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I cycle a lot around my city and no cap I believe that they fucking gift driver licenses in cereal boxes nowadays.

I cannot begin to describe the enormous stupidity one can found on the road.

(And not only drivers, electric scooters are almost worse. At least when I have an accident with them they are the ones who take the worst part).

I don't know if it might be due to ADHD (or something related) since I'm still waiting to get tested but I feel the same.

The moment I notice I'm not good/best among my peers at something I don't want to touch it even again.

On the other hand this might be just me acting like a five year old I don't known. I just related hard.

I love mechanical computers and typewriters. I cannot explain properly why but when I see one I'm always amazed.

Fr, the amount of times I found myself having to say "just half coffee half milk" because I forgot the fucking dumb nonsensical name…

I don't have the energy right now to try and express myself in English but some of what you have said has resonated with me.

I think I experience something similar to the toy building feeling. Dunno if it's related to ADHD but still.

I'm a hyprland user (mostly due it had an upstream flake and worked at first try on my nvidia optimus laptop) but I really want to look into RiverWM. I wonder how well it supports NixOS…

Loca (Remix) in my ass.

I'm still surprised I haven't lost my earbuds yet…

Maybe it's because I'm paranoid about bot loosing them…