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Joined 1 years ago

The headline made me think I must be missing something. It's not weird to me that games look better/more realistic over time. That's the progression of technology.

So I watched the video, and... if I was missing something in the headline, I missed it in the video, too. I want my 6 minutes back, please.

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I had a friend in high school. We were at a gas station, and he went in to get some additive to put in his tank. On the way back to his car he unscrewed the cap, and took a big swig. The bottle still had the foil cap, so he wasn't actually drinking anything; he just did it for the reaction. The thing was, he didn't actually check if anyone was watching.

Sometimes people are just weird...

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That's great, right up until Ring unilaterally decides to give the police access to your videos without a warrant, or when the police use a warrant to grab video from ALL of your cameras, even if you've already complied with their request, and the video is not relevant to their investigation.

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That albert's name?


The 3rd party N64 controller that your friend has to use.

The ladies will be so impressed with just how much 8 is equal to D!

ordering his cultists to sacrifice themselves

And take down a few others in the process!

Sorry, the best I can do...

Their robotic sweeper is trying to avoid catastrophe with machine vision. It found what looks (to me and OP) like broccoli. The device thought it was "pet waste", so it worked around it.

I think it's safe to err on the side of caution here.

Internet of ThingSecurity?

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Absolutely fair response. I'm sorry that I came across as attacking your point. I just meant to provide another reason why the cameras shouldn't be recommended, using the context of your quote from the article. I'm sorry that I wasn't clear about that.

can't even subtract from a timer (it can add, though!)

"Ok, Google, add -5 minutes to the timer"

It either explodes, or you start getting notifications in the past. Seems like a possible win, either way.

Now paint splatters are coming for my job!?

Humanity truly is screwed.

Think, Duke, think!

Now, I'm not a countamatician, but that sounds like more than the 50 states (and fourteen territories).

Who's double-dipping?

And, for the love of dog, please require that the volume knob not rely on software! I hate trying to turn down/off the radio and then wait while the car decides whether I'm serious.

When I first start my car, the screen has to go through the boot up sequence and safety warning before the volume knob starts responding. The music starts playing right away, though, at whatever volume the previous driver deemed appropriate.

And the relevance of depicting her as Saturn eating a... I'm gonna say moldy B.L.T. instead of a child?

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It always makes sense to support whatever union is closest to your field by joining the union.

Wait... Can you just, like, join a random union? I assumed you had to work in the same industry, at least.

Yeah, rich people are well known for their strong moral fiber and lack of desire to passively accumulate endless money.

Ce n'est pas une cacahuète

You were so close! The correct answers are "Ooooohhh and I'm sorry".

Have Germans given up "Fernseher" in favor of "Television"?

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Relevant xkcd?

Somehow, we're using the same language.

That's interesting! TIL, thanks!

Dormammu, I've come to bargain!

Still what!?

The product, originally named "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda", was launched two weeks before the Wall Street Crash of 1929. It contained lithium citrate, a mood-stabilizing drug, until 1948.

TL;DW: The Nissan privacy policy states stated that they can collect and store information about your sexual activity for some reason.

Note: the page seems to have been updated to remove that wording, but you can see it archived on the Way Back Machine from when the video was released.

Edit: spelling

And finally there's Best Buy.

My local Best Buy actually got rid of the DVD and CD section. That made me realize I needed to get serious about converting my physical media to digital. I'm still building my Plex library.

Yes, I know about Jellyfin and Emby. If I'd heard about them first, I'd probably be using one of them. Plex was the first one I tried, and it works great for me.

What a creative solution to a problem! Just like a silly goose!

you have a better experience for half the price or less.

And there are no downsides!

free software

To make a common clarification: free as in "free speech", not (necessarily) free as in "free beer".

Just because the software costs nothing, doesn't mean that it's not hiding something. In fact, the opposite is often true.

I'm sure you know that. I'm just clarifying for OP, who isn'te a programmer.

Not just physical mail. The letter had to have the serial numbers of all devices associated with your account.

Sure, let me go digging behind my TV with all of my free time so that I can give you information you already have, dicks.

Elisha casts Bears. It's super effective!

I have yet to find a milk substitute that pours the same way, specifically over cereal, but even into a glass. Dairy milk holds itself together fairly well, but non-dairy milk tends to splatter all over the place.

It's a minor inconvenience that in no way counters said downsides of dairy milk, but it's a frequent reminder that it's not the same.

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And my credit card is going to love the per-transaction fees!

Bachelor hack: heat some water in a pot on the stove, and use it to iron your clothes. For a synthetic material like this, you'll definitely want to keep it well below boiling, though.

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robo alli g

Thanks for that...