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Joined 1 years ago

We're currently in it. Failing to create a clean, renewable, and scalable energy source powerful enough to run a society that is ever increasing in both population and technology without destroying their only inhabited planet has got to be the most common great filter.

Asteroids strikes, super volcanoes, solar CMEs, and other planetary or cosmetic phenomena that exactly line up in both severity and timing are too rare IMO.

Every society that attempts to progress from Type 1 to Type 2 has to deal with energy production. Most will fail and they will either regress/stagnate or destroy themselves. Very few will successfully solve the energy problem before it is too late.

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As long as I can disable it, sure. Knock yourself out.

I've platinumed every version of every FROM Soulsborne game on every platform that has trophies/achievements.

I'd rather spend the rest of my life at Lilith Fair

And if they don't vote, it won't matter.

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This is why net neutrality is important. To prevent bullshit like this from happening.

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Good. Touchscreens are the most unsafe feature added to vehicles in decades. It's honestly mind boggling how it was allowed in the first place.

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I've seen this sentiment in a few places recently, and as a software engineer with 20 years of experience I can say with 100% certainty that this is a terrible (and dangerous) trend when it comes to programming.

Undergrads should absolutely be learning how memory works, how to allocate it, when to free it, and what issues you can get into when you don't do it properly. Sheltering them from such things will lead to a more ignorant generation of developers, which will lead to a lot of headaches down the road, for everyone.

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So that nurse will be charged with 10 counts of murder on top of the federal drug crimes, right? ...Right?

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So, it's corruption all the way down I guess.

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Arizona and the entire South West don't have a drought problem. They have an aridification problem. While this canal project is a good move in general and we should have been doing it years ago, there is no solving the over-population of a desert. One look at Colorado River basin and its reservoirs is enough to know there is nothing we can do to fix it.

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Republicans are idiots

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Ranked choice voting please.

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Those are great features and two of the biggest reasons I never bother with Paint. But locking them to Windows 11 and not putting them out on Windows 10 is some Grade A bullshit.

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That's fine. I'll continue to use Firefox.

If a police officer can't tell the difference between a knife and a gun, they shouldn't be a police officer.

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So the election officials in that state are all going to federal prison right?

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Can we finally add an age limit to all political offices, please!?

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I had to read the title several times before I understood that the article isn't about Apple Jacks, the cereal.

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All of these airplane malfunction stories coming out in recent weeks are exactly the thing I wanted to see leading up to my flight tomorrow for the first real vacation I've had since before COVID. Thanks Universe.

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Not going to lie, I haven't played a competitive shooter in years, but I used to play the shit out of CS back in the day. I kind of want to jump into this again.

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"may have been"

Taken at face value, I can see the argument here. However, the reality is that the Oil Industry has spent disgusting amounts of money lobbying (bribing) governments and organizations in order to slow or outright kill programs related to clean energy or anything related to weaning off of oil. They are 100% part of the problem. So fuck'em.

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This is why we can't have nice things.

TIL about Nitter.

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Not including wireless charging IS caring about the environment. Wireless charging is extremely wasteful and inefficient.

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There really needs to be age limits on government positions.

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Any parent of a kid that is unvaccinated should be charged with abuse and child endangerment IMO.

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If this isn't enough to get literally everyone that isn't a Republican to vote, I don't know what is.

That new logo is... yeesh.

So this is why they keep raising prices, huh? To pay for this idiotic idea?

Staring at a blank screen is better than watching an ad IMO.

Elden Ring is the best one for beginners, because if you get stuck at a boss you can just leave that area and go somewhere else. You are very rarely ever "stuck". That is not the case with any of the other Soulsborne games.

In addition, it has spirit summons which make the game significantly easier.

And since it's the newest one AND has a DLC coming out soon, it's also the most played one right now. So finding other players for co-op is easy.

I also consider the bosses, on the whole, to be the easiest of all of the FROM Software games.

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TIL of Post News.

My wife and I got new phones earlier this year, because her battery wasn't holding a charge anymore. The FP5 looked awesome and had everything we wanted, but they won't release it in the US. So we were stuck with the usual suspects. I understand why FP can't bring all of their stuff here, but it still sucks.

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That and your phone's microphone and other sensors.

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Man, they really do not have people that are good at naming things do they?


FROM's and Elden Ring's good names will be forever tarnished with this bullshit. Even if, and it's a big if, this turns out to be a decent port it still feels really, really gross. This is really disappointing.

I would totally buy one if they brought it to the US.

No, it's not?

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