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Joined 1 years ago


Code Name: Go Fish!

Oh boy... so there's this thing called a stock photo and...

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Is this a joke, hyperbole? To build on your example, what if I wanted to find out “how to disable Windows 11 update prompts” into lemmy’s search. Do you think I would get the answer I’m looking for?

I’m not saying I don’t want to be rid of google and all they do. I would pay for 10 proton mail accounts a month if just one of googles data centers spontaneously burst into flames right now!

Well I’m willing to wait a while longer… I have not tried Kagi yet, but I will as soon as I get bored with Midjourney. Hopefully someday we can collectively slip the yoke, but I suspect googles results will get a lot worse first.

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[…]will only take a few hallucinations before no one trusts LLMs to write code or give advice

Because none of us have ever blindly pasted some code we got off google and crossed our fingers ;-)

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The article pretty plainly says the guy was coerced into entering his password. So the headline feels a bit manipulative.

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What a shitshow. It sure sounds like the cops are trying to intimidate this newspaper… but the whole story sounds screwy.

Do you really get to keep your liquor license if you get a DUI? I’m not against problem drinking, doing some now… just not behind the wheel.

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Popular Science/Mechanics runs this story every 5 years. I'm not even going to read it this time ;-)

I swear this headline was just a comment the last time this got posted...

It’s almost like they were designed around something round… I call it the data-wheel!

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Love it. When they announced they were getting out of the handset market years ago I figured they were nuts. Now their equipment replaces china’s while they seemingly now manufacture licensed knockoffs of Nokia’s old handsets 🤯

Someone at Nokia is getting the Bond Villain of the Year award 🤔

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Was announcing that he (literally) had the brain worms supposed to be good for his campaign? This seems like the sanest trend in politics for at least a decade.

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Yeah, I'm not seeing any new information here.

People were initially confused and angry, three days later when word of the fee wavers for using their own ad network started circulating you could practically hear the collective "Oh!" from space.

It’ll be branded X™ and be an everything app with chat and mobile payments and fun games… you’ll never want to close it ;-)

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At this point I’m assuming most if not all of these content deals are essentially retroactive. They already scrapped the content and found it useful enough to try and secure future use, or at least exclude competitors.

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A: Find the back of your computer. Locate and remove the ethernet cable.

This solution is hardware based (so nothing Mozella does to try and pay its staff will have any effect). Completely open source, so you and others can easily observe how it functions and potentially implement improvements. 100% effective at achieving your stated goal (provided you don’t have WiFi). And lastly: Has the added benefit of protecting you from any security risks introduced by running a 5 year old web browser.

…NORAD will continue to track and monitor the balloon," NORAD said in a statement. "The FAA also determined the balloon posed no hazard to flight safety."

One U.S. official told CBS News the balloon was expected to be over Georgia by Friday night. The official said the balloon appeared to be made of Mylar and had a small cube-shaped box, about two feet long on each side, hanging below it. Its origins and purpose remain unknown.

Also the FAA: If you want to fly your DIY drone at a local park we’d really appreciate if you put a GPS transponder on it and register your name/address with us….

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Clinical strength kleptomania really is the only thing that explains Wells Fargo. 

While I have no doubt she’s a white nationalist, hired the same graphic designer, wasn’t quite what I expected based off the headline 😌

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I’m waiting for Apple to announce they are pulling out of Oregon 😂 [^1]

[^1]: Also the impending injunction 😒

Or because they contained original self contained humor…

This is great!

I wonder how many € I can rent an EU citizenship for ;-)

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So glad he finally grew a spine. There’s hope for paralyzed people everywhere.

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And my dad still wants to know what's on the laptop 🙄

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Sad Pattern? This seems less dark and more pathetic...

Fairly longwinded article on the US government buying data to skip on getting warrants.

The size and scope of the government effort to accumulate data revealing the minute details of Americans' lives are described soberly and at length by the director's own panel of experts in a newly declassified report. Haines had first tasked her advisers in late 2021 with untangling a web of secretive business arrangements between commercial data brokers and US intelligence community members.  What that report ended up saying constitutes a nightmare scenario for privacy defenders.  “This report reveals what we feared most,” says Sean Vitka, a policy attorney at the nonprofit Demand Progress. “Intelligence agencies are flouting the law and buying information about Americans that Congress and the Supreme Court have made clear the government should not have.”  In the shadow of years of inaction by the US Congress on comprehensive privacy reform, a surveillance state has been quietly growing in the legal system's cracks. Little deference is paid by prosecutors to the purpose or intent behind limits traditionally imposed on domestic surveillance activities. More craven interpretations of aging laws are widely used to ignore them. As the framework guarding what privacy Americans do have grows increasingly frail, opportunities abound to split hairs in court over whether such rights are even enjoyed by our digital counterparts. “I’ve been warning for years that if using a credit card to buy an American’s personal information voids their Fourth Amendment rights, then traditional checks and balances for government surveillance will crumble,” Ron Wyden, a US senator from Oregon, says. 

Congratulations Lemmy we are now statistically significant 🥹

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I value my privacy and have an extra $7 to blow every month.

Bleep boop, this summary has saved you 99.9%… just kidding i’m not a bot and have no idea what the article says ;-)

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People who insist on real flesh porn will ultimately be viewed as weirdo’s out of touch with reality like people who insist everything sounds better on vinyl.

Fast forward 25 years past the first Ai war and a ragged but triumphant humanity must rediscover the lost art of waxing.

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Cops do not mentally and physically scar teenagers because they are evil[…]

Strongly disagree.

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Wasn’t this guy hired to be some kind of poster-boy CEO because he has a highschool masturbation related injury that causes one of his arms to constantly ache? Why is he giving everyone business advice now?

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This is the state of medicine in this country: she wasn’t even censured for being obviously batshit insane, just for refusing to submit to the medical boards investigation.

The state medical board indefinitely suspended her license Wednesday, saying she refused for over two years to cooperate with the board's investigation of over 350 complaints against her, which suggested possible violations of state medical regulations.

Brought to you by the same people as the pre-recorded webinar. Book your virtual seats now!

Some top notch intrigue here; a maintenance company gets blamed, enlists a famous hacker collective for help, evidence mounts, locomotive manufacturer issues loaded denials...

Thanks OP :-)

That post from a couple weeks ago was right, you really can blame Reagan for everything😉

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Hopefully they offer her asylum at the same time…

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Then why do you smoke? If it's not helping you be the person you want to be, or at least not in this situation why force yourself?

Besides, quality not quantity is really the important thing with speech.

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It sounds good, but that’s enough wiggle room to drive a truck full of money through. Even “at cost” has been abused pretty badly.

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Don’t worry… they are probably going to a “trusted” 3rd party service ;-)

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You didn’t do it. There’s got to be some additional factors here, other stuff going on for her. They don’t let you into the field if one bad patient can knock you out of commission.