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Joined 11 months ago

Tunic is fantastic. Enjoy!

The tragedy is that the centralized, profit-driven, socially-damaging platform keeps so much value under ransom because the parent company can operate it for so long at a loss.

I get that the platform is a marvel, it's just disappointing that its purpose is tailored to keep eyes watching more ads rather than contribute to society as a whole.

These stories continue to come out. And things continue to not change.

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In April of 2023, right-wing podcaster Steven Crowder announced that he and his wife, Hilary, were divorcing—an event, he explained to listeners of Louder with Crowder, to which he did not consent. She “didn’t want to be married anymore,” he said, “and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.”  

Crowder, upset, lamented: “My beliefs don’t matter.”

Fuck you. You consent to be in a marriage, not out.

I too miss the LED notification light. If you have an amoled display, check this out:


The iphone/non-iphone situation is utterly insane to me. I am constantly being punished for not having an iphone, be it texting or airdrop. These things should be standardized and interoperable, not owned commodities by companies. Grrr.

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My highest isn't nearly that large - Dark souls remastered at 1143 ratio.

Kudos ☠️☠️☠️

Shitty position to be in, where you are dependent on your competitor to foot the bill.

They've been completely dropping the ball for years. I used to donate regularly but have completely given up on this project. It's a farce at this point.

Thankfully I only have simple needs so Krita suffices and I don't have to deal with the never-improving UX nightmare and never-releasing changes.

Yeah, I'm salty. It's just that GIMP was a shining star of FOSS and it's just been slowly rotting from inaction.

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I've known enough people that have gotten injured or died from cars that I am also against them. However, I go the other way and heavily encourage building more, separate bike paths. Fuck cars.

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Oh my god... Does that mean.... that.....

.... Something might actually HAPPEN?

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Addiction, I suppose.

The youtube comments are sad.

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Yeah, normalize either being okay. Just like long or short hair. Diversity is the spice of life.

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It is way way lighter weight and is overall a better experience. I use osmand for routing because the voice is much better tuned (OM just says barely-useful things like "turn left" instead of "turn left at Broadway". I think both have their uses. If the voice was better I would use OM exclusively.

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Congrats! I'm glad you had that experience!

https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx has some apks you can download. The quality of the voice I've used is fantastic: I prefer it to Google's to be honest. The program itself has been buggy for me, though... Needing to launch the TTS launcher before I can use any application that would use it

It's such a tragedy that we humans are surrounded by so many people yet have to endure such isolation. Just a few years ago I was practically completely isolated. I feel very fortunate to have sprouted and made a community. To have continued down that path of loneliness would have been incredibly hard.

Nice one! I have heard it called a fuzzy JPG of the internet.

So.... Most of the web?

Well said. Contempt for the average user makes it easy to forget one's humanity.

Considering the absolutely devastating performance hits 3.x brings (and the apparent design failures that make it extremely difficult if not impossible to reclaim it) I wonder if openssl's days are numbered. WolfSSL seems to be favorable to the HAProxy team. Hopefully that can get some traction.

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I'm happy for you! We all take different paths in life and it's great you enjoy yours.

What's the second?

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Don't hate it! You were just born in a different time. Your time will come where you have to explain to the young ones about how "smart phones" worked since they'll just have their implants as interfaces. And also jetpacks.

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I would seriously consider something like this since my computing job requires me to stare at a light bulb all day. Perhaps there's a demographic that would spring for this in the same way there is for quality chairs.

Dancing! Both socially and performatively. It's very fulfilling to me and is an easy way to raise my mood. there are very rarely any times where I come in and out with a foul mood.

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Every now and then I see a parent having a tender moment with their child and I smile. I then reflect on whether my vasectomy/shirk of parenthood was the right choice.

I always come to the conclusion that it was. Perhaps when I'm older I will feel differently but I just can't imagine that in my life for a long time.

Indeed. Xmpp is lost as a general purpose chat app for everyone. I have many issues with matrix but it's the best chance we have, particularly with bridges.

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Indeed, the whole system is massively complex and serves a megacity with one of the world's oldest systems 24/7. Maintenance is insanely costly and difficult. It's like repairing airplanes while in flight.

One of my favorite aesthetics. So clean.

Interesting point. I wonder if this person spent hours trying to get that kind of junk working without an understanding of the OS (Their comfort level was hinted at through the article)

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I felt the same about BotW. At first I enjoyed the freshness and exploration but it quickly gave way to the sinking realization that it's an empty world with smatterings of lifeless villages and MMO-style quests. Ew.

I imagine that this public reddit doesn't care about that; They are instead interested tn engagement and sinjing to the lowest common denominator. Quality control only matters when it hurts engagement.

A lot of latin dance. Tons of lessons, workshops, and social dancing. I recommend it :)

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I used to play a game where I guessed the top comment on a post. I was right more than I'd like!

Please do!

That's unfairly mean and aggressive. Kindly remember which community this is in.

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Ha. Been there, spending hours and hours trying to get some game working. I'm thankful it's been so much better in recent years. So much more painful a decade or so ago.

That said, I never had to work around anticheat stuff. That sounds tough.