouldn't he at least make it believable?

Why bother? He's a serial bullshitter.

"independent voters"...claiming to be undecided on Trump in 2023

I think they just crave attention from the media.

Apparently just a coincidence that's she hasn't received any death threats. /s

So the Civil War wasn't about slavery, and now this?

She's on a roll.

Antisemitism is when I tell someone I’m a Jew and they berate me for supporting Israel when I don't support Israel.

You're not alone, by the way:

