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Joined 10 months ago

Odd that you put the doggy diddling in the headline but omit the child abuse

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I think their hands are kind of tied. He's not a valuable asset, he is a fuckup. He doesn't hold the same value as a random citizen tourist that didn't have the intention of defecting. He's not in a position to provide valuable intel. They either kick him out or treat him like a god and let him go home to tell everyone how awesome North Korea is. Punishing him only hurts their image.

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I heard Obamas birth certificate and trumps pee tapes were on there too

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It certainly is one of them. You can’t virtually close an entire sector of jobs all at once without serious repercussions to the economy.

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There’s other factors too, such as children, schooling, internet connectivity, social circle, relatives, weather, etc.

I pay a ridiculously high amount for rent. An equivalent mortgage a decade ago would have put me in a very large property. I pay much more for rent than anyone I know who owns. But I cant afford a house 🤷🏻‍♂️

It's absolutely clickbaot IMO. The phrasing alone gives it away. Regardless, there was massive garbage rumors and hate when it was leaked that Apple was making their own chip for macOS. The M-series chips have been phenomenal, which might be their own enemy in this case by setting the expectations too high. You're definitely right about the long term implications though, if I was an investor, I would take this as a net positive to hold.

I don't think it's that controversial unless you're hardcore conservative. Realistically he just laid out the view of most of the Libertarian party. Nothing he said denotes woke or communist except for the part or him claiming to be one. I'd like to see the full context, because that woke communist comment probably wasn't directed at Linus’ views

Just a non photographer random internet guy who stumbled upon this post here, I dig it but I think there’s too much brightness/white going on. Especially with the top of the boats where it all sort of blends together. I’m also in a dark room at night getting ready for bed, so maybe it’s just my eyes not adjusting right 🤷🏻‍♂️

Still it’s a cool picture for sure

Just made the switch to NextDNS. For $2/month I get a lot of the same features but also on my phone when not on WiFi. Still love my pihole though!

Target. Walmart, Amazon, UPS,Lays, Annheiser-Bush …just a few companies who have already begun testing automated replacements. If you think they aren’t all biting at the bit to pull the trigger on this the second they can, you’re naive. They’ll see insane overhead price reductions and increased productivity, all leading to higher profit margins. The slow change already started years ago. You can retrofit an existing big rig for less than half the salary of a driver and utilize 3x the work hours.

I drive 150-200 miles/day. I’m definitely zoned out for the most of it lol

Anyone who uses FSD on their Tesla would happily tell you it’s not even close to being safe yet. Hell if anything I’m MORE attentive when using the autopilot because it can be so sketch sometimes.

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What are you running? I’ve never had an issue like that at all

Check out Vivaldi

Which is why this veto is retarded

Yep. Made a switch to iPhone when the 14 came out. Verizon rep thought my wife and I were retarded for not wanting to pay an extra $500 and ditch the 13. Only time I get a new phone is when it’s destroyed. No need to have the latest and greatest when it’s not doing anything functionally different.

Lol the ownership of the tool is not at what the point is. The point is that you and many others think Elon is somehow obligated to assist Ukraine in killing Russians with his tools. Not only is he not obligated, he is morally obligated to NOT help them. The morality of murder doesn't change, the only thing changing is the vast majority of brain washed peons who think Elon is somehow responsible for Ukrainian deaths. I changed the tool to x-ray because in this case, Starlink is not a tool that is designed to kill or keep alive, only aide in communication. In this situation, Ukraine wanted to use this tool to kill. Fuck anyone that thinks this is okay. Fuck anyone knocking elon for denying it. Unlike the vast majority of users here, I am an actual combat vet who has experienced these things first hand. It's easy for anyone to sit behind a computer desk and dehumanize people because of their country. No different than the piece of shit politicians making money off the backs of these murders.

If you can't see this point or comprehend these allegories then perhaps you're part of the problem.

I love the concept of crypt.ee, I just don’t have enough usage to justify the cost. I’m trying out voyager now though! Any other recommendations?

Nope. In this case the doctors machine isn’t a life support system, it’s more like an xray machine. The ownership remains the doctors the entire time. The doctor chooses to stop a patient who wants to use the machine to kill another patient.its his machine to begin with. The ONLY morally correct decision is to not allow it. Get mad at the doctor all you want, at the end of the day you’re advocating for murder.

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Imagine being so brainwashed that you think since someone else owns a life support machine, you have the right to use it to kill people you don’t like.

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Lmao I love how you guys are getting downvoted to hell for having differing opinions too

Oh the irony

How things are isn't always how they should be.

As a full fledged Ancapper, I respect your opinion

Sounds like you're on par with the nazis yourself there buddy. Keep advocating violence and censorship 🤌

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Lol way to rebuttal yourself. Truth is, you're no different. But hey, I’m an ancapper, I must be fucked up for thinking every individual has the same rights. 🙄

Also, legitimate question here…what has Andrew Tate factually done that makes him a Nazi and/or fascist?

The huge problem with everyone shifting from Reddit is there is the echo chamber and hive mind is going to build back up with it. Most people can't seem to be nuanced enough to appreciate your comment because they're seething so much over who the subject is. Liberty is deserved amongst all, not just those you agree with.

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