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Joined 13 months ago

everything will be replaced eventually in time but whether lemmy will replace reddit (in this case) is the question.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion. It was a one weird rollercoaster ride. I still can't understand the movie too.

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It's not difficult to download what you have contributed to Reddit and to post somewhere.

It's not easy either. Reddit sometimes has a particular set of posts that solve queries that are not even answered in stack overflow.

Reddit may have did a massive asshole move, but deleting those things might make things difficult only for people who seek the knowledge, not reddit.

Sync, Boost are some of the apps I know

weird to say but once i found a answer for a problem in reddit that wasn't solved/asked even in stack overflow.

UI looks good, looking forward to it.

catbox is more like a file hosting website but yeah, it's pretty good too.

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the irony.

do i have to watch the other episodes before watching this one?

what if I don't have a cat?

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yeah, i mostly use it for images and pdfs. it has been great when you need to send your friends some low size file at the eleventh hour.

idt my dorm will allow it, i will prolly adopt a poor street cat or a dog when i get my own apartment.

Nier Automata has a great storyline and the ost just elevates that totally in nearly all occasions. It's an one of a game which just mesmerizes you in it's soundtrack while playing the game during any time.

what? sync for lemmy hasn't been released yet.

I think MAM is a great start for beginners before RED

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who doesn't want to be a spiderman?

Yeah, that's true.

It's kinda annoying and sad to see that EU have to make bills these days for basic things that android had a decade ago.

how are they in terms of user interface?

i think that the current icon is good.

that's true, if you are good in RED you can pretty much can get into other big trackers but idk whether people who just learn what private trackers are can just go through RED interviews (and wait at the lobby for weeks). so that's the reason why i think MAM is a great start.

neither do any of the contributers?

well, there are posts that are pictrues that are taken by op themselves. candid sometimes, selfie somtimes.

Hey @ljdawson@lemmy.world, good work! Can you provide a ETA if you could?

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What's with apple getting product updates / releases faster than android / windows?

they can be sued for this right?

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