
43 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


If you want to follow Twitter accounts from Mastodon, there's a bridge called Bird.Makeup that still works and is working on a workaround to this issue.

I'm working on a Mastodon client called Agora that integrates this bridge into the search, so that if you search for "elonmusk@twitter.com" it automatically loads the bridged Mastodon version of the profile: https://agorasocial.app/#/andrew.masto.host/a/111844567849084915

It would help to not have a complete mess of a naming scheme for their phones. It should be:

Moto E: Budget/entry level Moto G: Mid-range Moto Edge/RAZR: Flagship phones

There’s no need to confuse everything by adding 20 different versions of each tier with stylus/power/activ/whatever added to the name.

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Jack Dorsey doesn't "own" Blusky, he just gave them grant money in the beginning to kick things off, and is one of the board members.

"Prior to the seed round, Bluesky's website described the company as a Public Benefit LLC owned by CEO Jay Graber and other Bluesky employees. Post-seed round, the company describes itself as a public-benefit C Corp."


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That's the thing, if instance admins do that to avoid duplicate communities, won't that just mean that a few huge instances will be the ones with most of the popular communities, and have outsized sway/traffic costs?

Then we're back to square one and defeat the whole purpose of distributing load across many medium instances. Or am I misunderstanding how this works?

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Tablets are good for "consumption" vs laptops/desktops that are better for "creation/production".

If all you want to do is browse the web, social media, watch videos, etc then tablets are a simpler interface for doing that, compared to dealing with all the extra things involved in a desktop OS.

For creation/production, aka "real work", laptop/desktop is obviously much more efficient and powerful for that.

Anna's Archive just added an academic papers feature called SciDB: https://annas-archive.org/

Dude this is amazing! Exactly the sort of thing I've been hoping would pop up to further "decentralize" the torrent search experience.

So I'm trying to run it on my machine through the docker-compose option, and I'm seeing something weird. It shows as successfully running, but when I go to the port it should be running on, I get "unable to connect" on my browser.

When I check my containers running, it shows the 3 bitmagnet containers, but the port doesn't show.


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You can now install Tailscale on AppleTV. Tailscale is a sort of personal VPN service that allows you to directly connect your personal devices to each other over the internet. tvOS 17 added support for VPNs to run on Apple TV.

What this means in the case of AppleTV region coding:

If for example, you have a computer at home that's running tailscale, and you take your AppleTV with you while on vacation in let's say, Egypt, you can set Tailscale on your AppleTV to use the Tailscale node on your home computer as an exit node, and you'll be able to stream Hulu on that AppleTV in your hotel in Egypt normally because the traffic is tunneling through your computer back home in the US, and it thinks that's where you're located.

Normally with commercial VPNs, that wouldn't work because Hulu/Netflix/etc have a list of IP addresses associated with VPN services, and so they'd detect youre connected to that VPN and block you from using it. But in the case of tailscale, the IP address they see is that of your computer back home, so they don't think you're connected to a VPN.

This can also theoretically help get around Netflixes password sharing restrictions, because if the account owner runs an exit node on their AppleTV, and the other password sharers set their AppleTVs to use that owners AppleTV as their exit node, Netflix will think the logins are all coming from the same IP address located in one place.

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Off the top of my head: with Forgejo, you alone have the burden of hosting your repo, which means if your repo becomes popular, you have to deal with the costs of all that traffic to it.

The nice thing about the P2P/seeding aspect of Radicle is that anyone can clone your public repo and help seed it to others.

I see that Forgejo is working on federation which should help distribute the load of hosting a repo, but that doesn't look to be completed yet

I don't see how that's accurate if it's jointly owned by its employees.

The best alternative is one that you can self-host and/or isn't centralized.

My favorite option right now is torrents-csv.ml, since it's "a collaborative repository of torrents, consisting of a searchable torrents.csv file."

Basically, the author of the project scrapes the torrent DHT network and compiles a csv of all the torrent magnet links into a CSV file that's searchable on this site. You can selfhost your own private instance of the site by following the instructions on the repository here: https://git.torrents-csv.ml/heretic/torrents-csv-server

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I get that the Lemmy devs are swamped with a lot of github issues, but how is this not one of, if not THE top priority for them right now? It's mind blowing that instance admins don't have the ability to disable the automatic caching of images from other remote instances.

If any shit show instance that ends up having CSAM can then cause an admin's instance to inadvertently cache/host that same content, why the fuck would anyone be motivated to host an instance and deal with the liability?

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Stick my wiener into it

This is just the tech equivalent of tabloid gossip, and is worthless as tech news. Grow up OP

There really needs to be an option for instances to upload images to imgur using their API.

imgur has been hosting images for years, and has the resources and experience to deal with stuff like CSAM.

It shouldn’t be the default/only option that hosting an instance means having to open the floodgates for anyone to upload images to their servers.

From a liability standpoint alone, it’s an absurd thing to just expect every instance to accept.

This is why it's more and more important to have tools like BitMagnet that allow you self host it, and crawl/index the DHT to essentially have your own torrent search database that doesn't rely on 3rd party trackers.


I use PodGrab, and think it’s great for saving local copies of podcast episodes to your server:


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Why does it matter whether they announced it or not, if the flight took off more than 3 and a half hours after its scheduled departure, is that not more than a 3 hour delay by definition?

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I'm working on a client/app called Agora that integrates bridges like bridgy-fed so that you don't have to think about those quirks, you just search something like "aoc.bsky.social" on it while logged in to a Mastodon account, it'll automatically pull up the bridged version of the account for you to follow.


There’s a web app in addition to the electron desktop apps, you can find an example here: https://feishin.vercel.app/

I think that’s only if they detect that you’re connected to an IP address that they recognize as part of a commercial VPN service, since i’m sure they have a list.

I use netflix when connected to tailscale VPN on both my phone and apple tv and it works fine, since the exit node that netflix is receiving my connection from isn’t a commercial VPN IP

This is exactly how Lemmy works, yet you’re here…

Forgot about the Moto Z, I’d actually prefer they name their flagships that over Moto Edge

isn't about choosing the better product, but on which shows you have.

But you can argue that part of what makes a streaming service a good product, is the literal product they produce, their content.

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They’re a publisher whose content is hosted on their own streaming service. It’s classic vertical integration.

I think the current model is better actually, because then the streaming services have to compete with each other on content, user experience, and price.

This way, you only need to subscribe to the streaming services that have the shows you’re currently watching, and can cancel whenever you’re done with those shows, until the next one comes along.

If a streaming service bundles multiple studios shows together, then you’re paying for a ton of content you may not even care about, just like how cable is.

At the end of the day, unless someone is watching hours and hours of tv a day, it’s unlikely they need to simultaneously subscribe to 7 streaming services.

Which search indexers are you using in radarr/sonarr?

DHT allows discovery of torrents by pinging the IP addresses from an existing torrent, and asking them what other files they’re sharing. It then pings the other IP addresses seeding those files, and asks them what they’re sharing, and so on.

You can either use a torrent search index site (many of them use DHT to create their database) or you can self host your own DHT crawler and have your own personal torrent search index, but the downside is it uses a decent amount of space to store the index.

BitMagnet is the best self hosted DHT indexer if you’re interested: https://github.com/bitmagnet-io/bitmagnet

Just pulled the latest and tried again, and it works now! Thanks

I’m in the US, and as far as I know, ISPs only block websites if the federal government mandates it, in which case all ISPs would have to block it.

Yeah Voyager has both a native iOS app and an installable Progressive Web App

iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voyager-for-lemmy/id6451429762 Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.vger.voyager Installable Progressive Web App: https://vger.app/

If I had to guess, that's probably for the Speech to Text feature, so you can reject that permission if you don't want to use speech to text.

How so?

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So if the ideal Lemmy structure is a large number of medium sized instances, would you say there should be a mechanism (either at the API level or handled by clients) to randomly select a general purpose instance at sign up?

Ah interesting, thank you for the clarification!

What is meant by "non-free network service" in this context? Geometric Weather doesn't charge for anything, nor does it even have in-app purchases.

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Ah good to know, thanks!