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Joined 1 years ago

One of the many who fled Reddit in June of 2023.

Domestic terrorism.

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Can't be a spoiler candidate designed to siphon votes away from Biden in the general election if he isn't on the ballot, hence this move to run as an independent as there's no fucking way he would win a primary.

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I like to ask the phone scammers if their moms are proud of them. I had one a few days ago who got so pissed off by that question that he invited me to suck his dick and then called me an asshole before hanging up, lol. Damn, social security agent Robert, you angry.

/taps watch...

edit: the news story updated. It was his dad and his aunt. Meh. I wonder where they got the $500k from, though...

Mandatory Fuck Spez comment

Saw some douche in a pickup with a Let's Go Brandon banner on the rear window yesterday, It was accompanied by a chromed plastic 'FJB Edition' badge on the tailgate. Classy.

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I am more shocked by the fact that that motherfucker reads books at all.

How is that the case? Lossless is lossless. Not trying to be a smartass, genuinely curious here.

Something tells me that you would also have found yourself quickly dropped from the team.

Fuck Donald Trump.

Fuck this fascist turd.

So, have they actually gone out of business?

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Thanks for reminding me that Rush Limbaugh died.

you'll just get subscribed to other campaigns all the time anyway because those motherfuckers share/sell your information to each other.

I just want to see Bobby Fucking Kotick gone.

Side question: Why do Reddit and Twitter and all of these other social media shitshows use idiotic terminology like 'permanently suspended'? Surely the correct term is 'banned'. The word suspended in this context usually implies a temporary nature.

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needs more jpeg

I'm not normally a proponent of prison for debtors, but in the case of these motherfuckers I'd be happy if they threw away the key.

Jesus Christ. Listening to what's in that recording is a lot more damning than what's written in the article.

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just never connect your smart tv to the internet

While I’m no fan of Facebook/zuck, I would love to see this bullshit play out.

He's more dangerous, being evil and not as fucking stupid.

Fuck ‘em.

I've been linux-curious on-and-off for years. I've toyed with it several times but always gone back to Windows eventually. I have a laptop with a 7th gen Intel CPU that is not supported on Windows 11, so I decided to wipe it and threw the latest version of Linux Mint on it. Everything (except for a fingerprint reader) worked straight out of the figurative box, and I've been happily running it on that machine for about 6 months now. I think Mint is a good choice if you want a simple windows-like experience.

I still have a desktop PC running Windows for games and Adobe Lightroom and stuff, but I won't be going back to Windows on that laptop.

I worry that when Gabe Newell eventually retires or dies that some MBA shitheads will take over Steam and then it'll decline like so many other things lately :(

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you can set separate resolutions for your laptop's built-in screen and your external display, unless you're just mirroring the display to both.


Several Kotaku writers quit and launched their own operation recently, named Aftermath.

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The tip top number 1 for me has always been TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM. Everything about it was awesome. Mindblowing for the time 640x480 graphics, the iMUSE music system that dynamically changes the music to react to what's happening in game, really fun flight mechanics, a massive amount of missions to complete, and the overall really excellently done Star Wars treatment.

For those who are interested, a free community-made remaster of sorts called TIE Fighter Total Conversion was released a couple of years ago, and has received several updates. It is based on the ancient (although not as ancient as TIE Fighter) X-Wing Alliance engine, and has been hacked and modded so much that it feels like a modern game, and it includes both the original campaign from TIE Fighter and a reimagined version of it that uses things that the newer engine can do that the old one can't, such as having many more ships present at the same time and the ability to travel from one place to another via hyperspace within a mission, etc.

TIE Fighter works fine in DosBox btw. TFTC works natively in modern Windows. If you're going to play either game I highly recommend using a joystick. Mouse control does work but it is not that fun. Gamepads will probably work too, but still won't feel 'right'. Also you're going to need to keep your keyboard within reach as there's a whole bunch of keys you're going to need.

Same shit happened when the Steam Deck released in 2022 as well. A bunch of them disappeared into FedEx. Fortunately, Valve promptly took care of anyone who was affected.


Elder millenial here. Grew up on Doom and Quake.

The Freedumb Caucus.

Defenestrate them!

I think it is kinda newsworthy because Elon already threw his toys out of the pram when Threads launched and started eating what was left of Twitter's lunch. That this one guy just reposting the already public data about his jet's movements bothers him so much is delightful.

Amazon added epub support to Kindles a while back, and deprecated mobi. It still has some issues with epub formatting though, I've had to tweak some files using a Calibre plugin to make them render properly on the kindle.

Hold on to them and sell them in the future when scarcity makes them valuable again.

If they can afford the power bill for all of that A/C maybe.

I think vBulletin is - at best - dormant these days. I spent about 10 years on a vBulletin-powered forum before I went over to reddit... 12 years ago.

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This kind of shit is what lead to abortion being legalized by popular referendum in Ireland a couple of years ago. Anti-abortion laws so strict that hospitals let pregnant women die rather than abort a baby for fear of prosecution.