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Joined 1 years ago


I feel like there are kinder ways to express your opinion than to say "ew" about something someone made for themselves...

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i have no idea what y'all are referencing and it's making this 10x creepier

edit: a dude from fullmetal alchemist turned his daughter into a chimera, which the op bears a remarkable resemblance to

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Perhaps that's why they said

Zoomers overall

Also not sure what's so inconsiderate about their comment. I feel like it's pretty widely accepted that zoomers generally don't have the same tech problem-solving skills that many gen x/y people do. No one's claiming they're dumb. It's a byproduct of growing up with tech that has been designed for simplicity and ease of use.

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Congrats! Remember to be kind to yourself if you have some trouble adjusting to the new routine since it's been a while <3

My skin's about that light. You would not believe the number of people who think it's fine to comment on the color of your skin and tell you how weird it is. And foundation is such a pain in the ass. You're lighter than KVD 40N or don't want to spend $40/oz? Fuck you, mix a match yourself.

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I hate how awful yet ubiquitous it is. Depending on your demographic, not having it can mean you miss out on a lot of pop culture and sort of get left behind.

I'm probably in the like 2nd most targeted demographic, so all my friends are on TT and all the trending things related to our hobbies are on there. I constantly feel left out because I'm missing 99% of the content. And it's hard because I want to have dumb conversations about pop culture and hobbies with my friends, but I refuse to download it. It makes me so sad. It's very isolating

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Psychologist, work in schools. I feel like I'm slightly more tech-inclined than my peers but idk

are you upset about the phrase "yuck my yum" or them trashing your food, period? I mean both are mildly infuriating to me but I'm curious

edit: added much-needed comma.

Also, I've only ever heard this in the context of food (hence the "yum") but I see it's also used for other things? Which is awful, because "yum" should absolutely never refer to anything other than food

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Sort of tangentially related to this... Today I was telling my mom about something I bought and I mentioned the brand + a general description of the item. About an hour later, she showed me a screenshot of her Facebook feed with an ad for the exact brand and item even though she didn't google it, etc. Makes me so uncomfortable. I'd feel a lot better if I knew specifically how they were getting the data so I could try to block it.

I'm not great with math so please let me know if I'm understanding this right:

  1. Company has 100 employees
  2. All 100 employees quit
  3. Company gets 100 new employees as replacement

= 100% turnover rate


  1. Company has the 100 new employees
  2. 50 of the new employees quit
  3. Company gets 50 new employees as replacement

= 150% turnover rate

and so on?

I'm a millennial-ish. I had a single mom and she was all-in on parenting. Although I'm not sure which part(s) of parenting you're asking about specifically. Discipline? Instilling values?

Are you sure this isn't just a CVS thing? It says the same thing for me and I know my insurance covers UTIs for everyone. Maybe try an urgent care?

Terrifying, thank you!

Ask your doctor to formally evaluate you for it. Explain what symptoms you have that make you suspect the diagnosis (including how long you've experienced them, what the impact is on your day-to-day functioning, etc.). Your doctor will determine whether you meet the diagnostic criteria + discuss possible treatments (e.g., therapy, medication).

how can you have a turnover rate over 100%?

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All good!

Yup, this is the reason.

i'm so confused. what do you need all of this for. why are you being so secretive. what could possibly be this dramatic

It's busy but it looks similar to how I've been wanting to set up my home screen for ages. I have the standard grid right now but I took a look at some widgets and I'm having a vision of a brighter future lol. Redoing my home screen will be my self-care activity this weekend haha

Single game would be Skyrim, series would be Pokemon or Harvest Moon. I haven't put a significant amount of time into a game or series in a loooooong time :/

I know it's completely wrong but it makes me think of a shark. Like a megalodon I guess?

a few people have mentioned it's because of anatomy and how it makes male UTIs more complicated + require more complex care. it's not a case of insurance not covering it, op just needs to go somewhere else

Thank you so much for putting your time + effort into this! I'm enjoying Limbo so far :)

Is there a specific place to put suggestions/requests? I'd love to be able to filter out or block words (rather than just people + communities), and it would be great to be able to collapse replies + not have to scroll through lengthy reply chains if you don't want to.

I've been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who are continuing to stick with it + be supportive. I didn't expect anything beyond the planned end of the blackout, although I didn't expect thousands of subreddits to participate in that either. Either way I've basically cut Reddit out entirely. I used to scroll 2-3hrs a day and I'm down to maybe 10 minutes once or twice a week when I'm trying to find an answer to something. Attempting to fill my newfound free time has been.. fun

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