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Joined 1 years ago

Libraries are entirely about the free sharing of information, and supporting everybody's ability to access it. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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Bringing me back to 1996 πŸ˜†

Someone actively spewing hate speech in addition to repeated attempts to troll the communities it posts to

What this means in this context is considering the viewpoints coming from many different groups--people of different races, religions, disabilities, neurodivergence, etc., so issues that affect men with disabilities, for example, are as important as issues that affect men without disabilities. They don't get ignored or sidelined in favor of more mainstream conversations.

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I feel like IT could yell at OP for a little bit, but would ultimately have to stare the fact that they allowed non-privileged users to just change the operating system square in the face. Like holy hell, 500 employees and anybody can just be like, "Hey, maybe I'll make a major OS change today because why not?" What else are they letting happen?!

Right? I joined by accident because I misread the community name as "c/privacy." πŸ˜‚ Instead of leaving, I've gotten a lot of great information and opinions I didn't know I wanted on privacy, security, and open source projects for people who just want to lock their shit down without needing to. It's just a great information resource all around and I super appreciate everyone's input.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising is on Steam sale for $6 standard/$10 with the DLC. It's a story with the Greek pantheon providing most of the characters that doesn't take itself seriously--it starts off with Prometheus telling Zeus a story, and Zeus is the world's worst audience. The movement and combat are satisfying, and it's a ton of fun so far.

Mario and Luigi are great games! I put so many hours into the first one. :)

There's going to be an updated and remastered Super Mario RPG released for the Switch next month, and although that's not a patient gamer choice for a while yet, the original game is still solid and can be played through an SNES emulator.

As someone with a learning disability, a history of trauma, neurodivergence, and is part of a racial minority, I really don't give a fuck if the majority are kept quiet for five minutes lol

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A high value property

What time zone are y'all in, and what hours do you typically play?

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My god, did that smell good

Yeah! Libraries here in the US can be really great, too. There's an interlibrary loan program that allows people to request materials from any other library, and the information they carry isn't limited to books, reference information, and magazines--they do movies, music, and video games, too, and some of them around me have 3d printers available for people to use. I used to live in a rural state, and I still had access to a global network of libraries out there. It was wild!

Supafly πŸ˜‚

Seems weird to me that you think helping marginalized people wouldn't help everybody. That's the whole point, finding solutions to problems that work for everyone, not just those in the middle of the bell curve.

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I'm picturing someone struggling to hold on to their last vestiges of human consciousness while getting ready to blast blue-brown vomit everywhere. "Worth... it...," he manages to rasp out, before collapsing to the ground to watch as his hands detach and skitter their way over to an instrument panel to begin their own Work.

You can be short-sighted and wrong, but it's better to re-examine your beliefs and the way you understand the world. It's a good thing to grow out of this phase.

You know what this tells me? It tells me that Dr. Avi Loeb would touch space goo and press any button placed in front of him. Hasn't he read/watched The Expanse?! πŸ˜‚

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It takes a little more effort on your part, but there's an awful lot of good information to pull from this piece.

  1. These are socialists speaking from their points of view. They want the people to have the power, and they're pissed at all the other players who are trying to keep the people of Haiti from governing themselves.
  2. There's more than one other country trying to influence where the power to rule ends up. One country would basically be an invasion; what do we call it when more than one country, especially from opposing sides, tries to steer another country's direction? We need to take a really hard look at how Haiti is being used as a proxy battleground between capitalist and communist nations.
  3. The writer references the US's Global Fragility Act of 2019, which can be found on Congress's website. Look at this bit in the synopsis: "The State Department shall select priority countries and regions that are particularly at risk, and report to Congress 10-year plans for each. Each plan shall include information including descriptions of goals, plans for reaching such goals, and benchmarks for measuring progress." Next, search for "Global Fragility Act" and "Haiti" to see if Haiti really is being targeted for US intervention. The State Department and Council on Foreign Relations say that, yes, the US is involving itself in Haitian politics, explicitly with the goal of being an investment (CFR) and "stabilized" according to standards laid out by the US (State Department).

Basically, we can insert Team America: World Police gifs as desired here. Ignoring the socialist bias entirely, we have to look at why Haiti is important to the US and Canada, how it's being used as a proxy for the cold war between the East and West, and why we don't think the Haitian people are capable of governing themselves. You're welcome to ask your own questions about it, including why you want to dismiss the opinion as totally worthless right away.