1 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

Easier question: Which marketing tactics DO you like?

I like Steam's discovery queue, sometimes I find some pretty interesting stuff. It's entirely voluntary, and I can leave at any time, instead of holding my time ransom and demanding my attention with annoying cringe-inducing content like most marketing.

EVE Online AKA Spreadsheets Online, back when I played it in 2009. No idea if it's the same now. Almost entirely player driven economy and factions (outside of hi-sec).

Elite Dangerous, sort of. No other Space Sim is on its scale (I wouldn't really call something like Space Engine a space sim). Unique, but mixed recommendations because it's a very shallow game in a lot of ways, but it's got a cool vibe. Speaking of which...

Space Engine. Not really a game, so much as a universe-simulator. It is unknown to this day how a mortal could create something of this grandeur. Maybe the source code will be released eventually.

Someone else already mentioned Noita :(

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is the most realistic game ever made. No other game had made me ask "what would I do in real life?" before. Of course, this dies out the more you learn the meta, but your first dozen or so runs are special.

Minecraft is hardly unique now, but when it came out it was one-of-a-kind.

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I run a real linux on my phone, so I can use it for anything I can use my laptop/desktop/unix for. I think what people forget is that phones are ultimately just computers with a WWAN radio, and the restrictive nature of Android and especially iOS obfuscate that.

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Your ability to ride the fence is admirable OP, don't let anyone take it from you πŸ™

Baldur's Gate 3. Currently 20% off on steam, but I want to wait for at least 50% or something, especially for a $60 game.

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postmarketOS, native, on pinephone. There's a few mobile devices these days that can run mobile Linux.

Russian/Chinese software contains spyware: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ’’πŸ’’

US software contains spyware: πŸ˜‡πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

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Or even better, write userscripts that can be used anywhere instead of inside some non portable extensions framework

Distrotube, Luke Smith, and Mental Outlaw all give me bad vibes. Shame they're (minus distrotube) at the forefront of OpenBSD youtube content.

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If you're going to give GNOME shit, at least let it before how much they destroy portability of GTK, enabling cancer like Client Side Decorations, and ignoring their community when it comes to things like desktop icons.

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It's as easy as following any set of instructions. Whether or not you actually understand what the instructions are doing is an entirely different story. If you actually want to learn how to operate a posix system, doing a bunch of command line installs of Linux isn't going to help you with that. What will help is living in something with excellent documentation like OpenBSD, with minimal reliance on external tooling. Once you have the skills, they'll transfer anywhere.

Every piece of hardware I've used past 2010 or so seems to have just gotten worse and worse, I honestly think I'm cursed.

2013 (? can't quite remember), Sager gaming laptop with sli gpu config, gpus drew too much power for the battery (I believe), leading to black screen and reboot. Company feigned ignorance, ran unrelated tests on RMA, Socially awkward at the time and was scared to ask for a refund. Convinced to this day it was a scam.

2015, desktop computer I built randomly powers off during usage, no errors, not the power supply, unsolved to this day.

2020-2022 5 cheap ebay thinkpads, all with one hardware problem or another. My beloved T60p was the last to go.

2022-present Framework laptop, ports suffer intermitent failure, webcam microphone stopped working. Replaced webcam/microphone, works for a day, breaks again. Unsolved.

2022-preset Steam deck, had to RMA 3 times for various hardware issues, works now, but the right trigger still rubs against something but I can live with it. Spilled coffee on the left trackpad so it's sticky; that's my fault though so I can't blame it on the curse.

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Linus Torvalds or Theo de Raadt

I fucking hate this dystopian hellscape of misery and torment and I hope it gets glassed. Land of the fee, home of the slave. If I get drafted in WW3 I'm a turncoat as soon as they hand me a gun.

At least we made UNIX. UNIX is cool.

I'll never forget him for introducing me to dungeons of dredmor, the game is the bad roguelike, but I don't know if I ever would have gotten into roguelikes without it

Nah I ain't about that rust life

cgi on the other hand... 😍😍😍

letting unqualified businessmen rule the planet instead of experts in their given fields.

For destructive commands I much prefer find / -type f -exec mv {} /blackhole \;

Awfully positive comment section here for a rancid shitty megacorp known for rancid shitty subscription services now trying to predate on gamers.

They said the worst thing that could happen, not the best.

very cool and based; I take it you're a chroot fan?

pledge() and unveil() were already compiled into the chat client

Roko's Basilisk / Pascal's Wager scared me for a little while. Then I realized it was stupid.

Also you can invert Pascal's Wager and argue that god could not want to be worshipped, and worshipping a god result in punishment due to celebrating ignorance and blind faith.

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thanks for the brain rot, op πŸ™

based, please leak the source code so I can illegally build fromsoftware games on openbsd

OP of the reddit post is doing a pretty good job pointing out themselves why Mozilla is hated. They pretend to be pro-privacy and defend the internet from Google, while making mad cash from none other than google, introducing garbage like DoH to cloudflare, pocket, cliqz in Germany, and cucking to drm standards. Anonym is just the latest trash on heap that is Mozilla's track record.

There are alternative browsers (webengine (stripped down blink), webkit, Ladybird, Netsurf, text only (in order of supported features)). Do they support every web standard perfectly? Do they have the same level of extension support? Maybe not, but they're good enough for most usecases. Stop pretending Mozilla and Google are the only options.

corporate linux apologists promoting proprietary ecosystems are still corporate apologists promoting proprietary ecosystems

Support ClamAV instead of this trash

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Not "snakeoil" per say; employers will care about your history of education: but as an aspiring computer engineer currently in CC looking to move to a university, I've learned exactly 0 useful things at community college. Outside of the piece of paper you get at the end, it's all useless busywork, testing how much bullshit you can put up with. Everything useful I've learned in life has been for free, provided kindly by passionate communities. Hopefully this changes in university.

I think the value employers place in modern education in the United States is snakeoil, however.

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Police, Judges, Presidents, Therapists, Executives, the whole US scammer industry of Noctors ("Functional" Neurologists and other chiropractors)

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XREAL Air 2 Pro glasses to give you a virtual β€œ100 inch” display.


It’s an ARM-based PC


it runs a custom operating system called SpaceOS, which is a built on top of Google’s ChromiumOS

Unless the bootloader is unlocked and it's possible to write an open driver for the glasses, Bye.

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Feels like Linux 4.20 wasn't that long ago and we're already at Linux 6.9? At this rate Sex 2 will release and it won't even be exciting

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wonder what fraction of a fraction of a percent of their yearly profit they'll be charged this time

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Stolen from r*ddit, this is what the option looks like in the config (already in beta/dev channel)

also stolen from r*ddit: "Anonym was founded in 2022 by former Meta executives Brad Smallwood and Graham Mudd."

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We need to keep this going to see what op will do once this gets smaller than 1 pixel

"ClamAV is bad so instead of improving it I'm going to cuck to proprietary standards instead"

I never said ClamAV was good or bad, nor was that the point.

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Now we have so much bandwidth it doesn't matter

Squints eyes

Now we just don't care about even the slightest modicum of efficiency

Every minute you use lemmy, spez's penis becomes 1 millimeter smaller

Copying this from another thread that was basically the same question, but didn't get much attention

Started on Arch Linux for some reason back in 2016, I just decided to throw out my Windows and install it (Don't really remember what was going through my head, or why I wanted to install Linux, other than I was reading the r/linux subreddit wiki at the time). I was trapped in a TTY trying to install the thing for maybe a week, and after 9 reinstallations, I got Arch working and got a Weston compositor session running under Wayland. After realizing Weston was more a tech-demo than something I was actually supposed to use, I installed X11 and Gnome, which was cool for approximately 3 minutes before I decided to replace it with some minimal window manager instead. Can't remember if it was i3wm or something else, but i3wm sounds right; and later I messed around with some tilers like StumpWM, ratpoison, and HerbstluftWM.

After about 3 months, something in Arch broke (systemd was not reaping processes properly was what I concluded at the time, no idea what the actual problem was but I ended up with a bunch of zombie processes), and I decided to install Gentoo as my second Linux distribution. After installing Gentoo, I entered a stage which is colloquially know as "config hell" where I overconfigured everything to the point of breaking something, and could never figure out what I actually broke because everything was so overconfigured. After recompiling the whole system, everything was still broken, so I reinstalled Gentoo, this time less overconfigured, but still somewhat overconfigured (It didn't help I was also running a full self-made custom kernel config with 3 months of Linux experience, I surprised the thing booted at all).

I lived in Gentoo for around a year using HerbstluftWM, but eventually I grew tired of how much maintenance Gentoo required and just wanted some sane defaults. This led me to installing OpenBSD, which I guess was the right decision for me because I'm still using it to this day (7 years!), and is where I gained the majority of my knowledge about using Unix thanks to the wonderful documentation. Initially I didn't like the ports system because it didn't have as many knobs as Gentoo's portage did (Gentoo's portage is more modeled after FreeBSD's ports than OpenBSD's ports it seems), but I came around to enjoying hacking ports with my own patches instead of using preconfigured knobs. Eventually my porting skills got good enough that I now officially mantain a couple OpenBSD ports (games/stone-soup, www/pipe-viewer), and that list is likely to grow. I switched between some other window managers (ratpoison, JWM, FVWM2) before settling on OpenBSD's in-house cwm. I purchased a VPS also running OpenBSD, and self host various things like email, git, ZNC, web/http, and IPsec/VPN. Eventually, I grew tired of not having games to play (OpenBSD doesn't support WINE), so I bought a Steam Deck that I use as both my gaming desktop and handheld. I also bought a Pinephone from Pine64 which currently uses PostmarketOS (I hope to run OpenBSD on it some day though).

tl;dr Use Arch as your first Linux distribution and you'll end up as an OpenBSD ports maintainer I guess

The longer Bethesda doesn't touch Fallout the better, as I see it.

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