
4 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My local mayor wants to increase funding for the public transit, but he didn't say ACAB, so I'm not gonna vote for him even if the other other guy is gonna slash the public transit funding by half 😤😤

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The statement that the Hyperloop was never meant to be built was speculation by a reporter called Ashlee Vance. He said "It seemed that Musk had dished out the Hyperloop proposal just to make the public and legislators rethink the high-speed train." There is no evidence that the initial intention behind it was malicious. I would say that effectively, he did kill many public transit projects and the article gives a couple examples, but you can't just put pure speculation in the title. Now fewer people are gonna trust you.

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It's crazy how people advocate for a free (as in freedom) internet with as much privacy as you want, then in the same breath tell you how they're entitled to content without paying.

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Come on everyone, let's be better than this. Ruud literally said script kids, why do yall have to go and blame reddit? The Lemmy gets more attention, and chaotic dumbasses do their thing. You don't have to do any mental gymnastics to tie it back to spez.

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People may have read this and got too excited. He just believes in socially left policy. He's probably not a communist.

Problem is that people actually think that it's 99% vs 98% (not saying you think that) when that's not the case. You have a guy that incited a riot against our democratic process and a guy that kept encouraging unity and actually helped fund infrastructure, local chip manufacturing, renewable funding, etc.

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There's no need for a new internet. Every garbage service has a somewhat viable alternative.

You have peertube instead of youtube Kagi, duckduckgo, marginalia, etc instead of Google search Lemmy instead of reddit Mastodon, polycentric instead of twitter Gitea instead of github Bandcamp instead of spotify There are probably more things but you get the idea. The problem is not the internet itself but that you have to have many people go to objectively less polished or paid services to protect their personal data. I don't know how that would happen since honestly, the privacy shit doesn't affect people's everyday lives, but using different services does affect their lives.

No girl ever said "damn he would look really sexy if his lats were like 40 pounds"

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The FP5 is the best in terms of repairability. The device just opens up without any insane glue, just clips and screws, the parts are there and are reasonably priced. And it's manufactured with sustainable source material according to the company. The workers are treated well also according to them. The company directly sells the FP4 with the deGoogled /e/os which shows that they care about privacy. I could also see them selling this one with built in /e/os sometime in the future. It also does everything you expect from a phone reasonably well.

However, as a phone in that $750 price range, the features and polish are lacking. For some reason, the phone just feels sluggish to use. I have a Pixel 6 and compared to it the difference is night and day. The screen says that it's 90Hz but it feels like 25Hz when scrolling sometimes. So I recorded scrolling on a chromium browser on both the FP5 and the P6P. I think you can see the difference. Keep in mind that the videos are both 60Hz so I'm probably not inaccurate when I say 25Hz.

I think the phone is overall positive since it gets you from point A to point B and the philosophy behind it is great. I myself am gonna be regularly using it since the sluggishness is something I kinda gotten used to.

Edit: I should have mentioned this from the get-go. But I have installed /e/os which is in beta. This could contribute to the slowness so take my experience with a grain of salt.

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Mostly ignore it

Gotta gamble sometimes since the odds that there are truly milfs in the area is never 0.

Just because this method is a subset of the brute force attack doesn't mean that they don't have request limiting. They are reusing known breached passwords from other platforms, which makes it basically a guarantee that they will get the right password if they don't use a password manager. Their computer systems are secure, it's just their business model that's a privacy nightmare.

A samsung sd card instead of a sandisk one 👍

I think it's inevitable that lemmy attracts these kinda people. At least for me, I got out of Reddit not just because of the API decisions, but because I just don't like the idea of having 0 control over my services. The API thing was just a wakeup call.

I'd say that I'm "part of the problem" in terms of shilling for FOSS software, but I was the same back on Reddit. So it's gonna be my type of people that come in here.

Either that or tankies

A lot of channels exist as a natural extension of an already existing business

I don't know what that means

I'm not going to support Google and the mass dregs that create clickbait garbage and predatory content that takes advantage of the algorithm in order to make as much money from ads as possible.

Then pay and show Google that their business model needs to change. If you pay, then their incentive is not to maximize watch time, which is probably why you have a lot of clickbait trash. Or don't watch YouTube.

Google isn't entitled to make money by simply hosting reaction videos and hyperbolic political commentary.

And you aren't entitled to watch videos without ads and without paying. Choose one.

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dd=disc destroyer

Then you give them an effective DDoS protection measure instead of posting things without evidence.

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For the variability point, they do tests in as a controlled environment as they could, and do the tests until they get consistent data. But what do you mean by significance test and how can they do it?

I agree they're not the gold standard but they're the best we got in terms of independent third party testers, and I would assume they're more than good enough for tech stuff.

I agree that golang is being dumb when you don't even have the option to tell it that this is a testing env or something. But the thing about syntax highlighting is not the same. One is about handholding the developer so much that it makes it even more difficult to develop, and the other is a completely optional feature that is so uselful and non intrusive that even wizardly editors like emacs use it.

It just overlays a red tint over the screen, not a true blue light filter

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Kinda stretching the meaning of pollution here aren't we?

That actually looks really amazing! I really want more services to actually compel users to pay to support them, and make it a good decision to do so. I think this is the best suggestion so far. Thanks mate!

Do you know what community this is?

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Yeah I think they saw a couple of examples Of stores taking out the self checkout lanes and ran with them. Although you could say the theft that the self checkout lanes allow is a recurring expense, but that's probably not nearly as much as the saving that the machines give.

Yeah but those are the issues that I have. The idea is to have a private phone where you don't have to worry about Google harvesting your data and keeping it forever. But when you have an OS that has all these features and then use the Google services that take all that data, what is the point?

Also it’s quite a security issue since it needs signature spoofing to work which is insecure by definition.

According to the last paragraph here, the spoofing at least in Calyx is limited to only microG. It's less secure than a sandboxed thing, but I don't think it's gonna be that bad.

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I tried it but unfortunately it's very similar to Google search just without the trackers, and sometimes the results are a bit worse (worth it for not having the trackers though)

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What do you mean?

He said that Stallman had some fucked up views, showed quotes on what his views are, explained how this is a pattern, and finally said why this should make it so that we reject him in the Free Software community.

Which part was the non sequitur?

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Yeah but now you can just say that instead of actually talking about the subject. If it were any other time, you would say something like "there is no credible source that Aisha was 9 when they married" or "are you saying that christians didn't historically marry 14 year-olds?" Or whatever other rebuttal you can have. And someone who doesn't know anything about the subject who is reading this might be swayed to your position. If you just say "fuck off with this dogwhistle" people might not be convinced.

They're actual filters but they just go to about maybe 2500K and I'm looking for as low as 1500K. Something similar to CF.Lumen but without the root.

You can create another wallet and move all the funds there

I think you need a bit more evidence to claim that they are being nefarious like that.

Use lxc/lxd to get all of the performance benefits of docker and all the freedom of a vm

How else would you convey that information?

They are not using money from revenue but are using investment money to do their work

They are a private company not held by the public

They have to turn a profit eventually

Growth phase and startup are redundant but they're true, they're a new company

Ich bin anderer Meinung, ich habe den Bildschirm meines P6P kaputt gemacht und ihn repariert. Ich denke, das Hauptproblem sind die Praktiken der Unternehmen, die eine Reparatur so schwierig machen. Ich denke, wenn man sich Jeffry Hughes anschaut, der auf YouTube Telefonreparaturen durchführt, erkennt man, dass dort ein übler Blödsinn vor sich geht, der nur dadurch erklärt werden kann, dass die Unternehmen nicht wollen, dass irgendjemand die Telefone repariert. Außerdem glaube ich nicht, dass es neue Dinge gibt, die neue Telefone mit sich bringen, solange es scrollt und eine Verbindung zum Internet herstellt, ist alles in Ordnung. Der einzige Grund, warum ich mein Note 10+ nicht habe, ist, dass der Bildschirm fast so teuer ist wie ein gebrauchtes P6P.

Und am wichtigsten: Hören Sie auf, sich der Hegemonie der englischen Sprache zu widersetzen!!!!

I was too retarded to realize this was a joke and was in the middle of replying seriously.

But yeah I just bought a one-way ticket to Athens.

You know I haven't really thought of it that way. A huge problem with the way people are thinking is that we want to see the other side fail or be worse off. It doesn't really have to be like that, we can just make what we have better.

Although I gotta say, it is nice to have a service that your real life friends might use that you can discuss things with them. I find it kind of annoying sometimes that I have to explain everything that I use like the Fediverse or Matrix, or other services that I self host. But I guess that's a price you gotta pay for freedom.

Or literally anything else with a screen

Fine just know that this is entitled behavior and you're just perpetuating the ad-block ad-block-redtector rat race.

I'm pretty abrasive but nothing happened to me IDK what you're talking about

"Because I don't want PayPal doing the same"

Honestly they're both annoying because they take a fee on top of the credit card company fee. Just cut out the middleman and use the credit card option.

Examples please

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