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Joined 12 months ago

Please buy Facebook next!!!

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The only times I've seen that is if I'm trying to browse while on a VPN(mullvad in my case). And more often than not it's because it came up in a search.

Then there's Google's habit of completely ignoring the browser's language settings so I have to sit though ads I don't even understand

I used to occasionally watch YouTube on my lunch break when I would go into the office. I loved getting ads in Spanish, the office was in Greenville,SC not a large Spanish native population. I have premium on my account but don't like signing in personal account on work machines.

Unfortunately mostly true. I worked for Charter Business, and was told I was "being too helpful". They only want people who read off the script. I moved over to the CCST group before they killed that off. I'm so happy to be away from there, that place was soul sucking.

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Or make Teams a not piece of shit. Even worse they had teams on Linux in the past. Now have new teams and new outlook, which are just electron...give it back to Linux please.

which I hate considering UT2003/2004 had native Linux support.

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"Yea, but the rents are outrageous" - Bender, Futurama

that is what I've just assumed had been happening for at least a decade now.

There are places like North Carolina where I used to live that got snow once every 3 years or so, no real justification for having snow tires as that point. On the few occasions where it does snow everyone should just stay home, but some don't have that luxury unfortunately.

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dpkg --list | grep xz

should return what version of xz package is on your system. Likely 5.4, in which case you should be okay.

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Bottles and Lutris would help in this case for you.

I'm almost sure the site has already been scrapped of current contest for the LLM.

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That's about how it worked for me on the second surgery. Apparently my first words coming to were "holy fuck I need a cigarette"

Ive recently replaced the engine, but I hope to keep driving my 08 Speed3 for another decade. It's annoying having everything else in the road so much larger, but I don't want anything this size.


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They have, they want you to buy the more expensive model with greater profit margins.

I have been running a vertical task bar since Windows XP and have been on KDE as well(like now). The fact it's not an option for Windows 11(my work laptop) drives me insane.

So many wasted pixels. :/

Do I have a problem?

No -> Don't Worry. Yes -> Can I do something -> No -> What the worst possible outcomes and how will I deal with them? Can I do something -> Yes -> What the worst possible outcomes and how can I negate them to only have best outcomes.

Worrying is good, preparedness makes it easier.

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probably the best advice it could give

I did everyday in my car for listening to music when I still had my Pixel4a. Sadly it started to die and I replaced it with a Pixel 8(sans headphone jack) and had to buy a Bluetooth -> aux adapter.

Yep, they didn't want people that think too much. They want drones to read off scripts and fake empathy when theit service is out(again). It wasn't as bad in CCST(complex coax support team), since my interactions were very rarely with end users(VARS, large national businesses and other carriers). But they got rid of that department and have the REP1(new people) handle that service and put us back on front line phone support. None of the CCST customers were happy about the degraded service from unknowledgeable and untrained support staff. I had an interview to move over to Enterprise Fiber, but skipped that and just completely quit without notice.

The place is structured to make sure nothing ever gets past the status quo. I had multiple engineering tickets closed out for probable network routing issues(on our end) because no one wanted to look into it. If you have any more than signal issues and something a modem reboot won't fix...good luck getting a problem actually addressed.

I only have a handful of books through them, but it might be time to get those locally.

ProgrammersAreHumanToo, great stuff.

I lived in Charlotte, NC when Google announced GFiber was coming. Instantly AT&T started running as much fiber as possible and Charter(spectrum) was trying to get people locked into cheaper 3 year contracts. Ultimately AT&T got fiber first so we went with them, and it was vastly better. Charter was getting 60% packet loss every night from oversold infrastructure they didn't care to fix, as before the announcement the only competition was AT&T uverse in some parts of the city.

which isn't an effected version, so you should be okay.


I had an enterprise fiber side that I just bailed on and quit the place without notice(or another job lined up). It was genuinely soul crushing andi don't regret my decision. Granted 3 years later I make more than double the pay with less headache.

In Charlotte, NC where I last lived. They were building apartments like crazy, but all "luxury apartments" and charging $3-4/sq ft.

$1850/month for a 600sqft apartment wasn't really sustainable for a lot of people.

As an Nvidia user this update with the Plasma(technically kubuntu i know), has made a big difference. Thoough Resolve doesnt open now :/

same. I use facebook container extension on firefox, and do not have the app on my phone. I have noticed this as well, it doesnt matter how man pages i block and mark "i dont want to see this kind of contect" it just keeps coming.

Kate in gui, nano in terminal