1 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I’m a bisexual black guy. All of the slurs lol

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My guy, you’re just describing capitalism.

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Software engineer here. I’ve literally had to make that choice. The answer was no. He treats his workers like shit, underpays a ton compared to the industry standard, and constantly engages in union busting

Even without the moral issues I wouldn’t work for him.

Alright so anyone have any recommendations? For me to buy their games of course

MF OWES us a comment

Little guy pissed by his moms car because there were no bathrooms. What else was he supposed to do?

You might be underestimating how little 100 billion is, compared to the wealth of other billionaires.

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Yeah as much as I hate Amazon, I have no trust in our government to successfully pull this off

Unfortunately that depends on the circle you’re in. A lot of dumbass libs think that all leftist ideologies are strictly authoritarian.

Chess. I’ve been playing since I was a kid, and sometimes I’ll create new accounts on chess websites to see how quickly I’ll get them rated to 2000+. I’m living proof that chess players aren’t that smart though because I’m a dumbass when it comes to literally anything else.

I mean anything will sound insane once you stripped all meaningful context from the situation. Clearly you can see the difference here now, right? Like even if these people did worship satan who cares? They should have religious freedoms right?

Why tf would anyone run a random shell script on their machine? You don’t even need an RCE anymore you just need a dumb ass on social media.

Unpopular opinion but ubuntu.

You will eventually run into an error you have never seen before and and someone using ubuntu has already solved it and posted it online somewhere.

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I think that analogy is backwards here. Israel is the school bully. This has never not been the case, ever since the partition. In the past 75 years Israel has been displacing and killing Palestinian people, restricting freedom of movement, doing settler colonialism and genocide. Hamas’s horrific terror attacks are the result of the material conditions of Palestinian people deteriorating. The more Israel pushes them into a corner, the more extremism will look that a real choice to them.

Israel keeps taking Palestinian lunches, but much of the western world doesn’t care because they are Israel’s allies. Then the western world hears about hamas attacks and gives israel more money and weapons, continuing the cycle.

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Fuck it, we ball

That, plus we are good at throwing things and we sweat. Which means we have range and we can cool off while still being active.

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Facts, I mean i quake, but not like them.

Lmao what serious Marxist is saying this is ok?

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I got a raise at mŭ job!

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While I don’t doubt this happened, this isn’t the first real link between capitalism and religion, specifically Christianity. It can actually go way further back, like to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Capitalism was beginning to take on its early forms, and doing what capitalism does best, which is reinforcing currently existing social hierarchies. When European ‘ancient farmers’ came over to the americas they needed labor, and ended up using Africans. Problem was, under English common law you weren’t supposed to own christian slaves. (Some slaves actually used this defense to escape slavery see Elizabeth key), and the region where slavery first popped off was Angola which was a largely christian country, so the colonies detached themselves from English comon law (which was one of the many stepping stones leading up to the American revolution) and changes various rules so that they could. That way they can keep holding slaves while using their religion to justify what they were doing. Religion was used to bolster capitalism, capitalism made religions people rich.

Abrahamic religions (as are most organized religions) are insanely heiarchical. Like we said before, capitalism has a habit of reinforcing those social heiarchies, so it’s not really that surprising that there a huge overlap there. Just like there’s a huge overlap between billionaires and capitalism supporters, or landlords and anti-union support.


I haven’t seen it, but now I’m even more excited to

Lmaooo the only people who use that California talking point are people who have never been inside of a school in California. They aren’t cutting math classes they are offering alternatives to high level math courses like calculus, stats, and data science. Explain to me how that’s burdening anyone??

What the actual fuck lol. So if there was a situation where rape and or murder’s consequences outweigh the benifits, then you’d be ok with it? You can justify anything with that mindset.

Fuck communism and their…… shuffles cards ….. female scientists!!!1!1!

Recycling is not the solution to climate change. It never was. Holding companies accountable for destroying our environment is.

Lol well that’s moderately terrifying

What exactly is bad because of communism?

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No it wasn’t. Last week it was under Israeli occupation and blockade. That is not peace

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If someone walked into your house, forced you into your bathroom, said that they owned the rest of the house now, would you be willing to go to peace talks if it means that they get to own half your house? Think about that for a second. Who do you think started the war in this context? Why exactly do you think that Israel had to keep fighting for its survival?

Just because Israel won a few wars, and is backed by other western imperialistic countries doesn’t mean they are right.

Gaza is under a barricade from both land and sea. Many don’t have access to clean water, a home or food. Meanwhile Israel is far more technologically advanced, and consistently has arms, and money being sent from western allies. The state of Gaza is 100% the fault of the Israeli occupation.

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Then instead of letting the super advantaged, super rich take all the resources we should work on getting and producing more. Which probably starts with taking from the people who are hoarding them all.

This may be true, but the violence; whether physical or structural between hamas and IDF is wildly asymmetrical. We can condemn the attacks, but if we are going to deal with this issue and offer solutions we need to address the open air prison, and apartheid state that Israel is operating.

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Bro really just said “war crimes sure makes war much easier!” What???

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And absolutely no one was surprised

Why the fuck? No man im not ashamed or sorry for who I am.

Dude the Palestinian-Israeli conflict didn’t begin last week….

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I started playing this last weekend and it’s so much fun.

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