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Joined 12 months ago

Sweet wallpaper though

I’ve stopped reporting obvious scams / spam on instagram because something like 19 out of 20 reports get ignored or denied

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Lemmy also has that bro. Some clients display it and some don’t, but when I click on your name I see that you have 510 total comment score and 0 total post score.

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This only makes sense if you assume the only part of your brain is the conscious part. But it’s got much more to it than that

Do you want another abu ghraib? Because this is exactly how we get it.

You can disable it pretty easily in the settings. I wish more apps let you opt out of ads so easily.

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A smoking jacket is a jacket you wear while smoking, so that the smell sticks to it, instead of the rest of your clothes. It was common back when smoking was cool and not something for losers

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Tell him to get a smoking jacket

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The point of freeways is to go as fast as possible. There’s no houses or kids playing on them. Why would we try any kind of traffic calming (aka slowing) on them? That’s probably why you can’t find any

Ok but you could also see how much they are paying other people which I feel like would even things out.

“We see you currently make 50k, so we’re gonna offer you 60k”

“I see you are paying everyone else 80k for the same job, so I won’t take any less”

They’ve all got cell phone modems in them essentially. They use LTE or whatever it’s called these days.

If a game can be cheated by using a 3rd party controller then the only skill involved in the game is how fast you can press the buttons, so who cares?

Try turning down the blue on your computer instead of using the glasses and see if you get the same effect

250GB cache

1 TB Pool

2 TB Pool

(2TB Parity partition + 8TB non-redundant storage partition) = 10 TB HDD

You’ll have a total of 3 TB that’s protected, and 8 TB that’s not. When you get another 10 TB drive in the future, then you’ll have a total of 13 TB that’s protected.

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Dreamquest was the original roguelike deck builder, and it had a lot of depth that you wouldn’t expect from its shitty art, I think it’s still worth playing. One of those games that seems extremely difficult until you learn the strategy, it is amazingly well balanced, small mistakes are the difference between win and loss

SpellRogue was fun for a bit but not sure it has staying power the way StS does.

Asks a sweeping general question

Gets a sweeping general answer

pikachu shocked face

How much money do you make if we buy it?

Not wanting to pay 3% of all your sales to visa/Mastercard doesn’t make you a “front”

Right, and as current US politics shows us, pandering to the racists is a winning marketing strategy

Congrats on getting out, just passed 3 years for me

Check out MikroTik

Try clicking the “what’s this?” I think it explained it when I did it. All I know is I got it once like a year ago and immediately disabled. Still stupid that they do this for paying customers but it wasn’t that hard to opt out.

220TB in 10 years on a 250GB disk means you are doing the equivalent of rewriting the entire disk every 4 days or so for 10 years

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If this is only “decent” waffles, what mix do you recommend for excellent waffles?

“A real 24bit flac takes longer to download than play” if you have dialup maybe. I don’t think you can even legally call it “broadband” if your internet is slower than a flac bitrate

Does it work any better than 12ft? I found that worked maybe 1 out of 4 times at best

PCIe 2 x4 is the same speed as PCIe 3 x2, no?

The data on your console is just a url address that points at a Nintendo server. That server is going offline. So if we don’t get the url before it goes offline, we can’t download the url.

I’m confused, my comment is not valid because amazon is a hospital now?

Home Assistant hates it if you install anything else on your server besides Home Assistant. Don’t even think about running other docker containers besides HA or you’ll get persistent nags and it’ll prevent you from updating without doing workarounds

This is common in dense urban locations; parking is expensive, and getting free parking just for working somewhere is not expected at all.

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