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Joined 12 months ago

I think the Tankies have already made their minds up. The real people who won't be voting Biden are some % people who saw the debate.

A lot of people have left-leaning economic views ( tax the rich ) but there's basically no political or media representation of those views. ( because the rich run the media and government )

What a fucking abomination. Everyone who passed this law needs to be locked up.

I would have become a socialist way sooner if Tankies weren't so prominent. 'USSR good' is not a great selling point.

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nice job elon

The arrest warrant isn't for genocide. It isn't mentioned at all. It's about mass killing and using starvation as a weapon of war. Joe and his team obviously knew that before issuing the statement, so this must be intentional misrepresentation. So if anyone is under the impression that the US is just a neutral and unbiased third party; here's a clear cut example of them lying to support the Netanyahu government.

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They solve tailpipe emissions AND all the emissions associated with mining, refining and transporting the fuel - which is enormous and usually left out of the calculations. Public transportation / walkable infrastructure is god-tier but lots of people live away from dense neighbourhoods. Ev's are not a golden bullet solution to climate change but they're pretty good and neither is anything else. It makes sense to attack the issue from as many angles as possible instead of getting all tunnel-vision about one particular solution.

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Only by abolishing poverty can Bentley sales go up. Bentley shareholders 🤝 the working class, allies in the fight against capitalism.

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Man this entire country is corrupt from top to bottom.

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IMO the issue isn't that there's too much negative content, but that there isn't enough of everything else. I'd encourage people to post, engage with and signal boost other kinds of content they're interested in. May just be that politics and social issues are some of the most popular interests in the community.

Now that's a headline

Worthless company. Hope they go bankrupt.

Can't believe he'd say that about Home Alone 2 star and friend of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump.

And he's unpopular for doing the right thing. The Trump team wanted him to help them steal the election and he didn't do it. Because of that the MAGAs dragged a full size gallows to the Capitol Building and started chanting 'hang Mike Pence'. I'm surprised he even has the nerve to campaign given how much the followers want him dead.

The thing is - he didn't even have the power to do what they wanted him to do, he couldn't have swung it even if he wanted to.

They both suck and Waymo's has a whole ass sensor thingie on the roof. So it's insane that Tesla's is even legal given that they rely entirely on cameras and fate.

The USA was as inch away from becoming a dictatorship. You're lucky to just have pure corruption.

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Argentine inflation is at 211.4% , the highest it's ever been in 32 years. The value of the Peso is about where it would be if it's existing downward trend had continued. Go check it, he's barely made a difference to it's value. I'm sure Milei's PR team is hard at work making up these claims but please fact check them because they're obviously BS.

Youtube has always claimed that it doesn't turn a profit but I don't believe them. My reasoning is that if the server costs are more than the revenue today, then they're going to be worse tomorrow. A gorillian gigabytes of data are uploaded to that thing every nanosecond. A company can't get exponentially less profitable every second and still survive. And what else is there to prop it up? Google ad results? No way is Youtube not profitable. They're saying that to avoid tax.

The people who wanted it shut down talked about local safety issues like groundwater contamination. Green advocates generally understand that nuclear is better for CO2 and it's dumb to shut them down. Feel like the article is muddying the issue by using 'green' to mean multiple things.

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They did this in the UK and it worked. The Cali law just has dumb ass loopholes in it.

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Hey that's not bad

A Monsanto shill claimed he would drink the stuff on TV in an interview to prove how safe it was, but the interviewer called him out on his bluff and he refused to do it LMAO. Guy's name was Patrick Moore, ex-greenpeace founder turned paid shill for whatever company is paying him, usually it's climate change denial.

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Lmao shell being more evil and ridiculous than most cartoon villians. Hope these streamers tank their careers.

There's been so many studies on UBI and they all show that it works, but people just don't like their taxpayer money going to other people. It's a real common attitude and I can sympathise with it, but it's small-minded and destructive in the long run. The richest people in the world spend money to get people to think like that so they're blind to the bigger picture: The world is the richest and most productive it's ever been - so why is everyone is so damn poor? Do we really have to fight over crumbs?

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One years' defence budget to decimate the entire military capability of one of the US biggest rivals. That's just a good deal. And it's insane to bring up US interference in Ukrainian politics when that's the exact thing Russia has been doing since forever. Russia has considered Ukraine a vassal state since the time of the Tsar, but somehow America is the one trying to mess with their sovereignty? Delusional propaganda.

I think the question is backwards. I think Republicans market themselves as being the 'christian' party because they rely heavily on religious and emotional arguments to support their positions ( because they're wrong )

seems they're a little upsetti spaghetti about US letting Ukraine launch attacks across the border with their weapons.

Used to dismiss it out of hand because all the 'socialist countries' are complete authoritarian hellholes. But in hindsight this is a kind of thought-terminating cliche. I never really knew what the idea was apart from some vague notion about sharing or something that's well intentioned but never works out in practice. I think most people share this belief.

Turns out the idea is pretty simple: Worker ownership and control. Places like the USSR and China fail this definition because they don't have any of that. Therefore they are not socialist. Those countries replicate the worker/owner dynamic of Capitalism, so it is 'State Capitalism'. And they both have the same problem: A small group of people have all the power and they fuck over everyone else.

I had to get sold on the specific idea of 'market socialism' / ' workplace democracy ' before I learned and realised this. The general idea is that if you can run a country like a democracy, you can run a business like one too. In fact, many are. So lets do that as much as possible in order to wrestle power away from the owner class who spend all of their money bribing politicians and ruining everything.

The pollution from EVs is far lower than ICEs even if they are powered by 100% coal - the absolute worst electricity source. This is because a large generator is inherently more efficient than lots of small ones simply due to the efficiency of scale. And most grids are far cleaner - the UK uses almost ZERO coal.

The problems that you've just described are real and I support your solutions to them - but they apply to the entirety of modern industrial society. Public investment should absolutely go to these things, but since people are spending their private money on EVs ( which in many cases makes economic sense AND are better on emissions ) , why push against that? They are two totally different revenue streams. Spending on one doesn't detract from the other. A private individual can't buy a bus. American suburbia is not going to become walkable any time soon.

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Yanis Varoufakis said a while back that Elon is trying to replicate China's Wechat, which basically does all this. Owning digital platforms and having total control over them is now the best way to make money, and Elon basically wants that for everything.

Really? I think he still makes some really solid content

I imagine they'd go under if they rely on the general public as their customer base. Companies that cater to the wealthy would probably grow. Companies are created and go bankrupt all the time, individuals in the owner class will win or lose but that won't affect the broad distribution of power. If it gets really bad feudalism might come back.

The Kurzgesagt climate videos explicitly encourage political action to combat climate change. I think they even encourage it as the most important thing an individual can do. They don't push 'let capitalism solve everything' , they push 'vote in green candidates + regulation'.

I saw one of those videos taking them down for receiving Bill Gates money and frankly I think it's a pretty empty hitpiece.

Don't get me wrong, the Gate's foundation does push this 'never question the market' ideology, and any organisation that relies on their funding deserves to be scrutinized to hell and back. But Kurzgesagt does not push this ideology.

' The problem with Kurzgesagt' never found any factual issues with their content, AND the broad message of their videos is ' lobby the government for regulation + here's the technology' . If Gate's Foundation money has caused them to compromise their values, it's not done a good job of it.

Funding is not the same as editorial control, and the amount recieved from the gates foundation is not even a large portion of their income, so it's not like they have much leverage.

Gate's Foundation and similar spend money literally everywhere, so I worry about people writing good orgs off so quickly.

There would still be a profit incentive in this case even if they charged 1% of what they're asking for. They'd still be making a 50% profit. A margin that would be highly favourable in basically any other industry. The whole point of market competition is to drive down that profit margin and pass the savings on to customers. A 95% markup like here demonstrates that the health industry is completely immune to market forces.

Damn you raise a good point. Afterall capitalism is when the means of production is owned by small elite, and socialism is also that but like even more.

Same people.

Those are made of PET which is one of the most recycled types of plastic ever.

Some truly goofy goobers

Ah yes, the economic miracle of...Somalia??

Let me put it another way: There are lots of people who believe that the US and co are at least fair on this issue. It's worth assuming that for every narrative and impression given by the media there will be people who accept them.

So I think there's a lot of utility in putting yourself in that frame of mind and then thinking: ' If I believed this, what would make me question it? '